My heart couldn't be bigger

 Behind every smiling newborn is a parent counting down the minutes until she can be with her baby again. This was my very thought during my first day back at the Center after what felt like too short of a maternity leave  (how could 10 weeks go so fast?). My husband Kelly and I welcomed our first child, Emma Lynn into this world on May 30th. We were fortunate to have the 4 weeks together as we explored life with a little bundle of joy.

The Re-entry

The first day back to work, the alarm jolted me up at 5:00 AM, a challenge since Emma and I would typically wake at 6:00 AM or later. I amazed myself by getting ready in a short 30 minutes. Now what? She’s not up, I don’t want to wake her, but it’s time to GO! I’m a scheduler and I am learning Emma is the one setting the pace from this point forward! We made it out the door on time with bottles in tow. We were greeted with a warm welcome from her early morning caregiver, who almost had to kick me out the door!