ElderCare; Caregiver Resources

Planning for Elder Care? I’ve Found a Great Resource

 I am in school again.  This time not because I have to or need to, but because I want to.  In my quest to have greater knowledge about the aging process and elder care issues, I recently did a class project to find recources for caregivers and families. My search uncovered a great resource that was new to me – Joy Loverde’s “The Complete Eldercare Planner”. 

Our population is approaching the biggest shift in U.S. history.  By 2030, those Americans 65+ will make up over 20% of the U.S. population.  Even more surprising, in less than 50 years, there will be as many Americans aged 80 and older as there are now people over 65.(Source: Fidelity Research) 

This population shift is putting more and more Americans in the position of caring for aging parents at the same time they are raising their own children.  Without the proper resources, the task of caring for parents can be overwhelming, putting the health and sanity of caregivers and their families at risk.

In her book, “The Complete Eldercare Planner,” Joy Loverde, a well-known consultant in the senior industry for over thirty years, provides valuable insight for caregivers who need to plan and manage eldercare issues.  Particularly helpful are the low-cost and no-cost resources and checklists provided to guide caregivers through the following areas: 

  • Effective Overall Planning
  • Creating a Care Team
  • Care for the Caregiver
  • Communication
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Money Matters
  • Legal Matters
  • Insurance
  • Housing
  • Safety Issues
  • Transportation and Mobility
  • Managing Medical Care
  • Quality of Life
  • Death and Dying
  • Financial Organization/Document Location

I fell in love with the book when I read the author’s opening message, “Caregiving may be the hardest family responsibility you’ll ever take on. It unquestionably affects our every waking moment – at home, in the workplace, where and how we live, and how we cope.  If eldercare has chosen you, I will be with you every step of the way. Every page, every sentence, and every word in this book contain my personal messages to you, and I have the utmost respect for your decision to accept this role as caregiver.”

”The Complete Eldercare Planner” is easy-to-use. The checklists and resource lists are simple and are likely to be used over and over during the process of caring for an elder family member. 

For additional resources and/or answers to questions regarding Elder Care financial planning, contact me at sandy.adams@centerfinplan.com.

This information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any opinions are those of Center for Financial Planning, Inc., and not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James.  Joy Loverde is not affiliated with Raymond James.