New Face around The Center!

At Center for Financial Planning, we love hiring promising student leaders and accomplished young professionals. It gives them a chance to get to know the financial services industry and how we work at The Center. At the same time, we get to capitalize on their bright talent and fresh perspective. This summer, we will have a new intern in the office, Ben Wright. Ben will work primarily with the Investment and Financial Planning Departments to complete research projects, mutual fund performance reporting, and special Client Service based work. Below is a quick note from Ben to you!

 Hi Center for Financial Planning!
I am extremely excited to be joining your team as an intern this summer. Between your modern website and the colorful office setting, CFP looks like an incredible atmosphere to work in. Academically, I am a sophomore at the University of Michigan studying Economics. Working as a Student Equipment Manager for the Michigan football team has allowed me to work directly with coaches and players. I can usually be spotted on the sideline holding a football during home and away games. Professionally, my experience interning at Hoover & Associates gave me the introductory knowledge to mutual funds, model portfolios, and the general operations of a financial advisors office. Outside school and work, I enjoy golfing, running, playing tennis, and almost every other sport you can think of. My love for sports and commitment to serving others led me to travel to Africa last summer where I ran a Christian sports camp at an orphanage in Zambia. I enjoy traveling across the country and all over the world. I am excited to get to know everyone personally, share some of my stories and learn from each of you professionally.

Ben will start in the beginning of May, so if you get a call from him, or see him around the office, don’t be afraid to say “hi!” and welcome him to our Center family!