Retirement Income Planning

What You Need to Know Before You Dip Into Retirement Accounts

Tim Wyman Contributed by: Timothy Wyman, CFP®, JD

What you need to know before you dip into retirement accounts

In general, a 10% penalty applies when you access your IRA, 401(k), and other retirement accounts before age 59. The word “penalty” seems harsh, so the Internal Revenue Code classifies it as an excise tax on early distributions. Moreover, the 10% excise tax is in addition to the ordinary income taxes owed on distributions from pretax accounts. Therefore, the general rule of keeping your hands off these funds until at least age 59.5 is a good one. 

However, what if you really need the money?

Fortunately, there are exceptions to the 10% penalty rule. A complete list may be found here.

For example, “first-time” homebuyers may take out up to $10,000 to help buy or build their primary residence. A similar exception applies to higher education costs for you, your spouse, or children. These two apply for IRAs, but not 401(k) accounts.

Another exemption for medical expenses paid on behalf of yourself, your spouse, or a dependent applies only on the amount that exceeds 10% of your adjusted gross income. Let’s assume Bob and Mary are facing significant ($170,000) medical expenses for their son, Bob Jr. The expenses are not covered by their regular health insurance plan, so the couple withdraws $170,000 from Bob’s IRA. In addition to pension and social security, this distribution increases their Adjusted Gross Income to $250,000, so Bob and Mary will pay about $2,500, the 10% excise tax on approximately $25,000. 

It is best to avoid early distributions from your IRA and 401(k) accounts; after all, the money is meant for your retirement years.

However, in the event there are no other alternatives, you may be able to avoid the 10% penalty….er, excise tax.

Timothy Wyman, CFP®, JD, is the Managing Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® For the second consecutive year, in 2019 Forbes included Tim in its Best-In-State Wealth Advisors List in Michigan¹. He was also named a 2018 Financial Times 400 Top Financial Advisor²

¹ The Forbes ranking of Best-In-State Wealth Advisors, developed by SHOOK Research is based on an algorithm of qualitative criteria and quantitative data. Those advisors that are considered have a minimum of 7 years of experience, and the algorithm weighs factors like revenue trends, AUM, compliance records, industry experience and those that encompass best practices in their practices and approach to working with clients. Portfolio performance is not a criteria due to varying client objectives and lack of audited data. Out of 29,334 advisors nominated by their firms, 3,477 received the award. This ranking is not indicative of advisor's future performance, is not an endorsement, and may not be representative of individual clients' experience. Neither Raymond James nor any of its Financial Advisors or RIA firms pay a fee in exchange for this award/rating. Raymond James is not affiliated with Forbes or Shook Research, LLC. Links are being provided for information purposes only. Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse, authorize or sponsor any of the listed websites or their respective sponsors. Raymond James is not responsible for the content of any website or the collection or use of information regarding any website's users and/or members. Any opinions are those of Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® and not necessarily those of Raymond James.

² The FT 400 was developed in collaboration with Ignites Research, a subsidiary of the FT that provides special-ized content on asset management. To qualify for the list, advisers had to have 10 years of experience and at least $300 million in assets under management (AUM) and no more than 60% of the AUM with institutional clients. The FT reaches out to some of the largest brokerages in the U.S. and asks them to provide a list of advisors who meet the minimum criteria outlined above. These advisors are then invited to apply for the ranking. Only advisors who submit an online application can be considered for the ranking. In 2018, roughly 880 applications were re-ceived and 400 were selected to the final list (45.5%). The 400 qualified advisers were then scored on six attrib-utes: AUM, AUM growth rate, compliance record, years of experience, industry certifications, and online accessibil-ity. AUM is the top factor, accounting for roughly 60-70 percent of the applicant's score. Additionally, to provide a diversity of advisors, the FT placed a cap on the number of advisors from any one state that's roughly correlated to the distribution of millionaires across the U.S. The ranking may not be representative of any one client's experi-ence, is not an endorsement, and is not indicative of advisor's future performance. Neither Raymond James nor any of its Financial Advisors pay a fee in exchange for this award/rating. The FT is not affiliated with Raymond James.

The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete, it is not a statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision, and it does not constitute a recommendation. Any opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of Raymond James

Using the Bucket Strategy to Meet Retirement Cash Needs

Josh Bitel Contributed by: Josh Bitel, CFP®

Using the Bucket Strategy to Meet Retirement Cash Needs

If you are in or close to retirement, you are probably concerned about the recent market uncertainty. You may be wondering how your investment portfolio can be structured to provide the income you need, without putting the portfolio in a vulnerable position. 

The Bucket Strategy (not to be confused with the “Bucket List”) describes a cash distribution method to provide you with income from your portfolio during any kind of market cycle. 

Consider that we have four buckets, and that every investment within your portfolio fits into one of these buckets. This strategy can provide cash needed in retirement, even if equity markets drop or stay low for extended periods of time. 

Bucket 1:

The first bucket is designated for cash needs of one year or less. This bucket contains cash and short-term securities that mature in less than one year to support your needs for the next 12 months. 

Bucket 2:

The second bucket starts generating cash flow in the 13-36 month range, or years two and three. This bucket contains short-term bonds and fixed-income type securities that have a small amount of volatility, but are primarily designed for preservation of capital. The holdings in this bucket will pass on interest income that ultimately flows into the first bucket. 

Bucket 3:

The third bucket is structured to generate cash flow needs in years four and five, and primarily contains strategic income and higher yielding bonds (lower quality, longer maturing and international type bonds). However, they do pass on interest income that flows into the first bucket, much like bucket #2. 

Bucket 4:

The fourth, and last, bucket is made up of equities (stock investments) and other assets that have higher volatility like gold, real estate, commodities, etc. Many of these assets will produce dividends to help replenish the first bucket, if the dividends are set to pay in cash and not reinvest. Ideally, when the market is volatile, as we’ve been seeing lately, this bucket is left alone to ride out the market cycle and replenish as we recover.

The Bucket Strategy is designed to provide enough cash flow to get through roughly a 6- or 7-year period without needing to liquidate the stock portion of the portfolio. This should provide you with the confidence (and more importantly, cash) needed to enjoy your retirement and start working on your Bucket List! 

Talk to your financial planner to see how the Bucket Strategy might work for you.

Josh Bitel, CFP® is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He conducts financial planning analysis for clients and has a special interest in retirement income analysis.

Can You Change Your Spending Habits in Retirement?

Sandy Adams Contributed by: Sandra Adams, CFP®

Can you change your spending habits in retirement?

I recently had some interesting conversations with clients, many of whom have been exceedingly good savers during their entire adult lives. These clients most often grew up in households that modeled frugality and modesty in spending, and they have followed suit. As they plan to enter the ranks of the retired, they find themselves with more saved than they are likely to spend, based on the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. So now what?

In our conversations about “what could you spend” and “spending on things that would bring value and meaning to their lives,” these clients still struggle in many cases to imagine needing or wanting to spend even a fraction of the excess that they have accumulated. Why? I like to say it is because changing your spending “stripes” later in life is just hard to do.

When clients have learned to live a certain way with money, making significant changes may simply not be comfortable. Clients have shared stories about the challenge of hunting down the best clearance deals, something they do to compete with friends, or the fun in finding the best travel deals, even though they can afford to pay top dollar. And while circumstances may dictate how they spend their wealth in the future, these clients wouldn’t spend it now any other way. They have built the lives they want and enjoy. 

On the flip side, we work with clients who have developed lifestyles that are extremely “high-end” and keeping up with that lifestyle in retirement can take an extreme amount of saving and planning, particularly with longevity in the mix. Conversations with these clients about what expenses can be cut in retirement can be difficult. Even though some expenses go away (mortgages get paid, etc.), added expenses like travel, hobbies, etc., might come into play, especially in early retirement. Once you have become accustomed to a lifestyle, it is hard to cut back. I have found that many clients, given the choice, will work longer or save more prior to retirement rather than take less retirement income (i.e. cut back on their retirement lifestyle).  

So the answer to the question: Can you change your spending habits in retirement?

Probably not. Habits developed over a lifetime are very difficult to break.

My best suggestion:

Work with a financial advisor earlier rather than later to develop a retirement savings plan that allows you to spend whatever you want for your retirement lifestyle. The earlier you start your plan, the better your chance for success. If you or anyone you know needs assistance with developing a retirement savings plan, contact our Center Planning Team. We are always happy to help.

Sandra Adams, CFP®, CeFT™, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and serves as a trusted source for national publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine, and Journal of Financial Planning.

Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. The information contained in this blog does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Investing involves risk and investors may incur a profit or a loss regardless of strategy selected. Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements.

Three-Legged Stool Strategy

Tim Wyman Contributed by: Timothy Wyman, CFP®, JD

Tim Wyman, CFP®, JD Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® 3 legged stool strategy

Generating income in retirement is one of the most common financial goals for retirees and soon-to-be retirees. The good news is that you can “recreate your paycheck” in a variety of ways.

Retirement income might be visualized using a “Three-Legged Stool”. The first two sources, or legs, of retirement income are generally Social Security and pensions (although fewer and fewer retirees are covered by a pension these days). The third leg for most retirees will come from personal investments (there is a potential fourth leg – part-time work – but that’s for another day). It is this leg of the stool, the investment leg, that requires preparation, planning, and analysis. The most effective plan for you depends on your individual circumstances, but here are some common methods for your consideration:

  1. Dividends and Interest

  2. 3–5 Year Income Cushion or Bucket

  3. The Annuity Cushion

  4. Systematic Withdrawal or Total Return Approach

Dividends & Interest

Usually, a balanced portfolio is constructed so your investment income – dividends and interest – is sufficient to meet your living expenses. Principal is used only for major, discretionary capital purchases. This method is used only when there is sufficient investment capital available to meet your income need, if any, after Social Security and pension.

3-5 Year Income Cushion or Bucket Approach

This method might be appropriate when your investment portfolio is not large enough to generate sufficient dividends and interest. Preferably five (but no less than three) years of your income shortfall is held in lower risk fixed income investments and are available as needed. The remainder of the portfolio is usually in a balanced investments. The Income Cushion or Bucket is periodically replenished. For example, if the stock market is up, liquidate sufficient stock to maintain the 3-5 year cushion. If stock market is down, draw on the fixed income cushion while you anticipate the market recovery. If fixed income is exhausted, review your income requirements, which may lead to at least a temporary reduction in income. 

The Annuity Cushion

This method is very similar to the 3-5 year income cushion. A portion of the fixed income portfolio is placed into a fixed-period, immediate annuity with at least a 5-year income stream. This method might work well when a bridge is needed to a future income stream, such as Social Security or pension. 

Systematic Withdrawal or Total Return Approach

Consider this method if your portfolio does not generate sufficient interest and dividends to meet your income shortfall. Generally speaking, in a balanced, or equity-tilted, portfolio, the income shortfall (after-interest income) is met at least partially from equity withdrawals. Lastly, set a reasonably conservative systematic withdrawal rate, which studies suggest is near 4% of the initial portfolio value, adjusted annually for inflation. 

After helping retirees for the last 30-plus years create workable retirement income, our experience has shown us that many times one of the above methods (and even a combination) can help with re-creating your paycheck in retirement. The key is to provide a strong foundation – or in this case – a sturdy stool. 

Where Did It Go?

Do you ever find that you have too much month at the end of your money? Be honest, in the blink of an eye, extra money seems to vanish. For those still in their earnings years, one of the keys to accumulating wealth, thus achieving your financial objectives, is to stop the disappearing act. Transfer dollars from your monthly cash flow to your net worth statement by adding funds to your savings accounts, taxable investment accounts, and retirement accounts (such as employer sponsored 401k and 403b accounts) and IRAs (Traditional or ROTH). Another smart move is to use funds from your monthly cash flow to pay down debt … which also improves your net worth statement.

Saving money and improving your overall financial position is easier said than done. The truth is that saving money is more than simply a function of dollars and cents; it requires discipline and perseverance. You may have heard about the “paying yourself first” strategy. The most effective way to pay yourself first is to set up automatic savings programs. The 401k (or other employer plan) is the best way to do this – but you can also establish similar automated savings plans with brokerage companies and financial institutions such as banks or credit unions. 

Just as important, be intentional with your spending. Rather than thinking in terms of a budget (which sounds a lot like dieting), think about establishing a “spending plan”. Planning your expenses as best you can will help ensure that you spend money on the things that add value to your life and should help keep your money from mysteriously vanishing at the end of the month.

For a free resource to help track your cash flow, email

Timothy Wyman, CFP®, JD, is the Managing Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® For the second consecutive year, in 2019 Forbes included Tim in its Best-In-State Wealth Advisors List in Michigan¹. He was also named a 2018 Financial Times 400 Top Financial Advisor²

¹ The Forbes ranking of Best-In-State Wealth Advisors, developed by SHOOK Research is based on an algorithm of qualitative criteria and quantitative data. Those advisors that are considered have a minimum of 7 years of experience, and the algorithm weighs factors like revenue trends, AUM, compliance records, industry experience and those that encompass best practices in their practices and approach to working with clients. Portfolio performance is not a criteria due to varying client objectives and lack of audited data. Out of 29,334 advisors nominated by their firms, 3,477 received the award. This ranking is not indicative of advisor's future performance, is not an endorsement, and may not be representative of individual clients' experience. Neither Raymond James nor any of its Financial Advisors or RIA firms pay a fee in exchange for this award/rating. Raymond James is not affiliated with Forbes or Shook Research, LLC. Links are being provided for information purposes only. Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse, authorize or sponsor any of the listed websites or their respective sponsors. Raymond James is not responsible for the content of any website or the collection or use of information regarding any website's users and/or members. Any opinions are those of Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® and not necessarily those of Raymond James.

² The FT 400 was developed in collaboration with Ignites Research, a subsidiary of the FT that provides special-ized content on asset management. To qualify for the list, advisers had to have 10 years of experience and at least $300 million in assets under management (AUM) and no more than 60% of the AUM with institutional clients. The FT reaches out to some of the largest brokerages in the U.S. and asks them to provide a list of advisors who meet the minimum criteria outlined above. These advisors are then invited to apply for the ranking. Only advisors who submit an online application can be considered for the ranking. In 2018, roughly 880 applications were re-ceived and 400 were selected to the final list (45.5%). The 400 qualified advisers were then scored on six attrib-utes: AUM, AUM growth rate, compliance record, years of experience, industry certifications, and online accessibil-ity. AUM is the top factor, accounting for roughly 60-70 percent of the applicant's score. Additionally, to provide a diversity of advisors, the FT placed a cap on the number of advisors from any one state that's roughly correlated to the distribution of millionaires across the U.S. The ranking may not be representative of any one client's experi-ence, is not an endorsement, and is not indicative of advisor's future performance. Neither Raymond James nor any of its Financial Advisors pay a fee in exchange for this award/rating. The FT is not affiliated with Raymond James.

The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete, it is not a statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision, and it does not constitute a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Tim Wyman, and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation. Dividends are not guaranteed and must be authorized by the company's board of directors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. A fixed annuity is a long-term, tax-deferred insurance contract designed for retirement. It allows you to create a fixed stream of income through a process called annuitization and also provides a fixed rate of return based on the terms of the contract. Fixed annuities have limitations. If you decide to take your money out early, you may face fees called surrender charges. Plus, if you're not yet 59½, you may also have to pay an additional 10% tax penalty on top of ordinary income taxes. You should also know that a fixed annuity contains guarantees and protections that are subject to the issuing insurance company's ability to pay for them. Every investor's situation is unique and you should consider your investment goals, risk tolerance and time horizon before making any investment. Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.

The Power of Working Longer

Nick Defenthaler Contributed by: Nick Defenthaler, CFP®

The Power of Working Longer Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

Saving 1% more towards retirement for the final 10 years of one’s career has the same impact as working one month longer.

Yes, you read that correctly. Saving 15% in your 401k instead of 14% for the 10 years leading up to retirement has the same impact as delaying retirement by only 30 days! Hard to believe but that’s exactly what the National Bureau of Economic Research found in their 2018 research paper titled “The Power of Working Longer”. To make your eyes pop even more, consider that saving 1% more for 30 years was shown to have the same impact as working 3-4 months longer. Wow!

If you’re like me, you find these statistics absolutely incredible. This clearly highlights the impact that working longer has on your retirement plan. As we’re getting very close to retirement (usually five years or less), most of us won’t be able to make a meaningful impact on our 25-35 year retirement horizon by increasing our savings rate. At this point in our careers, it just doesn’t move the needle the way you might think it would.  

Without question, the best way you can increase the probability of success for your retirement income strategy in the latter stages of your career is to work longer. But when I say “working longer”, I don’t necessarily mean working longer on a full-time basis.  

A trend I am seeing more and more, one that excites me, is a concept known as “phased retirement”. This essentially means that you’re easing into retirement and not going from working full-time to quitting work cold turkey. We as humans tend to view retirement as “all on” or “all off”. If you ask me, that’s the wrong approach. We need to start thinking of part-time employment as part of an overall financial game plan.  

Let’s look at a real-life client I recently encountered (whose name was changed to protect identity):

Mary, age 62, came in for her annual planning meeting and shared with me that the stress of her well-paying sales position was completely wearing her down. At this stage in her life and career, she no longer had the energy for the 50-hour work weeks and frequent travel. Now a grandmother of three, she wanted to spend more time with her kids and grandkids but feared that retiring at 62, compared with our plan of 65, would impact her long-term financial picture.  

The more we talked, the more clear it became that Mary did not want to completely stop working; she just could not take the full-time grind anymore. When we put pen to paper, we concluded that she could still achieve her desired retirement income goal by working part-time for the next three years (to get her to Medicare age). Her income would drop to a level that would not allow her to save at all for retirement, but believe it or not, that had no meaningful impact on her long-term plan. Earning enough money to cover virtually all of her living expenses and not dipping into her portfolio until age 65 was the key factor.

Having conversations around your desired retirement age is obviously a critical component to your overall planning. However, a sometimes overlooked question is, “WHY do you want to retire at that age?”. As a society, we do a good job of creating social norms in many aspects of life, and retirement is not immune to this. I’ve actually heard several clients respond to this question with, “Because that’s the age you’re supposed to retire!”. When I hear this, I get nervous, because these folks usually make it three months into the retirement transition, only to find they are not truly happy. They found purpose in their careers, they enjoyed the social aspects of their jobs, and they loved keeping busy, whether or not they realized it at the time.

The bottom line is this: Don’t discount the effectiveness of easing into full retirement, both from a financial and lifestyle standpoint.

Some clients have found a great deal of happiness during this stage of life by working less, trying a different career, or even starting a small business they’ve dreamed about for years. The possibilities are endless. Have an open mind and find the balance that works for you, that’s what it’s all about.

Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He contributed to a PBS documentary on the importance of saving for retirement and has been a trusted source for national media outlets, including CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine, and

The information contained in this blog does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Opinions expressed in the attached article are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. Keep in mind that there is no assurance that any strategy will ultimately be successful or profitable nor protect against a loss.

Monitor Your Savings Bonds Through Treasury Direct

Jeanette LoPiccolo Contributed by: Jeanette LoPiccolo, CRPC®

Monitor your savings bonds through Treasury Direct

Throughout the years, savings bonds have been popular gifts. Before college savings accounts became so popular, grandparents sometimes gave bonds for birthdays, encouraging their grandchildren to save for the future. Could you have any savings bonds lying around in files or locked up in a safety deposit box?

If you have bonds that you have not looked at in years, now may be the right time to bring them into the digital age with Treasury Direct.

Recently, the U.S. Treasury stopped issuing paper bonds to save costs. Instead, you can create an online account and monitor your bonds as you would an investment account. If you use Raymond James Client Access, you can create an external link to your savings bonds account. Then, you and your financial planner can track your bonds.

In addition to preventing your bonds from being forgotten (or tossed away in a Marie Kondo cleaning frenzy), here are a few good reasons to try the online account:

  • You can cash your electronic bonds, in full or in part, at any time – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – and move the funds to a savings or checking account that you specify. You don’t need to go to a financial institution, and there are no restrictions on the number of bonds or the value that can be cashed, once minimum requirements are met.

  • Online holdings and their current values can be viewed at any time.

  • When electronic bonds reach final maturity and are no longer earning interest, they will be automatically paid to a non-interest bearing account.

The process is fairly simple. Step 1 is to locate your savings bonds. Then visit and scroll down to “How Do You Use SmartExchange?”. Follow the prompts and get started!

Jeanette LoPiccolo, CFP®, CRPC®, is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She is a 2018 Raymond James Outstanding Branch Professional, one of three recognized nationwide.

Opinions expressed in the attached article are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete.

Efficient Tax Planning is Year-Round Work

Josh Bitel Contributed by: Josh Bitel

efficient tax planning

While many of us focus this time of year on getting our tax returns done, year-round tax planning excites us number geeks! We really can’t control taxes, right? Well, not exactly. 

Of course, we can’t change the tax rates set by our government, but we can work collaboratively on financial decisions throughout the year that help ensure the greatest possible level of tax efficiency. Let’s look at a few examples:


Say you have a stock position in Ford purchased at $3 a share when “the sky was falling”. Because its worth has greatly increased, your unrealized gain amounts to $20,000. The stock has done so well, you might not want to part with it. You also don’t want to pay tax on that nice $20,000 gain. 

So consider this: If your taxable income falls within the 12% marginal tax bracket, chances are you would pay very little or possibly ZERO tax on the $20,000 gain. You could lock in that nice profit and potentially improve the overall allocation of your portfolio. 

This is a hypothetical example for illustration purpose only and does not represent an actual investment.


Let’s take a look at another real-life example we often see. What if your income this year takes a significant drop, through a job loss, retirement, job change, or other move? Be sure to keep us in the loop, so that we can help you make pro-active tax planning decisions.

In this situation, a Roth IRA conversion could make a lot of sense if your income will fall into a lower tax bracket that you most likely will not see again. You would pay tax at a much lower rate, and moving Traditional IRA dollars into a Roth IRA for potential future, tax-free growth could create a monumental planning opportunity.   


These are just two examples of the many factors we examine in your financial plan to make sure your dollars are efficiently taxed. You can help us do this work. Sharing your tax return early gives us a much better chance throughout the year to uncover strategies that may make sense for you and your family. 

Many of our clients have now signed a disclosure form allowing us to directly contact their CPA or tax professional to obtain copies of returns and to discuss tax-planning ideas. This saves you, as the client, the hassle of making copies or e-mailing your return – and we are all about making your life easier! 

Josh Bitel is a Client Service Associate at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He conducts financial planning analysis for clients and has a special interest in retirement income analysis.

While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, as Financial Advisors of RJFS, we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Opinions expressed in the attached article are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. Every investor's situation is unique and you should consider your investment goals, risk tolerance and time horizon before making any investment. Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.

Could We See Changes Coming to Fix Social Security?

Robert Ingram Contributed by: Robert Ingram

Changes Coming to Fix Social Security

For the past several years, you may have seen story after story questioning the health of the Social Security system and whether the federal program can be sustained into the future. If you, like many clients, are thinking about your retirement plan, you’ve probably wondered, “Will my Social Security benefits be there when I retire?”.

Certainly, different actuarial or economic assumptions can influence Social Security’s perceived financial strength and solvency, but it’s clear some steps must be taken. With a system the size and scope of Social Security, one that affects so many people, it's hard to overstate the challenge of finding solutions on which lawmakers and experts can agree.

Funding Social Security - Money In, Money Out

Payroll (FICA) taxes collected by the federal government fund Social Security. How much do we pay? The first $132,900 of an individual’s 2019 annual wages is subject to a 12.4% payroll tax, with employers paying 6.2% and employees paying 6.2% (self-employed individuals pay the full 12.4%).

The government deposits these collected taxes into the Social Security Trust Funds, which are used to pay benefits. Social Security benefits are also at least partially taxable for individuals with income above certain thresholds. For more on Social Security taxation, click here.

U.S. demographic changes pose challenges for Social Security’s financial framework.  Americans are living longer, but birth rates have declined. One implication is that while a growing population draws Social Security benefits, a smaller potential workforce pays into the system.

In its 2018 annual report, the Social Security Board of Trustees projected that the total benefit costs (outflows) would exceed the total income into the trust funds, and the trust fund reserves will be depleted by 2034. Now, the report does not suggest that Social Security would be unable to pay benefits at that point. It estimates that with the trust funds depleted, the incoming revenues would be able to cover about 77% of the scheduled retirement and survivor benefits.

This is still concerning for the millions of retirees collecting their benefits and for future retirees counting on their benefits over the next 15 to 20 years.

So the question is, how can we correct this funding shortfall?

Possible fixes for Social Security?

Ultimately, as with any budget, fixing the imbalances between the Social Security system’s inflows and outflows would involve increasing system revenues, reducing or slowing the benefit payouts, or some combination of both.

There have been a number of proposals discussed in recent years, including:

  • Increasing the Full Retirement Age from age 67

  • Changing the formula for calculating benefits based on earnings history

  • Increasing (or even eliminating) the cap on income subject to the payroll tax

  • Reducing benefits for individuals at certain income levels (“means testing”)

  • Changing how the cost of living adjustment (COLA) for benefits is determined

This past January, the Social Security 2100 Act was re-introduced in the House of Representatives. This series of suggested reforms, originally introduced in 2014 and 2017, has several key items: 

  • Increase the Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) formula for calculating benefits at one’s Full Retirement Age

  • Change the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) calculation, tying it to the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) rather than the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W)

  • Increase the special minimum Primary Insurance Amount for workers who become newly eligible for benefits in 2020 or later

  • Replace the current thresholds for taxing Social Security benefits, from a threshold for taxing 50% of Social Security benefits and a threshold for taxing 85% of benefits, to a single set of thresholds set at $50,000 (single filers) and $100,000 (married filing jointly) for taxation of 85%  of Social Security benefits, by 2020

  • Apply the payroll tax rate for Social Security (12.4% in 2019) to earnings above $400,000

  • Continue applying the the payroll tax to the first $132,900 of wages and exempting income from $132,901 up to $400,000, then apply the tax again to amounts above the $400,000 threshold

  • Increase the Social Security payroll tax rate incrementally from the current 12.4%  to 14.8% by 2043

  • The rate would increase by 0.1%age point per year, from 2020 until 2043

  • Combine the reserves of the Social Security retirement and survivor benefits trust fund and the reserves of Social Security’s disability benefits trust fund into a single trust fund

(Note source data: Estimates of the Financial Effects on Social Security of the “Social Security 2100 Act” 

Interestingly, the first four provisions in the proposed bill are actually intended to increase the benefits for recipients. The first provision would slightly increase the benefit amounts paid to recipients through the new formula. The change to CPI-W gives more weight to spending items particularly relevant for seniors, such as health care, resulting in a potentially higher COLA than under the current structure. The third provision increases the current minimum benefit earned, and the fourth item allows for a higher level of income before Social Security benefits become taxable.

To address Social Security’s long-term solvency, this bill focuses on boosting Social Security revenues by increasing the payroll tax rate over time and making more earned income subject to those payroll taxes. That approach is in contrast with other proposals that would focus on managing the outflow of benefits, such as raising the full retirement age from 67 to 70.

This illustrates the philosophical differences in how to address the problems facing Social Security, and what makes reaching consensus on a long-term solution so difficult. 

Should I plan for changes to the Social Security system?

With so many factors at play and strong voices on different sides of the issue, the specific reforms Congress will adopt and exactly when they will occur remain unclear. For most clients, Social Security is part of their overall retirement income picture, but a meaningful source of income.

It is important to have at least a basic understanding of your benefits and what affects them under the current system (benefits collected at full retirement age, changes to benefit amounts based on when they are collected, and the potential impacts of taxation on your benefits, just to name a few factors).

Understanding how your Social Security benefits fit within your own retirement income plan can help you stay proactive as you make decisions in the face of uncertainty, whether controlling your savings rate, choosing investment strategies, or evaluating your retirement goals. If you have questions about your retirement income, we’re always here to help!

Robert Ingram, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® With more than 15 years of industry experience, he is a trusted source for local media outlets and frequent contributor to The Center’s “Money Centered” blog.

*Repurposed from 2016 blog: Will Social Security Be Around When I Retire?

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Consider these options and strategies to pump up your Social Security benefits

Nick Defenthaler Contributed by: Nick Defenthaler, CFP®

As a frequent speaker on Social Security, I’ve had the pleasure of educating hundreds of retirees on the nuances and complexities of this confusing topic. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that, unfortunately, many of us do not take the decision about when to file as seriously as we should.

your social security benefits

In 2018, the average annual Social Security benefit was roughly $17,000. Assuming a retiree lives for 20 years after receiving that first benefit check, you’re looking at a total of $340,000 in lifetime benefits – and that’s not accounting for inflation adjustments along the way!

We work to help our clients receive nearly double that amount each year – $33,500 – which is close to the maximum full retirement age (FRA) benefit one can receive. Assuming the same 20-year period means nearly $700,000 in total lifetime benefits. It’s not unreasonable for a couple with earnings near the top of the Social Security wage base to see a combined, total lifetime benefit amount north of $1,500,000 as long as you are award of the decision process.

As you can see, the filing decision will be among the largest financial decisions – if not THE largest – you will ever make!

Longevity risk matters

Seventy-five percent of Americans will take benefits prior to their full retirement age (link #1 below) and only 1 percent will delay benefits until age 70, when they are fully maximized. In many cases, financial and health circumstances force retirees to draw benefits sooner rather than later. But for many others, retirement income options and creative strategies are oftentimes overlooked, or even taken for granted.

In my opinion, longevity risk (aka – living a really long time in retirement) is one of the three biggest risks we face in our golden years. Research has proven, time in and time out, that maximizing Social Security benefits is among the best ways to help protect yourself against this risk, from a retirement income standpoint. Each year you delay, you will see a permanent benefit increase of roughly 8 percent (up until age 70). How many investments offer this type of guaranteed income?

Let’s look at the chart below to highlight this point.


You can see a significant difference between taking benefits at age 62 and at age 70 – nearly $250,000 in additional income generated by delaying! Keep in mind, this applies for just one person. Married couples who both had a strong earnings history or can take advantage of the spousal benefit filing options receive even more benefits.

Mark’s story

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with a gentleman named Mark after one of my recent educational sessions on Social Security. As we chatted, he made a comment along the lines of, “I have just close to $1.5 million saved for retirement, I just don’t think Social Security really matters in my situation.” I asked several probing questions to better understand his earnings record and what his benefit would be at full retirement age.

We were able to determine that at age 66, his benefit would be nearly $33,000. Mark was 65, in good health, and mentioned several times that his parents lived into their early 90s. Longevity statistics suggest that an average 65-year-old male has a 25 percent chance of living until 93. However, based on Mark’s health and family history, he has a much higher probability of living into his early to mid-90s!

If Mark turned his benefits on at age 66, and he lived until age 93, he would receive $891,000 in lifetime benefits. If he waited until age 70 and increased his annual benefit by 32 percent ($43,500/yr.), his lifetime benefits would be $1,000,500 (keep in mind, we haven’t even factored inflation adjustments into the lifetime benefit figures).

I then asked, “Mark, if you had an IRA with a balance of $891,000 or even $1,000,000, could we both agree that this account would make a difference in your retirement?” Mark looked at me, smiled, and nodded. He instantly understood my point. Looking at the total dollars Social Security would pay out resonated deeply with him.

All too often, we don’t fully appreciate how powerful a fixed income source can be in retirement. It’s astounding to see the lifetime payout provided by Social Security. Regardless of your financial circumstance, it will always make sense to review your options with someone who understands the nuances of Social Security and is well educated on the creative ways to draw benefits. Don’t take this decision lightly, too many dollars are at stake!

Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like to talk through your plan for Social Security and how it will fit into your overall retirement income strategy.

Nick Defenthaler, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He contributed to a PBS documentary on the importance of saving for retirement and has been a trusted source for national media outlets, including CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine, and

Sources: 1) 2) The information herein has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. This information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making a decision and does not constitute a recommendation. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

What happens to my Social Security benefit if I retire early?

Kali Hassinger Contributed by: Kali Hassinger, CFP®

Did you know that the benefit shown on your Social Security estimate statement isn’t just based on your work history?

what happens to my social security benefit if I retire early

The estimated benefit shown on your statement assumes that you’ll work from now until your full retirement age.  And, on top of that, it assumes that your income will remain about the same that entire time. For some of our clients who are still working, early retirement has become a frequent discussion topic. What happens, however, if you retire early and don’t pay into Social Security for several years? In a world where pensions are quickly becoming a thing of the past, Social Security will be the largest, if not the only, fixed income source in retirement for many. 

Your Social Security benefit is based on your highest 35 earning years, with the current full retirement age at 67.

So, what happens to your benefit if you retire at age 50? That is a full 17 years earlier than your statement assumes you’ll work, which effectively cuts out half of what is often our highest earning years.

We recently had a client ask about this exact scenario, and the results were pretty surprising! This client has been earning a great salary for the last 10 years and maxing out the Social Security tax income cap every year. Her Social Security statement, of course, assumes that she would continue to pay in the maximum amount (which is 6.2% of $132,900 for an employee in 2019 - or $8,240 - with the employer paying the additional 6.2%) until her full retirement age of 67. She wanted to make sure her retirement plan was still on track even after stopping her income and contributions to Social Security at age 50.

We were able to analyze her Social Security earning history, then project her future earnings based on her current income and future retirement age of 50. Her current statement showed a future annual benefit of $36,000. When we reduced her income to $0 at age 50, her estimated Social Security benefit actually dropped by 13%, or $4,680 per year. That’s still $31,320-per-year fixed income source would still pay our client throughout retirement. Given the fact that she’s working 17 years less than the statement assumes and she has the assets necessary to support the difference, a 13% decrease isn’t too bad. This is just one example, of course, but it is indicative of what we’ve seen for many of our early retirees. 

Social Security isn’t the only topic you’ll want to check on before making any final decisions about an early retirement.

You’ll also want to consider health insurance, having enough savings in non-retirement accounts that aren’t subject to an early withdrawal penalty, and, of course, making sure you’ve saved enough to reach your goals! If you’d like to chat about Social Security and your overall retirement plan, we are always happy to help!

Kali Hassinger, CFP®, CDFA® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She has more than a decade of financial planning and insurance industry experience.

Any opinions are those of Kali Hassinger, CFP and not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James. The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. There is no assurance any of the trends mentioned will continue or forecasts will occur. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but Raymond James does not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. The case study included herein is for illustrative purposes only. Individual cases will vary. Prior to making any investment decision, you should consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Raymond James and its advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements.