Center Family Grows with a New Trujillo Addition

 We’re happy to spread the word that It’s A Boy! Center Support Planner Matthew Trujillo and his wife Diane announced the arrival of their new, darling son, Gavin. Matt and Diane tell us they are having fun raising two little boys and look forward to fishing and camping when they boys get a little older.

Gavin Matthew Trujillo was born on December 26, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. and measured 21 ¼ inches long. Baby Gavin, mom, dad and big brother Luke are all doing well. Gavin is a sweet little treasure that looks like daddy, which is only fair because big brother Luke looks just like Mommy! Congratulations to the Trujillo family!