High Tech with a Human Touch

 Technology seems to change at the speed of light but it always plays an important role in helping us provide world-class service to clients. The Center has a long history of being early adopters of technology. We’ve been using a client relationship management system since 1997; back when very few financial planning firms were doing it.  Done right, technology can increase the value that we provide to our clients. Done not so right, technology can be expensive and frustrating. 

In order to keep abreast of the latest innovations and best practices in our profession, Tim Wyman, CFP® recently attended the Financial Planning Association’s annual practice management event, Business Solutions, which took place just outside Chicago. For 2.5 days Tim was immersed in practice management and technology demonstrations, all focused on how to increase the level of service to clients.

Our Vision 2020, the Center’s roadmap for the future, guides us to successfully use technology wherever we can to enhance the client experience and our team member experience. We also are keenly aware that our investment in technology enhances, but does not replace, the need for the human touch. Instead, we think new tools create more space and time to discuss and plan for what’s most important in our clients’ lives.