First Quarter Investment Pulse

Contributed by: Angela Palacios, CFP® Angela Palacios

During the first quarter of the year, managers and strategists are eager to travel and get the word out on what they think is to come in the New Year. This quarter was no exception. Here is a summary of some of the standout guest speakers we were able to host at the Center!

Priscilla Hancock, Global Fixed Income Strategist of JP Morgan

Priscilla Hancock stopped by to visit our office to discuss the current state of the municipal bond market. Priscilla’s insight into this market is both logical and insightful. She discussed that, for the most part, municipal bonds are less expensive now. Investors often worry about the performance of their municipal bonds in an environment of falling tax rates—which it seems we are on the verge of. Investors have sold off the space recently for that reason. But she has found there is very little to no correlation between municipal bond performance and tax rates over the long term. The municipal bond market is driven primarily by the retail investor, so you or I. We can benefit from the tax-advantaged status that the interest from municipal bonds produces. As rates fall, municipal bonds tend not to experience as much price appreciation because retail investors focus more on the yield a bond provides rather than the total return aspect they can provide. So as rates fall, the retail investor tends to sell. As rates rise, they experience the opposite effect. Rates then start to look attractive again, so investors may resume buying and help prevent prices declining, as much as treasuries, while rates rise.

Wendell Birkhofer, Senior Vice President, Investment Policy Committee Member of Dodge & Cox

Wendell Birkhofer brought Dodge & Cox’s unique value-based outlook to discuss equity markets both here in the U.S. and abroad. They are seeing value in financials here in the U.S. and also in Europe. Regulation changes and interest rate increases are a couple of the market forces that tend to be favorable to bank stocks—and are occurring right now. There is pent-up cash on hand at banks that could potentially get paid to shareholders in the future—if regulations loosen under the new Trump administration. In the U.S. markets, they see middling valuations (although some pockets are expensive). This tends to be a favorable environment for active management over passive management from their perspective. They also continue to find good value in emerging markets, while countries like Japan still struggle with corporate governance headwinds.

Ted Chen, Portfolio Manager and Aditya Bindal, Ph.D, Chief Risk Officer with Water Island Capital

Short volatility and the illusion of diversification were the topics we discussed with Mr. Chen and Mr. Bindal. They shared their groundbreaking research on the topics to a packed conference room of Center staff. They discussed how since the 2008 market crisis, the volatility of volatility has been off the charts (this is how much the VIX, a measurement of volatility in the equity markets, has, itself, been volatile). The markets have seen volatility spikes to the tune of two standard deviation events fourteen times over the past nine years! Alternative investment strategies are supposed to be uncorrelated to equity markets; however, they showed us that during these volatility spikes, most investment strategies lost value. This is what they call “short volatility.” They went on to share that true alternative strategies should possess characteristics, such as: low beta, market neutrality, and a lack of correlation regardless of low or high volatility time periods. These concepts are something we explore in our own portfolio construction process, and they have given us some excellent food for thought to chew on in the coming months and years!

Angela Palacios, CFP® is the Director of Investments at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Angela specializes in Investment and Macro economic research. She is a frequent contributor The Center blog.

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