Firm Happenings

Happy Centerversary


Join with us as we celebrate two Centerversaries in the month of September.  Our Operations Manager Gregg Bloomfield is celebrating 6 years with The Center.  Gregg says, “My six years at The Center has flown by!   There have been a number of changes in that time, but what has not changed is our strong commitment to helping our clients live their best possible lives.”

Angela Palacios, CFP® Portfolio Manager has been a part of our team for 5 years.  Angie commented, “It is wonderful to come to work each day with such a great group of energized and engaged people!”

Time flies when you are having fun and we are happy to honor both Gregg and Angela on their “Centerversary.”  Not only do we value their experience and commitment ..... quite frankly, we just like having Gregg and Angela around!  

Join us in welcoming Kali Hassinger


We’re happy to announce the addition of another member to The Center team. As our new Receptionist, Kali Hassinger may be the person who greets you when you call or welcomes you into our office on your next visit. Branch Manager Tim Wyman summed it up well,

The receptionist position at The Center is critical in providing world class service to our clients. We are excited and fortunate to have Kali join current veteran Gerri Harmer as part of our welcoming team.

Kali is new to our area, having relocated to Michigan from the Philadelphia area earlier this year. “I am enjoying exploring Michigan and all it has to offer,” Kali says. She comes to us from the life insurance industry where she worked for the last six years. Her naturally outgoing personality makes her a great fit for her role in our office. And while she’s not working at The Center, Kali says she likes to stay active and spend as much time as possible with family and friends.

Join us in welcoming Matt Trujillo

There is a new face around our office and it belongs to Matt Trujillo. He’s one of our two new Support Advisors who will be working directly with our financial planners and our clients. The focus of the Support Advisor position and Matt’s new role is to assist our lead planners in providing an even deeper level of service to clients. Managing Partner Tim Wyman adds perspective.

Matt is uniquely qualified for this role and has hit the ground running. We are excited to have both Matt and Nick join the firm - two quality people who espouse our firm and service values.

Matt has almost six years of experience in the financial sector. When he’s not here at the Center, you might find him playing with his son, fishing or playing and teaching chess. He’s lived in Michigan for the past 18 years, but originally hails from Denver, Colorado.

When asked why our team felt like the right fit for him, Matt said, “I think of the Center as a family of advisors helping families of the community meet their financial goals.” Welcome to our growing family Matt!

Join us in welcoming Nick Defenthaler

 The Center team continues to grow this summer. One of our newest additions in the position of Support Associate is Nick Defenthaler.  As a Support Associate, Nick will be working with our lead financial planners (both behind the scenes and in client meetings) to help  provide an even greater depth of financial planning service for our clients.  Nick said he knew right away that he was a good fit for The Center.

Since the moment I walked in the door at The Center, I felt at home and where I should be.  Every single person at the firm has been overwhelmingly welcoming and helpful.

Nick was born and raised in Livonia, where he purchased a home in 2010. When he’s not working, Nick is a self-proclaimed die-hard hockey fan and loves to golf in the summer and to hunt in the fall. “Other than sports, I just enjoy spending time with my fiancé, Robin, and our one year old Black Lab, Jax.”

Before joining the Center, Nick began his career in 2006 as an intern at a small independent financial planning firm while attending college.  He graduated in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in finance from EMU and obtained the CFP designation in 2012.  In the coming years, he wants to return to school for a master’s degree. 

Managing Partner Tim Wyman adds the following.

Nick has amassed a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience in a short time and he will be yet another asset for our clients.

Happy Centerversary


Melissa, Sandy and Jaclyn hit new milestones . . . . .

Join with as we celebrate three Centerversaries in the month of August.   Sandy Adams, lead planner is celebrating 17 years with The Center.  Sandy says,  "The anniversary reminds me of how lucky I am to have found The Center.  I feel like I have grown up and matured as a persona nd as a professional with the help of the Center team and clients."

Melissa Joy, Director of Investments at The Center has been a part of our team for 14 years. Melissa describes her tenure here by telling us, "The Center is so much more than a place of employment for me.  It's been a home for the last 14 years and I'm grateful for everyone I've been able to work with over those years. Here's to the next 14!"

And though she might seem like a relative newbie compared to Sandy and Melissa, our own Investment Research Associate Jaclyn Jackson hit the 5-year mark in August.  We like to honor Center employees when they reach a “Centerversary” because we value experience and commitment (and quite frankly, we just like having Melissa, Sandy and Jaclyn around)!

Happy Centerversary

 Join with us as we celebrate two Center team members Centerversaries.  Jennie Bauder a Client Service Manager at the Center who, as of this month, has been a part of our team for 10 years and Gerri Harmer a Client Service Associate, who has been part of our team for 6 years. We like to honor Center employees when they reach a "Centerversary" because we value experience and committment (and quite frankly, we just like having Jennie and Gerri around)!  

We are proud to take a moment and recognize both Jennie and Gerri.  Managing Partner Tim Wyman said it well, "We are fortnuate to have you both."  

When we asked Jennie how it felt to reach the 10 year mark she said, "Working at The Center has endless rewards and has given me so much over the last 10 years.  It is a workplace I enjoy coming to every day and has a family feel amongst my co-workers and Center clients."

Gerri had these thoughts, "It's exciting to work in such a positive team-oriented environment with phenomenal staff and absolutely wonderful clients."

Serving our community and profession


Leadership Oakland announced the list of graduates of the 2012-2013 Cornerstone Program class. Among the 53 individuals representing businesses and non-profit agencies completing the requirements of the year-long leadership development program was our own Tim Wyman, CFP® JD.  When asked about his experience Tim said, “The program exceeded all of my expectations.  The experience provided a tremendous opportunity for both personal and professional growth as I continue to serve clients at The Center and the community.”  A graduation ceremony was held at the Fieldstone Golf Club in Auburn Hills where participants were recognized for their commitment to community and the program as well as a greater understanding of local issues.

Tim traveled to northern Michigan to begin the program with a kick-off leadership retreat held in early September.  The retreat was followed by monthly day-long sessions that delved into issues facing the region.  Tim remarked, “My appreciation of the wonderful resources and people in our region has increased tenfold.  My 52 class cohorts, along with the many people I met serving others in our region, have inspired me to be a better husband, father, business leader, and contributor to our community.”  Tim and his fellow graduates are now linked to one of the most powerful business networks in Michigan. Way to go Tim!

Welcome to our New Summer Intern

At the Center, we value developing the next generation of financial service professionals.  For the last six years our Summer Internship Program has provided an opportunity for college students to gain first-hand experience working in a financial planning firm.  This year we welcome Zachary Gould as our newest summer intern.  Zach is a Senior at the University of South Carolina and is double majoring in Finance and International Business.  He will primarily be supporting the Investment and Financial Planning Departments. In addition Zach will have opportunities to participate in unique education, training and staff shadowing to round out his experience at The Center.  Zach says, “I am thankful for the opportunity to intern at The Center this summer and look forward to learning the art of financial planning from such a passionate and knowledgeable group of people.” 

Some fun facts:

  • Zach just finished a studying abroad in Paris at the America Business School
  • He enjoys playing ice hockey and basketball
  • Member of Soundcheck, an all-male a cappella group, and Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society

Welcome, Zach! 

Pretty in Pink!

 We’re happy to spread the word that It’s A Girl! Center Client Service Manager Jennie Bauder and her husband Kelly announced the arrival of their new, darling daughter, Emma.  Jennie and Kelly tell us they are having the “time of their lives” welcoming their first child into this world.  She’s a sweet little treasure that looks like her daddy except for the adorable dimples she got from mom.

Emma Bauder was born on May 30, 2013 at 9:25 a.m.  She weighed in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. and measured 21 ¼ inches long.   Baby Emma, mom, dad and Maggie (the family pet dog) are all doing well. 

Congratulations Jennie!

Kacy Supporters Helped Take a Step Toward a Cure

 On Sunday May 5th the sun was out and we had the largest crowd yet as more than 400 runners, walkers, bikers and dogs turned out to support Kacy Wyman and the Cystinosis Research Network.  Contributions are still coming in and we are grateful and proud to share that our community of supporters has raised near $30,000 for the Cystinosis Research Network. These funds will help with continued research projects to improve the quality of life for those dealing with Cystinosis and other rare diseases, and ultimately a cure!

The last 12 months have been exciting for the Cystinosis community and Kacy. Recently the eye drops that Kacy takes each hour have been FDA approved, meaning the drops are now covered by insurance. This makes them more affordable and accessible for many families. Also, a slow release (12 hour) drug called Procysbi is expected to be available this year allowing kids (and their parents) with Cystinosis to hopefully get a full night sleep for the first time in many years. There is still much work to be done to find a cure and our fundraising is having an impact for Cystinosis and other rare diseases. Kacy's mom Jen Wyman continues to be active with the Cystinosis Research Network where the feeling is that these two advancements should have a positive impact on kids dealing with the disease.

The fun run/walk, like anything worthwhile, could not have been such a success without the help of so many people. Michelle & John Kelly, Kristin Prebay, and Jeff & Kathy Abrash have helped every year with food. Carrie Olds and Suzanne Neff have been stalwarts rounding up many route volunteers. Lori & Hadley Horton, Mike Neff, and Nona Cleary pitched in where needed every year as well.  This year we are thankful to Kristin Cullen for arranging the donation of T-shirts. The list goes on….our generous sponsors… colleagues at The Center…Kacy’s swim club Atlantis……..all of these “little things” are not little….they add up to make a great event and we thank you all!

The CRN Fun Run/Walk has become a staple in our community. It is an important day for Kacy and for finding a cure. But as I (Kacy's dad) like to say, more than anything, the day is about HOPE. When you choose HOPE anything is possible. The support you all provide year after year gives us hope….hope for better treatments….hope for a cure…. Thank you!