Healthcare Forecast Breakfast

The Center’s health and wellness initiatives were recently recognized at a Healthcare Forecast Breakfast sponsored by the Birmingham Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce.

Center Operations Manager Gregg Bloomfield was one of three panelists leading the healthcare and wellness discussion.  Panel members provided insights on how health care reform and wellness and employee benefit programs are shaping business today. 

After the event, Gregg commented, “Small businesses have particular challenges and opportunities in the area of employee healthcare.   I was pleased to share with this audience the inspiring results of our in-house health and wellness program. 

The Center team leadership has worked very effectively with our community partners -- American Heart Association and Blue Care Network – to improve overall wellness at our workplace.”

Center team members and friends in attendance included:  Sandy Adams, Gerri Harmer, Marilynn Levin, Laurie Renchik, Kimberly Wyman and Troy Wyman.