The Turkey Trot Connection

 It was mere weeks ago that we wished Betsey Schrock well as she left The Center for retirement, promising that it was a “See you later” rather than a “Goodbye”. Guess we were right. It wasn’t long after Betsey’s departure that Client Service Associate Gerri Harmer reported the first sighting:

On Thanksgiving morning, I found myself in unquestionably cold weather handing out coffee and hot chocolate to thousands of jovial runner.  Although the weather was brisk at the Ann Arbor Turkey Trot, the snow was falling beautifully and everyone was smiling.  I was having a great time volunteering at this event; especially checking out the creative and clever Turkey Day costumes when all of a sudden who should appear?   Betsey Schrock.  Just days after her retirement from The Center, Betsey had gone turkey and was hanging out with a wild bunch.  No peaceful serene retirement for her.  Great to see you Betsey Schrock --- Keep on Moving!

At The Center, volunteering is one of the values we most prize. Gerri’s gift of her time to the Turkey Trot is just one of the ways we get involved in our community. It just goes to show that when you give of your time, you just might get something unexpected in return. And it might also suggest that no matter how fast you run, you just can’t escape The Center!
