Cash Flow

Should I worry if my 401k savings are down?

Robert Ingram Contributed by: Robert Ingram, CFP®

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Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

It can be scary when financial markets are volatile and selloffs happen. Understandably, many are concerned about how COVID-19 will impact the economy, our health, and our financial security. These fears and the volatile markets that follow can temp retirement savers to make drastic changes to their investment portfolios; some may even cease investing entirely. For example, if you watch your 401(k) continue to lose value, you may want to stop contributing. However, I’ll explain why you should stick with your current long-term savings and investment plan.

Why Its Beneficial to Keep Contributing

Contributing to a retirement plan like a 401(k) or 403(b) is still one of the best ways for most Americans to save and build wealth for retirement, particularly in times of economic uncertainty. 

  • Tax Benefits 

    Contributions to most 401(k) plans are made pre-tax, meaning these amounts are excluded from your taxable income in the year they are made. This reduces your current income taxes. It also allows those savings to grow tax-deferred year-after-year until they are withdrawn.

    Employer plans that offer a Roth designated account (i.e. a Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b)) can present a great opportunity for investing. Roth contributions are made after-tax, so those amounts do not reduce your taxable income like the 401(k) does. However, those savings grow tax-deferred. The withdrawals and earnings are tax-exempt, provided you are at least age 59 ½ and have held the account for at least 5 years. This tax-free growth can be a powerful tool, especially for individuals that may be in a higher income tax bracket in the future.

  • Opportunity To Buy Low

    For investors that are still contributing to their plans, a downturn in markets actually presents an opportunity to invest new savings into funds at lower prices. This allows the same amount of contributions to buy more shares. As markets and economic conditions rebound, you will have accumulated more shares of investments that could grow in value.

  • Matching Contributions

    Need another incentive to keep those contributions going? Don’t forget about opportunities to receive employer matching with retirement plans. If your employer offers a 401(k) match, you would receive additional savings on top of your own contributions. Let’s say your employer matches 50% on contributions you make up to 6% of your salary. By putting 6% of your income into your 401(k), your employer would contribute an extra 3%. That’s like earning a 50% return on your invested contributions immediately. Those extra contributions can then buy additional shares which can also compound over time. 

Should I Ever Consider Stopping Contributions?

Even in a booming economy and during the strongest bull market, it’s important to have a strong financial foundation in place before deciding to invest over the long-term. Having key elements of your day-day-finances as stable as possible is necessary as we navigate the incredible challenges created by COVID-19. A few examples include:

  • Control Over Your Cash Flow

    Do you know exactly how much money you earn and spend? Understanding where your income exceeds your expenses gives you the fuel to power your savings. How secure is your employment? Are you in an industry directly or indirectly impacted by the economic shutdowns due to COVID-19? What would happen to your cash flow if you had a reduced income? If there are other expenses you could cut in order to maintain your contributions, you should still try to contribute. However, if you need every dollar possible to pay your bills, you would have no choice but to suspend your 401(k) contributions.

  • Cash For Any Short-Term Needs

    Having cash reserves is a critical part of a sound financial plan. If an unexpected expense occurs or you had a loss of income, be sure to have cash savings to draw from rather than being forced to sell investments that may less valuable or to use credit cards with high-interest debt. If your savings is less than a month’s worth of normal expenses, you should consider focusing your efforts on reinforcing your cash reserve rather than on your retirement plan. Then, ideally, you should work towards building 3 to 6 months’ expenses for your emergency fund as you continue to save for retirement or other goals.

  • Tackling Your Debt

    If you have high-interest rate debt that you are working to pay off and are unable to find additional savings in your budget to increase your payment amounts, it could make sense to redirect your retirement plan contributions to pay the debt down first. On the other hand, if your employer offers a company match, you should still consider contributing at least enough to get the full amount of matching dollars (remember that free money could see a return of 50% or more). You could then redirect any amounts you are contributing above that maximum match percentage.

Your situation and needs are unique to you. It’s important to work closely with a financial advisor when making decisions, especially in these incredibly difficult times.

Robert Ingram, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® With more than 15 years of industry experience, he is a trusted source for local media outlets and frequent contributor to The Center’s “Money Centered” blog.

Keep in mind that investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Things to Consider if You are Anticipating an Inheritance

Sandy Adams Contributed by: Sandra Adams, CFP®

Things to consider if you are anticipating an inheritance

If you are like most clients, anticipating an inheritance likely means that something is happening, or has happened, to someone you love. Often this means dealing with the complexities of grief and loss, in addition to the potential stress of additional financial opportunities and responsibilities. Combining your past money experience and your relationship with the person you are losing or have lost can cause varying degrees of stress.

Based on our experience with clients who expect to receive an inheritance, we offer a few suggestions that will serve you well and help you avoid some of the common pitfalls:

  • Avoid making big plans to upgrade your home, buy the fancy car, or take the exotic trips. In other words, don’t spend the money before you have it.

  • Don’t let others pressure you into quick decisions or coax you into making purchases or gifts that you wouldn’t normally make.

  • Don’t make any big purchases until you have taken the time to do more purposeful planning.

  • Take an intentional time-out from decision-making. Give yourself the ability to grieve, and to make sure your head is clear and ready to make smart financial decisions.

  • In the planning process, determine what will change, or has changed, for you since receiving the inheritance (income, savings, investments, expenses, home, etc.); this information will help guide your financial planning decisions with the inherited funds.

  • Identify your current and future financial goals, then plan so that inherited funds help you meet those goals.

Even if you have a financial plan and are an experienced investor, receiving an inheritance can throw you for a loop from an emotional standpoint – and from a planning standpoint – when you rush to make decisions. If you have no experience with money, receiving an inheritance can seem completely overwhelming and stressful. In either case, having a financial planner – a decision partner to provide assistance, guidance, and a sounding board – can be invaluable. If you expect, or know someone who expects, an inheritance and could use some guidance, please contact us for assistance ( We are always happy to help!

Sandra Adams, CFP®, CeFT™, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and serves as a trusted source for national publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine, and Journal of Financial Planning.

Any opinions are those of Sandra D. Adams, CFP® and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Expressions of opinion are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. There is no guarantee that these statements, opinions or forecasts provided herein will prove to be correct. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP® in the U.S.

New Year Financial To-Dos!

Kali Hassinger Contributed by: Kali Hassinger, CFP®

New year financial to-do

There's no better time than a fresh decade to begin making plans and adjustments for your future. Although we may think of the New Year as a time for "resolutions," it's important to focus on actionable and attainable goals, too. Instead of setting a lofty resolution without a game plan in mind, might I suggest that you consider our New Year Financial checklist below? If you get through this list, not only will you avoid the disappointment of another forgotten resolution in February, you'll feel the satisfaction of actually accomplishing something really important!

  • Review your net worth as compared to one year ago, or calculate your net worth for the first time! Regardless of how markets perform, it's important to evaluate your net worth annually.  Did your savings increase or should you set a new goal for this year? If you find that you’re down from last year, was spending a factor?  There’s no better way to evaluate than by taking a look at the numbers!

  • Speaking of spending and numbers, review your cash flow!  How much came in last year and how much went out?  Ideally, we want more coming in than is going out!

  • Now, let's focus on the dreaded budget, but instead we’ll call it a spending plan.  Do you have any significant expenses coming up this year?  Be prepared by saving enough for unexpected costs. 

  • Be sure to review and update beneficiaries on IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, life insurance, etc.  You'd be surprised at how many people don't have beneficiaries listed on retirement accounts. Some even forgot to remove their ex-spouse!

  • Revisit your portfolio's asset allocation. Make sure your portfolio investments and risks are still aligned with your life, goals, and comfort level. I'm not at all suggesting that you make changes based on market headlines, but you want to be sure that the retirement or investment account you opened 20 years ago is still working for you.

  • Review your Social Security Statement. If you're not yet retired, you will need to go online to review your estimated benefit. Social Security is one of the most critical pieces of your retirement, so be sure your income record is accurate.

Of course, this list isn't exhaustive. Reviewing your financial wellbeing is an in-depth process, which is why the final step is to set up a review with your advisor. Even if you don't work with a financial planner, at a minimum set aside time on your own, with your spouse, or a trusted friend to plan on improving your financial health (even if you only get to the gym the first few weeks of January).

Kali Hassinger, CFP®, CDFA®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She has more than a decade of financial planning and insurance industry experience.

Any opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of Raymond James. This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation.

Why Retirees Should Consider Renting

Nick Defenthaler Contributed by: Nick Defenthaler, CFP®

“Why would you ever rent? It’s a waste of money! You don’t build equity by renting. Home ownership is just what successful people do.”

Sound familiar? I’ve heard various versions of these statements over the years, and every time I do, the frustration makes my face turns red. I guess I don’t have a very good poker face!

why retirees should consider renting

As a country, we have conditioned ourselves to believe that homeownership is always the best route and that renting is only for young folks. If you ask me, this philosophy is just flat out wrong and shortsighted.

Below, I’ve outlined various reasons that retirees who have recently sold or are planning to sell might consider renting:

Higher Mortgage Rates

  • The current rate on a 30-year mortgage is hovering around 4.6%. The days of “cheap money” and rates below 4% have simply come and gone.

Interest Deductibility

  • Roughly 92% of Americans now take the standard deduction ($12,200 for single filers, $24,400 for married filers). It’s likely that you’ll deduct little, if any, mortgage interest on your return.

Maintenance Costs

  • Very few of us move into a new home without making changes. Home improvements aren’t cheap and should be taken into consideration when deciding whether it makes more sense to rent or buy.

Housing Market “Timing”

  • Home prices have increased quite a bit over the past decade. Many experts suggest homes are fully valued, so don’t bank on your new residence to provide stock-market-like returns any time soon.

Tax-Free Equity

  • In most cases, you won’t see tax consequences when you sell your home. The tax-free proceeds from the sale could be a good way to help fund your spending goal in retirement.  


  • You simply can’t put a price tag on some things. Maintaining flexibility with your housing situation is certainly one of them. For many of us, the flexibility of renting is a tremendous value-add when compared to home ownership.

Quick Decisions

  • Rushing into a home purchase in a new area can be a costly mistake. If you think renting is a “waste of money” because you aren’t building equity, just look at moving costs, closing costs (even if you won’t have a mortgage), and the level of interest you pay early in a mortgage. Prior to buying, consider renting for at least two years in the new area to make darn sure it’s somewhere you want to stay.

Every situation is different, but if you’re near or in retirement and thinking about selling your home, I encourage you to consider all housing options. Reach out to your advisor as you think through this large financial decision, to ensure you’re making the best choice for your personal and family goals.

Nick Defenthaler, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick works closely with Center clients and is also the Director of The Center’s Financial Planning Department. He is also a frequent contributor to the firm’s blogs and educational webinars.

Any opinions are those of Nick Defenthaler, CFP® and not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James. The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected.

New Year Financial To-Dos Help Keep You on Track

Kali Hassinger Contributed by: Kali Hassinger, CFP®

As we settle into 2019, the fresh calendar year provides an ideal opportunity to make plans and adjustments for your future. Instead of setting lofty resolutions without a game plan in mind, might I suggest that you consider our New Year Financial Checklist? Completing this list of actionable, attainable goals will help you avoid the disappointment of forgotten resolutions in February, and you’ll feel the satisfaction of actually accomplishing something really important!


New Year Financial Checklist

  • Measure your progress by reviewing your net worth as compared to one year ago. Even when markets are down, it's important to evaluate your net worth annually. Did your savings still move you forward? If you're slightly down from last year, was spending a factor? There is no better way to evaluate than by taking a look at the numbers!

  • Speaking of spending and numbers, review your cash flow! How much came in last year and how much went out? Ideally, we want more income than spending.

  • Now, let's focus on the dreaded budget. Sure, budgeting can be a grind, so call it a “spending plan”. Do you have any significant expenses coming up this year? Make sure you're prepared and have enough saved.

  • Be sure you review and update beneficiaries on IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, life insurance, etc. You'd be surprised at how many people don't have beneficiaries listed on retirement accounts (or have forgotten to remove their ex-spouse)!

  • Revisit your portfolio's asset allocation. Make sure your investments and risk are still aligned with your stage in life, your goals, and your comfort level. I'm not at all suggesting that you make changes based on market headlines. Just be sure that the retirement or investment account you opened 20 years ago is still working for you.

  • Review your Social Security Statement. If you're not yet retired, you will need to go online to review your estimated benefit. Social Security is one of the most critical pieces of your retirement, so make sure your income record is accurate.

Of course, this list isn't exhaustive. The final step to ensure your financial wellbeing is a review with your advisor. Even if you don't work with a financial planner, at a minimum set aside time on your own, with your spouse or a trusted friend, to plan on improving your financial health. Do it even if you only get to the gym the first few weeks of January!

Kali Hassinger, CFP® is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®