Post-Transplant Report on Tim & Kacy Wyman

Contributed by: Center for Financial Planning, Inc. The Center

You may have heard that Tim Wyman was out of the office earlier this summer. He underwent surgery to remove a kidney, which was then transplanted to his daughter Kacy. Tim’s wife Jen Wyman gave us this update on how the recovery is going:

Tim and Kacy have just passed the 12 weeks post-kidney transplant mark …. a milestone of sorts. After a rough surgery and recovery for Tim, he is back to an almost normal version of himself, less a kidney, but otherwise feeling like himself.  While it has not been easy on him, he would do it over again in a heartbeat.  All he has to do is look at Kacy to know that.    

Kacy, despite the fact that she has a 12-inch scar, looks and acts as if nothing ever happened. She has completed 12 weekly uneventful transplant clinics with very few medication tweaks.  Her labs are stable and her health has been excellent.   She now will go to clinics every other week, 11 different medications will reduce to 8, and 40 daily pills will now be 34.   Still big numbers, but as the weeks and months go by, so too will the medications reduce.  Each week is a baby step in the right direction with no signs of rejection and a happy and healthy Kacy.  She just restarted her competitive swim schedule and is ready for her 7th grade year with her dad’s kidney and a new lease on life.   I have a new respect for Tim and Kacy having watched them endure this journey together.  Tim gave her the ultimate gift of life and Kacy’s body welcomed it as her own.