Tips for College Students on School Year Spending

College students are finishing up summer jobs and internships and heading back to school with the money they’ve earned ... that is, if they didn’t blow it all this summer. But for those who budgeted and saved, it is time to look at how to spend.  I sat down with one of The Center’s summer interns, Nick Boguth, a senior statistics major at the University of Michigan. Over the summer, he worked primarily with our investment department but has also been involved in other areas of financial planning. He helped give his perspective as a college student on the flip slide of saving: school year spending. 

Before You Spend, Set Some Goals

Many students take summer jobs/internships to save money for the upcoming school year because they may not have the ability to work while attending class. So the first tip is to think back to that first paycheck. Remember how tempting it was to spend it all? I certainly made this mistake a few times when I was in Nick’s shoes! But hopefully you decided to take a more disciplined approach. Now that you’re heading back to campus, it’s time to dig down for another dose of discipline: Don’t blow it all at once! Nick suggests that you set a realistic goal before you touch a penny of the money you saved over the summer. Ask, “What do I need the money for?”  Simply put, how much can you spend and how much do you need to save to make it last until Christmas or the end of the school year?  Doing this from the onset will give you a much greater chance of reaching your goal as opposed to “winging it”. 

Dinner Out, New Clothes, or a Roth?

As you’re setting those goals, consider putting a chunk of your money into a Roth IRA. It might seem pointless because we’re not talking about a large dollar amount, but the more you save early in life, the more it can add up to later. Sure, it might seem like more fun to spend it going out or shopping and, take it from me, when you do that it will vanish in no time. But if you contribute 5-10% of your summer savings to a Roth, you are starting an excellent habit. By making such a responsible choice, your parents may even offer to throw in a "match" the same way many employers do to incentivize employees to save for retirement.

Let’s be honest, when you’re a college student working in the summer, you typically are not earning a large paycheck. WHO CARES?!  What you’re earning as far as experience, knowledge and interaction with others in your field of study is worth far more.  Best of luck to everyone returning to school this year – we wish you nothing but the best! 

Nick Defenthaler, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Nick currently assists Center planners and clients, and is a contributor to Money Centered and Center Connections.

Like Traditional IRAs, contribution limits apply to Roth IRAs. In addition, with a Roth IRA, your allowable contribution may be reduced or eliminated if your annual income exceeds certain limits. Contributions to a Roth IRA are never tax deductible, but if certain conditions are met, distributions will be completely income tax free. Roth IRA owners must be 59 ½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted. Unqualified withdrawals may be subject to ordinary income taxes as well as a penalty tax. C14-026213