Marilynn Levin reflects on her recent retirement

 Client Services Manager Marilynn Levin recently retired after more than 20 years working at The Center. As she says goodbye, she leaves us with some parting thoughts on what might be ahead for her.

Now that I’m retired, I like to think of my days as vacation days and I am getting used to that luxury.  Many people have told me that retirement will keep me so busy that I won’t believe I ever had time to work!  Right now, I am considering many options to volunteer in a way that is meaningful to me, I am spending more time with my husband, and I am looking forward to seeing more of my 7 grandchildren.

People say old age is not for sissies, but I think the same thing can be said about what I’m going through. Retirement is not for sissies!  After almost 22 years at the Center, I am already missing my routines and my colleagues.  I was so fortunate to have worked with such an amazing and caring group of people.  We always found time to share our lives with each other – we laughed, cried, played, volunteered, shared pictures and really and truly cared about each other.

The same is true of the clients I was privileged to have assisted. I was privy to their thoughts and feelings, as well as their financial lives.  With many, we also laughed, cried and shared our family stories. I will miss those relationships, but look forward to seeing many of you at future Center events.

The Hebrew word Shalom means hello, goodbye, and peace. In parting, Shalom and I wish everyone an amazing 2014.
