Opportunity to Participate in Research

 Do you have an interest in academic research?  Is participating in a research study on your bucket list?  If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, we have an opportunity for you.

The Center for Financial Planning is partnering with Dr. Peter Lichtenberg, a national expert on older adults and Director of the Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology. Dr. Lichtenberg has created a new rating scale for financial and other professionals to measure financial capacity in making financial decisions, and he is conducting a study to test his rating scale.  There are two parts to the study; a brief interview and a 60-90 minute session with Dr. Lichtenberg. Participants will receive $40 for their time.

To be eligible to participate, you must be:

  • Age 60 or older
  • Currently contemplating or have made a major financial decision in the last 6 months (i.e. a major purchase, large investment or change in estate plan or beneficiaries).      

Help us to understand financial decisions older adults make so we can help prevent financial exploitation in others!  Contact Sandy Adams at The Center if you have questions or are interested in participating in this unique research opportunity.

The Center has partnered with the IOG for many years to provide both financial and volunteer support, with Sandy Adams serving on the IOG’s Board of Visitor’s for the last two years.  For more information about the WSU Institute of Gerontology’s ongoing research, education and outreach efforts, go to www.iog.wayne.edu.

Raymond James is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, the services offered by Dr. Peter Lichtenberg or Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology.