Center Walks and Donates for Epilepsy

Fun was had by all at the annual Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan Summer Stroll at the Detroit Zoo on Saturday, June 9th.  Face painting, breakfast goodies, and prizes all while personally raising over $450 with the entire Summer Stroll raising over $120,000 towards the research on epilepsy.

As many of you know, my family participates in the Epilepsy Foundation Summer Stroll every year to help raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan.  My family collects donations each year in honor of my dad, Bill Hallock, who continues to thrive since his 2008 brain surgery which removed all of the diseased tissue in his brain causing his Epileptic seizures.  Dad continues to enjoy the freedom of driving a car, playing golf whenever he feels like it and making the best of his new found freedom – even donating his time to “Meals on Wheels” and the “Kiwanis Club” in Ann Arbor.

The Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan estimates that between 100,000 to 200,000 people in Michigan have epilepsy. Anyone can develop epilepsy at any time. In about 70% of cases, there is no known cause. Of the remaining 30%, the following are most frequent: Head Trauma, Brain Tumor or Stroke, Lead Poisoning, Infections, & Maternal Injury. To find out more please visit them online at or call (800) 377-6226.

A personal thank you to family, co-workers and friends for the continued support for a cause close to my family’s heart.  

Jen Hackmann