Beach Volleyball Wisdom

Commitment to a process, adjusting to new circumstances, and effective communication are all actions that help keep financial plans on track.  Partner Matt Chope transfers the same skills to the volleyball court, for which he was recently honored.  

This winter Matt competed in an international tournament in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  The tournament brought together 80+ players and 5 pros from around the world for 6 days of intense competition.  With 11 beach courts used concurrently, the tournament format has each player compete in 30-40 games where teammates and opponents change every game.     

 Matt says, "What makes this an exciting event is not only the physical dexterity and conditioning required to last six days in the hot sand and elements, but also developing friendships with such a diverse group of people with unique strengths and abilities." 

Much to Matt's surprise and honor, he was chosen as one of three male Most Valuable Players by his peer players at the end of the tourney.  Besides performing well on the volleyball court, a positive attitude and good sportsmanship are keys to Matt's tournament success.

These qualities also make Matt a valued Center team member and effective financial planner.Congratulations, Matt!