Webinar in Review: 2018 Medicare Open Enrollment

Contributed by: Kali Hassinger, CFP® Kali Hassinger


Medicare Open Enrollment began on October 15th and lasts until December 7th, which is why The Center was excited to be joined by two Medicare professionals, Michelle Zettergren and Jim Edge, from Health Plan One (HP One) during our recent Webinar.  Michelle and Jim provide a crash course on Medicare and explain how HP One’s partnership with Raymond James can assist our clients during the Open Enrollment period.  Whether you’re new to Medicare or thinking about changing your current coverage, HP One can work with you to determine which Medicare options will best fit your needs.

We have covered Medicare Open Enrollment and basics in the past, but the supplement options and landscapes are ever changing, which makes it important to review your coverage before you’re locked in for another year.  HP One works with Raymond James & Center for Financial Planning clients to make the Medicare process as easy and straightforward as possible with no cost to the client.

You can contact HP One at their dedicated Raymond James line by calling 844-269-2646 between the hours of 8:30 AM and 8:00 PM (EST).  If you prefer to do some research and review options online, you can visit their website at http://hporetirees.com/raymondjames

You can also review some Medicare basics on our website at: http://www.centerfinplan.com/medicare-faq

Here’s the recorded webinar in case you missed it!


Kali Hassinger, CFP® is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®