Team Building Whirls to a New Level

We are team players here at The Center!  And when we play, we play to win!  Recently, the Health and Wellness Committee sponsored a little excursion to the local Whirlyball venue in Novi.  If you’ve never heard of Whirlyball, you’re not alone.  It is a combination of Basketball, Lacrosse, and bumper cars, which is basically a recipe for fun!  The office broke up into 2 teams:

Game 1: “Friendly” Forgotten

The evening started out as a friendly match of 4-on-4, but it quickly escalated into an intense showdown.  After the first game went into sudden-death overtime, all loyalties tied to the office were put aside for Whirlyball team allegiance.  Angie “Arms” Palacios, who seemed to catch everything within 10 feet of her car, made an amazing last minute play to score the game winning point for Yellow. 

Game 2: Getting Aggressive

In the second game, Nick Defenthaler, who was indisputably the MVP of the evening, outscored everyone and brought Red to an early lead.  Although the Yellow Team came back to tie the game, their achievement was called into question due to an egregiously aggressive play by Matt Trujillo.  Tim Wyman was in position and ready to score, when Matt Trujillo slashed him across the face with his scoop.  Tim literally bled for his team that night.  Regrettably, time constraints didn’t allow for overtime. 

After the game, Matt T. felt sort of bad. To make amends, he is putting together a Center team for the Whirlyball league.  This way, we don’t have to play against one another in the future.  In a clear attempt to get back in Tim’s good graces, Matt is currently throwing around the team name “Wyman’s Warriors.”  The office is open to suggestions, though, so please pass any ideas our way!   

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