Warming Haven's Hearts on Valentine's Day

Contributed by: Nancy Sechrist Nancy Sechrist


The “season of giving” never really stops when the holidays are over.  There is a need for help and assistance throughout the year: winter, spring, summer and fall.  Over the last few weeks, The Center Team has come together to make 30 fleece blankets for the women and mothers at a women’s shelter called Haven in Oakland County. Haven offers a comprehensive program for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and provides shelter, counseling, advocacy and educational programming.

The Center’s Creativity and Charitable Committee, along with other Center Team members spent time together cutting and tying knots of soft and colorful fleece material to make warm blankets.  We all know how good it feels when you receive something handmade - whether it’s a picture drawn by your grandchild or a knitted scarf – what makes it special is that somebody took the time to make something unique for you.  The blankets will be delivered to the women as a Valentine’s Day surprise, with the hope that these blankets will brighten and uplift the women at Haven to give them comfort, warmth, and knowing they are cared about.

As Author Leo Buscaglia wrote, "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

With hopes that all are kept warm and safe during this cold winter season…

Nancy Sechrist is the Office Manager at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

Raymond James is not affiliated with Haven.