Center sends team to Raymond James National Conference

If you think conference = boring, then you’re missing out on the way the Center for Financial Planning team does a conference. From our office of 18, we took 15 team members to the National Raymond James Conference in Washington, DC from May 19th through the 22nd. Someone had to stay behind and answer the phones! Aside from some intensely fun team bonding activities, the conference offered an eclectic mix of sessions with one overarching focus – making a difference in our clients’ financial lives.

From investment and market trends to client service refreshers, everyone on the team learned something new to bring back to the office.  We also heard about some exciting updates that are in the works from Raymond James (including electronic signatures!) and we are looking forward to their introduction in the near future.  We also used this opportunity to learn from and share with other top financial planning firms.  Bettering ourselves, our team, and our processes are never ending goals for The Center. 

It was great to spend some time outside of the office and we came back reinvigorated and ready to implement what we learned.  We also want to thank our clients for being so patient and supportive while our skeleton crew worked so hard in the office that week!