From Founding Partner to Client of The Center

Contributed by: Daniel Boyce, CFP® Daniel Boyce

As I move into my new life in retirement from the profession I've loved for the past 35 years, I'm looking forward to a more leisurely pace of life and continuing to pursue my other abiding passions--making music, philanthropy, working with non-profits to build capacity and effectiveness in education and the arts, as well as pursuing leisure activities such as working on my tennis game, playing bridge, and hiking around the Prescott area.  More than anything, I'm looking forward to being available for Sue and family activities with my children and grandchildren.

As with Estelle Wade and Marilyn Gunther, the other Founding Partners of Center for Financial Planning who both retired before me, I will now become a client of The Center, like many of you.  I will have my Annual Review meeting and take advantage of the integrity I find throughout the firm and the planners' enormous capacity to handle whatever issues might arise in my future.  And so I move into territory unknown yet to me; but with great hope and confidence and anticipation. 

The short video shares a few more thoughts with you about my retirement:

Daniel Boyce, CFP® is a Founding Partner and Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.

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