The Center Teams Up With Challenge Detroit

Contributed by: Melissa Joy, CFP® Melissa Joy

We are pleased to announce that The Center is participating in the fourth year of Challenge Detroit. Challenge Detroit is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing tomorrow's leaders to Detroit for a year.

Challenge Detroit is a leadership and professional development program. Each year approximately 30 talented college graduates work for a Challenge Detroit Company and work with other fellows to serve Detroit-based nonprofits. As a company participant, we will be hiring a Challenge Detroit fellow for the next year. Fellows were selected from a group of hundreds of applicants with final interviews in May.

I had the opportunity to meet Challenge Detroit’s executive director, Deirdre Greene-Groves earlier this year. The work Challenge Detroit is doing is inspirational. We’ve wanted to give back to Detroit and our community and this seemed like the perfect fit.

For more of an introduction to Challenge Detroit, here is a video about the mission of the program. We’re excited to introduce you to our fellow soon. Stay tuned!

Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse the opinions or services of Challenge Detroit.