Gunthers Make Landfall in Landfall

It was hard to leave our beloved Michigan, but Ron and I put down roots in Landfall, a large community  near the beach on the outer edge of Wilmington, NC.  Picture not one, but two golf courses (lovely, even though we don’t golf), a great sports facility, 25 tennis courts, pool and work out rooms (that’s where you’ll find us most days).  It’s not a traditional retirement community. In fact, we have over 1000 kids in Landfall. Our neighborhood is mostly seniors but we love the mix of ages throughout.  What we noticed early on was how friendly and welcoming the people are here.

Ron and I truly enjoy the many opportunities this university town provides—we find ourselves on campus many times a month for lectures and classical concerts, recently seeing the Soweto Gospel Choir from South Africa.  We love the live theatre and the fun people the film industry brings to town plus, down here you get to hear “real” blue grass music.

But despite the beaches and beauty, Wilmington isn’t all culture and charm. Now that Wilmington is home, we also see need. I am on the board of directors for the Landfall Foundation, raising money for nonprofit organizations in our community. Luckily, this is an affluent area and the commitment of the folkshere involved in the foundation is inspiring.  Since 1995, the Foundation has given over $2.4 million to carefully screened non-profits in the areas of education, health and welfare, and the arts. Additionally, I represent our foundation on an advisory board at the University, focusing on Quality Education for Non Profit Organizations (QENO). Running seminars and classes for directors and boards of non-profits, we help them to be more effective and efficient.

Ron is taking a more hands-on approach, donating several mornings a week to our local food bank.  He is also on our neighborhood board of directors. We both find it rewarding to get involved in our new community and to have the chance to give back.

Michigan is and will always be in our blood.  We take people to task when they talk about the car industry and I proudly wear my Detroit T-shirt when I work out.  Of course, we miss home, but most of all we miss friends.  Clients are special friends, you know, and the Center is a very special place.  As I learned in Girl Scouts, “Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver the other gold”.  Aren’t we lucky to have both in our lives?  Our doors are open to visitors.  We make good tour guides and if you’re not careful, you might fall in love with Wilmington, too!