Meet our Newest Team Member: Jim Smiertka

Contributed by: Center for Financial Planning, Inc. The Center

When asked for his favorite financial planning quotes, our newest team member Jim Smiertka gave us these:

                         "Most people don't plan to fail; they fail to plan."

                         "How you live tomorrow, depends on how you invest today."

At the office, Jim is working as a Client Service Associate/Support Advisor. He’s learning his new CSA duties & working with our financial planning team, while also studying for the CFP exam, with the goal of becoming an Associate Financial Planner. Outside the office, you might find him enjoying Mexican food or working it off by playing soccer or basketball.

We’re a pretty tight-knit team at The Center, so of course, we wanted to know all about Jim. Here are a few of our favorite answers:

What led you to the financial planning field?

I actually started college with a general business / computer applications focus, but my first major was actually Occupational Therapy. After nearly completing the degree, I had a change of heart. I transitioned to the business college at Western Michigan Univ. and Personal Financial Planning was the major I was drawn to.

What made you take a job with The Center?

The Center was offering a job that matched my preferences perfectly, and out of all the places I interviewed at, it stood out the most due to the new office design and all of the staff that I came in contact with. I knew The Center was at the top of my list. :)

Do you have a personal philosophy on saving?

It is very important to start saving early in your working life. You can save less if you start earlier! The effect of compounding interest cannot be understated.