Julie Hall Helps Spread Financial Literacy


Teaching middle school aged children about budgeting and the value of learning how to make financially aware decisions, even as teenagers, was top of mind for Julie Hall. That's why she got involved in the Junior Achievement Finance Park in Detroit as a volunteer through her membership in the Financial Planning Association (FPA) of Michigan.

During the workshop teens were given a different life scenario with different education levels, income levels, and unique circumstances emulating real life family dynamics.  With guidance from financial professionals, the participants got to make their own financial choices and build a budget.  After paying bills and reviewing results the next step was to explore and decide if they can and want to save money for upcoming financial goals or donate to charitable causes important to them.

Julie says “Teaching financial awareness can and should begin at an early age so that our children are better prepared to handle their finances effectively in the future.” The Junior Achievement Finance Park is a resource that Julie has been involved with in the past, and each time a member of the Center team volunteers, we walk away knowing we've given even more young people in our community tools they can use for a lifetime.