Sandy Adams Appointed to the Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology’s Board of Visitors


Sandy Adams was recently appointed to the Board of Visitors for the Institute of Gerontology (IOG) at Wayne State University.  Sandy, who also serves on the Legal and Financial Advisory committee for the IOG, has served as the liaison to the Board of Visitors for the last two years.  “I am very excited to be involved with the Institute of Gerontology through the Board of Visitors to assist in further research, outreach and advocacy for older adults,” Sandy expressed, of her recent appointment.

 The Board of Visitors is a selected group of individuals with a commitment to and support of the mission of the Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University.  They serve the IOG on a volunteer basis by assisting in fundraising activities, providing advisory council to the Director and select staff and by acting as ambassadors in the community. Center for Financial Planning, Inc.  continues to be a partner of the Institute of Gerontology,supporting the IOG’s mission to conduct research in the social and behavioral sciences and cognitive neuroscience to issues of aging and urban health.  The IOG uses this research to provide further education to the professional community and the public through outreach and professional partnership.