Q4 2020 Investment Commentary

The Center Contributed by: Center Investment Department

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Closing the books on an eventful 2020

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been unlike anything we have experienced before! If 2020 had a spokesperson, it would be Mayhem from the Allstate commercials. From disturbing scenes of social unrest and racism to a major pandemic, crazy devastating wildfires and an ongoing trade war, not to mention, murder hornets and a very eventful election there have been many reasons why this year has been astounding!

The pandemic has been truly heartbreaking for the average American and the economy, despite this, the S&P 500 ended 2020 with fantastic returns of nearly 18.5%. Again, we are experiencing a large disparity in returns between technology companies and “value” stocks as represented by the Russell 1000 value index, up only 2.8% for the year in stark contrast. Check out the below chart showing the returns of the various S&P 500 sectors for 2020.

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During the last quarter of the year, Emerging Markets and Small company stocks staged a large comeback as investors’ risk appetite increased.

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However, whatever party equity markets were having, the economy was not invited!

Economic Update

Efforts to resume business amid the pandemic were rewarded during the latter half of 2020. Reeling back from a historical low of -31.4% during the second quarter, real GDP was 33.4% in the third quarter of 2020. That is a substantial comeback, but still around 3.5% shy of where it was during the fourth quarter of 2019. In other words, GDP is headed in the right direction, but we still have some catch-up work to do for full economic recovery. October readings support positive momentum for 4Q20 numbers. However, the surging cases of coronavirus infections over the holiday season may reflect slower growth at the end of the quarter and into 1Q21.

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While it's easy to confuse positive stock market returns with economic growth, they are quite different. We can see this in the context of employment. Thirty-four percent of the S&P 500’s growth in 2020 can be attributed to technology, yet the technology sector only represents 2% of the US labor market. On the other hand, government, agriculture and other services, which is almost 40% of the labor market, is not even represented in the S&P 500. Concisely put, US stock strength doesn’t necessarily represent strength in the economy.

Digging into unemployment numbers, the unemployment rate decreased slightly to 6.7% in November. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 245,000 during the same month. Note, this is the weakest pace of payroll increases since the start of the recovery, which reflects a larger challenge. While 56% of the jobs lost between February and April have come back, only about 7% of that comeback has happened since September. We’re witnessing how hard it has been to have business and job growth while maintaining measures created to prevent the spread of covid-19. Both are important, so future job growth is dependent on how we negotiate the two moving forward.

Finally, let’s talk about inflation. Headline CPI and core CPI rose 0.2% month on month in November. Year on year, headline CPI was 1.2% and core CPI was 1.6%. Headline and core personal consumption expenditures (PCE) were generally flat, at 1.1% and 1.4% year on year, respectively. Due to low energy prices and economic slack, inflation ended lower in 2020 than in 2019. However, 2021 may be a different story. With a vaccine-facilitated boost to economic activity, prices hit hardest by the pandemic (think sporting events, dining, concerts, hotel rates, airfare, rent) could strengthen. We’ll likely see depressed prices start to go up. Many suspect the Federal Reserve will recognize this inflation is based on temporary factors, and will not raise interest rates to compress it. We are keeping an eye on how things play out. Overall, 2021 could foster a low and rising inflation environment.

Other investment headlines: Tesla & Bitcoin

You may have noticed two headlines gaining a lot of attention in the 4th quarter from two of the most volatile investments seen in 2020: Tesla and Bitcoin. Tesla finally recorded its fourth consecutive profitable quarter in a row which prompted its entry into the S&P 500. This means that if you own any fund that tracks the index, you now own a piece of TSLA! Albeit a small piece, as it makes up about 1.5% of the index.

Bitcoin was also back making headlines as it broke past its previous high from late 2017 and rose above $28k per BTC by the end of the year. Is the digital currency a speculative asset with no value or the world currency of the future? That is yet to be decided, but as it currently stood at year-end its market cap was ~540B – about the same market cap as Berkshire Hathaway.


The COVID-19 pandemic took a turn for the worse during the 4th quarter of 2020. Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths all continued to climb, but December brought us a glimmer of hope as the FDA expedited the approval process for two vaccines to be distributed across the country. Governor Whitmer gave guidance for the prioritization in Michigan, and the first phase began in December with health care workers who have direct exposure to the virus receiving round 1 of the 2-round vaccine. All essential frontline workers will follow, starting first with those aged 75 and older, then ages 65-74 and adults ages 16-64 with underlying medical conditions, finishing up with the rest of adults aged 16 and over. Click here for more details. We hope that these vaccines are a light at the end of the tunnel, and wish you all health and happiness going into the New Year.

Government Update

The $900 billion fiscal stimulus act continued to face headwinds in the final hour as President Trump changed his stance on the support to families. He called for an increase to the prior negotiated $600 stimulus payments to $2,000. The House narrowly voted in favor of this package and the change, only to be met by resistance in the Republican-led Senate. Voting on this was delayed resulting in $600 stimulus payments getting issued.

The package includes new funding for:

  • Small businesses with an expansion to the PPP program highlights including:

    • Guaranteed funding for first-time applications

    • Second loans with more expansive forgivable uses

    • Easier forgiveness process for loans under $150,000

    • Clarification that businesses can still deduct the (otherwise deductible) expenses of funds paid with this loan

    • Excludes publically traded companies and a business must demonstrate a 25% drop in revenue or more from 2019

  • The second round of individual checks for individuals and families with phase-out starting at $75,000 of income. $600 per adult and child

  • Extension of federal unemployment benefits including an additional $300 per week benefit to unemployed workers until March 14, 2021

  • Moratorium on evictions through January 2021

  • Various funding for state/local programs highlights including

    • $82 Billion to schools and colleges

    • $27 Billion to state highway, transit, rail and airports

    • $22 Billion to state healthcare funding

Restrictions placed on the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve (Fed) found itself amid the political battle of the stimulus package. It looks like the Fed may have to discontinue at the end of 2020 and potentially not be able to restart programs under the same terms that were backed by CARES Act funding, including:

  • Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility – loans to investment grade businesses experiencing dislocation due to the pandemic

  • Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility – the ability for the Fed to purchase investment-grade corporate debt to facilities liquidity in the credit markets

  • Municipal Liquidity Facility – allows the Fed to purchase short term bonds from certain states, counties and cities to ensure access to funds throughout the pandemic

  • Main Street Lending Program – support for small and medium-sized business loans

  • Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility- support for AAA bonds backed by assets such as student/auto/credit card loans backed by the Small Business Administration (SBA)

Fed Chair Powell stated that these lending programs can still be restarted using Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund but the effort to restrict this particular aspect of the Fed’s lending authority can be viewed as Congress stepping in and exerting oversight powers to limit how far the Fed can go in support of critical market functions. We will be watching the evolution of this debate and if the Fed’s communications become more restrained as a result. In the future, we may not be able to expect the Federal Reserve to step in and start buying secondary market issues to support prices.

The new Biden Administration

The run-off election held on January 5th in Georgia determined who holds the Senate. Democrats needed to win both of the Senate seats in Georgia to split the Senate 50-50. This meant that the democrat Vice President would be the tie-breaking vote giving a slight edge to the Democrats. This was the last major hurdle in understanding the makeup of the government for the next couple of years. This democratic advantage paves the way for a more ambitious President Biden legislative agenda. See our post-election update webinar for a summary of potential agenda items for the Biden administration. A shortlist includes President-Elect Biden’s proposed tax increases on corporations, income for those in the highest tax bracket, capital gains and estate taxes, aggressive health care changes, and the Green New Deal. While markets and the economy may favor party splits between the Presidency and Congress, an all-Democratic situation has still yielded positive outcomes for markets. The below chart shows that 27% of the time the Democrats have been in control and GDP growth has been at its best during these times and returns have been good as well.

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In the short term, we could see some near-term weakness in market reaction but President Biden has announced that we can expect a third wave of stimulus payments of $2,000 (or at least the additional $1,400 they were hoping for in the second round) so this could outweigh the risks of market downside in the near term. This still requires a 60 vote in the Senate to pass and may take until March to do so.

There could be some potential impacts to investors that we will be watching closely. Most notable are:

  • Corporate tax rate increases and a minimum tax for corporations seems to be the biggest potential impact to markets under a Democratic sweep

  • Changes to capital gains tax rates and the preferential tax rate on qualified dividends (although could be limited to those with incomes over $1 Million) could affect individual investor behavior

It’s important to remember that many factors impact markets with politics making up a small portion of those factors!

Hopefully in 2021 Mayhem sticks with the commercials but regardless of what happens, we are here as your partners to get you through whatever is thrown our way and help you achieve your financial goals. Thank you for the trust you place in us.

Sector Returns: Sectors are based on the GICX methodology. Return data are calculated by FactSet using constituents and weights as provided by Standard & Poor’s. Returns are cumulative total return for stated period, including reinvestment of dividends. The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete, it is not a statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision, and it does not constitute a recommendation. Any opinions are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation. Bitcoin issuers are not registered with the SEC, and the bitcoin marketplace is currently unregulated. The prominent underlying risk of using bitcoin as a medium of exchange is that it is not authorized or regulated by any central bank. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a very speculative investment and involves a high degree of risk. Investors must have the financial ability, sophistication/experience and willingness to bear the risks of an investment, and a potential total loss of their investment. Securities that have been classified as Bitcoin-related cannot be purchased or deposited in Raymond James client accounts. Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.