Center News

Veterans Day Tribute to Those Who Served

Contributed by: Center for Financial Planning, Inc. The Center

The Veterans Day holiday offers us all an opportunity to say “thank you” to those who served our country. This year, we wanted to include a personal tribute to some special veterans who are close to our hearts. From WWII through Korea and Vietnam, relatives of our Center team have bravely answered the call of duty. For this, we are grateful, today and always.

Live Your Plan: Estelle Wade

Contributed by: Center for Financial Planning, Inc. The Center

We think it’s as important to Live YOUR Plan™ as it is to make your plan. Every day we work with clients to build visions of retirement and we love seeing those visions become reality. About 30 years ago, Estelle Wade helped start Center for Financial Planning. From those early days until her retirement in 2002, she helped build hundreds of retirement plans. And as she worked for her clients, Estelle also took time to put her own plan in place. Today, she’s living it out with her husband Gene in Arizona. We caught up with her to find out how she had put her projections into practice.

Tim Wyman Joins Board of Leadership Oakland

Contributed by: Center for Financial Planning, Inc. The Center

Every year, Leadership Oakland takes 50 developing local leaders and challenges them to become catalysts for change in our community. The Center’s Tim Wyman is a graduate of the Cornerstone Program and has just stepped up to serve on Leadership Oakland’s Board of Directors. He says he’s honored to continue the tradition of leadership:

“For 25 years, leadership Oakland has been the premier organization for individuals looking to develop their leadership skills and knowledge in Oakland County. Participants of their Cornerstone Program are fully immersed in leadership positions in both the private and public sector. The organization continues to play an important role in Oakland County's future success and I am privileged to serve as an ambassador of their mission.”

In a span of 9 months, Leadership Oakland participants delve into the issues facing the region -- from education, government and the justice system to health and human services and race and ethnic diversity. The program’s new President Kevin Wisely welcomed Tim and the other new leaders:

“We are pleased to welcome our newest board members to the Leadership Oakland team. Our board is comprised of dedicated, successful and committed individuals that strive to advance our mission of regional leadership development. Graduates of our program are effective leaders in their personal, professional and public lives. We are looking forward to an exciting program year!” 

To find out more about the mission and how to get involved, click Leadership Oakland.

Raymond James is not affiliated with Leadership Oakland. Links are being provided for information purposes only. Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse, authorize or sponsor any of the listed websites or their respective sponsors. Raymond James is not responsible for the content of any website or the collection or use of information regarding any website's users and/or members.

Exercising (and Saving Money) Without Realizing It

Contributed by: Gerri Harmer Gerri Harmer

Exercise without realizing it? Really?  Really! I know it sounds too good to be true but let’s think about this whole exercise thing in a new way.  We can have fun and save money while getting a good workout!

Spending 20-30 minutes a day on aerobic activity does not mean you have to be sweating to the oldies in front of the TV or forking over your hard-earned money to a personal trainer.  While exercise videos and personal trainers are fabulous and very effective, they might not be your favorite things to do, which means you probably are not very motivated to jump in and may find excuses to put it off.

Why not opt for a less stressed, enjoyable exercise option once in a while? Take a 30-minute bike ride through your favorite neighborhood. Increase your heart rate, take in nature, say “hi” to the neighbors, and let the wind blow through your hair. Better yet, put a basket on the front and bike to the store for that bread you needed to pick up.  Or, load your bike on the back of the car, park and ride your bike through your favorite metro park or sightsee in a new town.  It’s the best way to see the city, stopping whenever you like to get a better look without holding up traffic while getting access to areas you couldn’t get to with a vehicle.  You are now stress free, you have endorphins flowing, and you didn’t spend a dime.

How about having a hula hoop contest or playing catch with your kids or grandkids? Water balloons? Bowling?  I’ve never been as sore as the day after I’ve gone bowling -- it kicks my tail! Taking a new dance or martial class are fantastic ways to move and learn something interesting. You get toned and your friends are amazed with your new skills.  It feels like cheating because it’s so much fun and it didn’t cost any more than your normal recreational activity. 

More ways to save AND get a workout?  

  1. Go for a hike. Meet up with friends or fly solo for a respite. Clean out those mental cobwebs.

  2. Try gardening. Make your yard the envy of the neighborhood or grow an organic garden.

  3. Join a recreation league. Make some new friends by joining a softball, soccer, horseshoes, or bocce ball team.

  4. Play a game with your kids or grandkids.  A good game of capture the flag, tag or kickball gets the adrenaline going while spending time with your family. 

  5. Play an interactive video game.  They have tons of games that get you running, jumping, dancing, chopping, and shuffling. Your kids and/or grandkids will think you are so cool.

  6. Try new things.  Ever heard of LARPing (live action role playing) or Geocaching?

You get the idea. What are you going to do first?

Gerri Harmer is a Client Service Manager at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.

Rob O’Neill and an Inspiring Perspective on Difficult vs. Impossible

Contributed by: Nick Defenthaler, CFP® Nick Defenthaler

Last month at a due diligence luncheon, I had the chance to hear Rob O’Neill speak. The former Navy Seal spent an hour telling his captivating and incredible story about when he was a member of Seal Team Six. You may have seen “The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden," the Fox News documentary about O’Neill’s experience. For several years, many wondered who was the American hero that took down the most wanted terrorist on the planet and was responsible for the attacks on September 11th?  I distinctly remember watching this documentary at home and having chills throughout the two night special.  In the documentary, O’Neill told his story of being a member of the Navy Seals and went into detail about the raid Seal Team Six conducted that ultimately led to him killing Osama bin Laden.  After watching that documentary, I never dreamed I’d have the chance to shake that hero’s hand.

O’Neill: Refusing to Quit

O’Neill spent the better half of his presentation telling stories of his time as a Navy Seal and some of the incredible missions he and his team completed.  He also described in detail the training that is required to become a Seal and the physical and mental obstacles he had to overcome, both individually and as a team, to be successful.  He attributed his ability to successfully complete Seal training by simply refusing to quit (I’m sure this was easier said than done!).  His instructors pushed him beyond normal limits but they never asked him to do anything impossible.  This really resonated with me.  I think many times in life we look at obstacles or things we’d like to accomplish as virtually impossible, but in reality, they’re just very, very difficult.  Hard work and the refusal to quit can overcome just about anything.  Talk about being inspired! 

O’Neill: Defending Freedom

At the end of his presentation, O’Neill shared a quote from President Bush’s address to the nation the evening of September 11th: 

“Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended.” 

On the helicopter ride to the raid that killed bin Laden, O’Neill described how this quote came to him out of nowhere and he kept repeating it to himself as they approached the compound they were about to attack.  He has since had the quote tattooed to remind him of his fellow service men and women who are keeping us safe each and every day.  When I left the luncheon, we had the opportunity to meet this inspiring hero briefly, shake his hand and thank him for his service – something I’ll never forget.  I walked away that day with an even greater level of respect and gratitude for our men and women in uniform.  Although I’m nothing close to a Navy Seal, I realized we can all still apply the same principles and values in our own personal lives to be the best we can possibly be – there simply isn’t an excuse for anything less.   

Nick Defenthaler, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Nick is a member of The Center’s financial planning department and also works closely with Center clients. In addition, Nick is a frequent contributor to the firm’s blogs.

Matt Wyman Kickin’ It At The University of Kansas

Contributed by: Timothy Wyman, CFP®, JD Tim Wyman

Many of you know Matt’s football story by now, but if you don’t, it goes something like this:

Student watching football games freshman year thinks he can do better. Non-recruited walk on makes KU’s team and earns starting role as field goal kicker. He goes on to kick 52-yard game winner in 3rd game and is later benched by the 8th game. Then he winds up re-winning the job. 

Somehow Matt’s path at KU reminds me of the US stock market. Though there are ups and downs, both have gone up over time. Watching Matt persevere and succeed has been an experience that truly money can’t buy. As Matt begins his junior season, he’s slated to be the kickoff specialist and +40 yard field-goal kicker. 

For more on Matt’s story and how he prepared for this season, check out this column How to Kickstart a Kansas Kicker and this KU Football Update Two-Minute Drill: Boomin’ It.

Timothy Wyman, CFP®, JD is the Managing Partner and Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc. and is a contributor to national media and publications such as Forbes and The Wall Street Journal and has appeared on Good Morning America Weekend Edition and WDIV Channel 4. A leader in his profession, Tim served on the National Board of Directors for the 28,000 member Financial Planning Association™ (FPA®), mentored many CFP® practitioners and is a frequent speaker to organizations and businesses on various financial planning topics.

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If it’s Fall at The Center, Love is in the Air!

Contributed by: Amanda Toia Amanda Toia

When most people hear the phrase, “Wedding Season”, they think of the summer months--June, July, and August.  But around here, our wedding season seems to be the month of October!  We’ve moved from calling it a coincidence to spotting a serious trend.

Shortly after joining our team in 2013, Nicholas Defenthaler married on October 12th in Detroit.  He and his lovely wife, Robin honeymooned in Riviera Maya, Mexico. They have since recently moved into their new home in South Lyon and welcomed their first child, Brek Defenthaler.

The following year, another one of our team members tied the knot! The Center’s own Melissa Cyrus married her fiancée Kevin Parkins on October 4th, 2014.  Melissa and Kevin were married at The Roostertail in Detroit.  We were awestruck by Melissa’s beauty.  She was a gorgeous bride and Kevin didn’t look too shabby, either!  Their wedding ceremony was extremely unique with Kevin’s father officiating.  The food was abundant, the drinks were flowing, and the music kept us on our feet—when we weren’t cramming in the photo booth to take silly pictures! Melissa and Kevin honeymooned in Aruba and now reside in their home in Novi.  Not too much has changed around here since Melissa’s wedding except her last name and her Center e-mail address.  She is now Mrs. Melissa Parkins.  Her new e-mail is Kevin and Melissa just celebrated their one year wedding anniversary this past weekend. My, how time flies!

Other notable weddings that took place during The Center’s “wedding season” were those of Jen Hackmann and Melissa Joy.  Both were married on October 6th.  Jen and her husband, John are celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary this month. They were married in Ann Arbor. Melissa and her husband, Jeff married in 2007 in Charlevoix.  Both were Center team members when they wed.  In fact, Melissa Joy was a bridesmaid in Jen Hackmann’s wedding!

Congratulations to our office newlyweds and not-so-newlyweds! We wish you many years of health and happy October anniversaries!

Amanda Toia is a Registered Client Service Manager at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.

Keep Adding those CFP®’s to CFP!

Contributed by: Center for Financial Planning, Inc. The Center

Two of the youngest members of our Financial Planning Department team have spent the last several months with their noses in their books – studying for the Certified Board of Standards CFP® Certification exam.  The Center is proud to announce that both Melissa Parkins and James Smiertka recently received their official “PASS” notification from the CFP® Board and are on their way to becoming future CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certificants.  While Melissa has already satisfied her work experience requirements and will be able to use her CFP® designation right away, Jim will be working hard as part of the financial planning department team to build his experience to earn the right to use his marks. 

According to the CFP® Board, the designation is for individuals who meet rigorous professional standards and agree to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients. We have no doubt that both of our team members will live up to those standards and much, much more!

The Story Behind #ILookLikeaCFP

Contributed by: Center for Financial Planning, Inc. The Center

How do we close the gender divide in the field of financial planning? It’s a question we ask ourselves frequently here at Center for Financial Planning. Maybe it’s because there’s that sticky 23% statistic – the percentage of Certified Financial Planners who are female – that just won’t seem to budge. Maybe we tend to talk about it at The Center because 2 of our 3 founders were women. That was back in the ‘80s when the gender divide was even greater.

Inspired by the #ILookLikeAnEngineer social trend, we decided it was time to act locally and think globally. We’re not just fighting stereotypes, we want to see real change in the ranks … from the number of young women applying to financial planning programs to the number of female partners at firms large and small. We’re joining the mission of the CFP Board’s Women’s Initiative:

WIN‘s mission is to identify why relatively few women choose to become part of the financial planning profession, to make recommendations for encouraging and supporting women to pursue careers in financial planning, and to undertake efforts and campaigns to address the “feminine famine” in financial planning.

And with just a blank piece of paper, a sharpie, the camera in your phone and an Internet connection, you can be part of the movement. If you’re a female CFP, make your sign and share it with #ILookLikeaCFP. It is time for change.

How do we close the gender divide in the field of financial planning? It's a question we ask ourselves frequently here at Center for Financial Planning. Maybe it's because there's that sticky 23% statistic - the percentage of Certified Financial Planners who are female - that just won't seem to budge.

Any opinions are those of Center for Financial Planning, Inc. and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Links are being provided for information purposes only. Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse the opinions or services of CFP Board's Women’s Initiative. Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse, authorize or sponsor any of the listed websites or their respective sponsors. Raymond James is not responsible for the content of any website or the collection or use of information regarding any website's users and/or members.

Our 30th Anniversary Party at Ford Field

Contributed by: Nancy Sechrist Nancy Sechrist

This coming Sunday is Opening Day at Ford Field.  It was just a few short months ago that we were celebrating an event of our own on the Lion’s big stage, so we thought we’d do a little bit of reminiscing…

When you’re celebrating 30 years serving clients, you have to do it in a big way. Around here, there’s not much bigger than the home of the Detroit Lions, Ford Field.  About 300 of our clients, Center team members, and family helped us celebrate. Entertainment included talented musicians, a magician, a juggler, and caricature artists. The fun performers and the delicious food gave an old Detroit nostalgic feel to what we called the “Street Fair” themed event. A photographer used green screen technology to help guests create their own photos to take home.  And the Detroit Lion’s mascot Roary wandered around showing off his sense of humor and taking pictures with everyone. Many also enjoyed a tour of Ford Field. Some of us even got to have a little fun throwing a football around right on the field itself before the party started. 

We also had an additional reason to celebrate … the retirement of two of the founders of the company, Marilyn Gunther and Dan Boyce. Enough can’t be said about the genuine gift of guidance, direction, accomplishments, and mentoring that Dan and Marilyn have given. We credit them for building The Center up from scratch and passing on the real meaning of the soul of the company. In the beautiful, sunlit atrium, Tim Wyman delivered a gracious presentation thanking the founders as well as our clients for making The Center what it is today.

Nancy Sechrist is the Office Manager at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.