Ballin' on a Budget

Contributed by: Josh Bitel Josh Bitel


When I was fresh out of college, one of the most important things for me to learn was how to budget properly. Considering I was taking on my first job with level, predictable income, I knew that it was critical for me to understand where my money goes each month. If I didn’t identify opportunities for savings, I knew I would blow through my money quickly, but I wasn’t sure where to start!

Identifying Financial Goals

Before I could create a budget, I had to identify some goals in order to give my budget a sense of direction. My goals were more short term in nature (pay down student loans, save for vacation, etc.), but long term goals are just as important. If you aim to retire someday, or a child’s education expenses are a concern, budgeting with these goals in mind is certainly a good idea. Once you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve with your budget, it can become much easier to accomplish these goals.

Understanding Monthly Income and Expenses

One of the more difficult, but most important, components of a budget is identifying monthly income and expenses. There is software available that you can leverage, or you can use the old school method and take pen to paper. Regardless of how you come to a conclusion, it is imperative to cover all the bases.

When considering income (outside of the obvious salary or wages), be sure to include any dividends or interest received. Alimony or child support expenses may also come into play depending on your situation. Expenses may be divided into two categories: fixed and discretionary. Fixed expenses are generally easier to document --  these will be your recurring bills or debt payments (Food and transportation can also be captured here). Discretionary expenses are generally more difficult to record (Entertainment expenses, or hobbies and miscellaneous shopping trips are common line items here). It’s also important to keep in mind any out of pattern expenses, like seasonal or holiday gifts, or car and home maintenance. Remember to always keep your goals in mind when crafting your budget!

Once you’ve gotten grasp on your monthly income and expenses, compare the two totals. If you are spending less than you earn, you’re on the right track and can explore ways to use the extra income (save!). Conversely, if you find that you are earning less than you spend, use your budget to identify ways to cut back your discretionary spending. With a little bit of discipline you can start finding capacity to save in no time!

Monitor your Budget & Stay on Track.

Be sure you keep an eye on your budget and make changes when necessary. This doesn’t mean you have to track every nickel you spend; you can be flexible and still be comfortable! It is important to stay disciplined with your budget however, and be aware that unexpected expenses may pop up. With proper cash management, these unexpected events can feel less crippling. To help stay on track, you may find a budgeting software that you like to use, do your research and find one that is suitable for you. A vital takeaway, and something that can go a long way to help increase savings, is being able to identify a need vs. a want. If you can limit your “want” spending, you may be surprised how quickly you can save!

Josh Bitel is a Client Service Associate at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any opinions are those of Josh Bitel and not necessarily those of Raymond James.