Matt Chope Shares Values at Youth Diversity Symposium

 On November 9, 2012 Matt offered his thoughts on what it means to leave a Legacy of Value.  Through discussion and a hands-on exercise students explored their true life values.   Matt helped them look inside themselves to determine who they are and where they stand today.  A value Matt takes to heart and practices throughout both his personal and professional lives.

This year’s symposium, "Millennials Creating a Legacy", focused on global issues that the millennial generation face and the legacy that they hope to leave behind for future generations.

The Youth Diversity Symposium is an annual event developed by the Southfield Community Foundation and is being helped in partnership with the Council of Michigan Foundation in 2012.  The event offers a diverse base of youth from the metro Detroit area an opportunity to interact with each other and engage in learning activities centered on social issues and philanthropy.