Happy Centerversary


Join with us as we celebrate two Centerversaries in the month of September.  Our Operations Manager Gregg Bloomfield is celebrating 6 years with The Center.  Gregg says, “My six years at The Center has flown by!   There have been a number of changes in that time, but what has not changed is our strong commitment to helping our clients live their best possible lives.”

Angela Palacios, CFP® Portfolio Manager has been a part of our team for 5 years.  Angie commented, “It is wonderful to come to work each day with such a great group of energized and engaged people!”

Time flies when you are having fun and we are happy to honor both Gregg and Angela on their “Centerversary.”  Not only do we value their experience and commitment ..... quite frankly, we just like having Gregg and Angela around!