Retirement Income Planning

How To Manage Your Finances After A Divorce

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Divorce isn’t easy.  Determining a settlement, attending court hearings, and dealing with competing attorneys can weigh heavily on all parties involved. In addition to the emotional impact, divorce is logistically complicated.  Paperwork needs to be filed, processed, submitted, and resubmitted.  Assets need to be split, income needs to be protected, and more paperwork needs to be submitted!  With all of these pieces in motion, it can be difficult to truly understand how your financial position will be impacted.  Now, more than ever, you need to be sure that your finances are on the right track.  Although every circumstance is unique, there are few steps that are helpful in most (if not all) situations.

Assess your current financial situation

Following a divorce, you’ll need to get a handle on your budget. You may be responsible for paying expenses that you were once able to share with your former spouse.  What are your current monthly expenses and income?  Regarding expenses, you’ll want to focus on dividing them into two categories: fixed and discretionary.  Fixed expenses include things like housing, food, transportation, taxes, debt payments, and insurance.  Discretionary expenses include things like entertainment and vacations.

Reevaluate your financial goals

Now that your divorce is finalized, you have the opportunity to reflect on your needs and wants separate from anyone else.  If kids are involved, of course their needs will be considered, but now is a time to reprioritize and focus on your needs, too.  Make a list of things you would like to achieve, and allow yourself to think both short and long-term.  Is saving enough to build a cash cushion important to you?  Is retirement savings a focus?  Are you interested in going back to school?  Is investing your settlement funds in a way that reflects your values important to you?

Review your insurance needs

Typically, insurance coverage for one or both spouses is negotiated as part of a divorce settlement, however, there is often still a need to make future adjustments to coverage.  When it comes to health insurance, having adequate coverage is a priority.  You’ll also want to make sure that your disability or life insurance matches your current needs.  Property insurance should also be updated to reflect any property ownership changes resulting from divorce.

Review your beneficiary designations & estate plan

After a divorce, you’ll want to change the beneficiary designations on any life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and bank or credit union accounts. This is also a good time to update or establish your estate plan.

Consider tax implications

Post-divorce your tax filing status will change.  Filing status is determined as of the last day of the year.  So even if your divorce is finalized on December 31st, for tax purposes, you would be considered divorced for that entire year. Be sure to update your payroll withholding as soon as possible.

You may also have new sources of income, deductions, and tax credits could be affected. 

Stay on top of your settlement action items

Splitting assets is no small task, and it is often time consuming.  The sooner you have accounts in your name only, the sooner you will feel a sense of organization and control.  Diligently following up on QDROs, transfers, and rollovers is important to make sure nothing is missed and the process is moving forward as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Working with a financial professional during this process can help to ensure that accounts are moved, invested, and utilized to best fit your needs.

When your current financial picture is clear, it becomes easier to envision your financial future.  Similarly, having a team of financial professionals on your side can create a feeling of security and support, even as you embrace your new found independence.

Kali Hassinger, CFP®, CDFA®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She has more than a decade of financial planning and insurance industry experience.

This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Opinions expressed in the attached article are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. Neither Raymond James Financial Services nor any Raymond James Financial Advisor renders advice on tax issues, these matters should be discussed with the appropriate professional.

How The Historically High Cost Of Retirement Income Affects Your Financial Plan

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Now more than ever, we find ourselves reminiscing. And if you’re like me, it’s usually about the simple things in life that were so easy to take for granted. Like going out to eat with a large group of friends, having a surprise birthday party for a loved one, or attending a sporting event or concert with a packed arena filled with 30,000 fans having a great time. COVID has caused this reminiscing to occur and it has also played a role in reminiscing of a world where investors used to receive a reasonable yield on portfolios for a relatively low level of risk.

Interest rates have been on a steady decline for several decades now, so COVID certainly isn’t the only culprit to blame here. That said, reductions in interest rates by the Federal Reserve when the pandemic occurred in spring 2020, certainly did not help. As an advisor who typically works with clients who are within 5 years of retirement or currently retired, it’s common to hear comments like, “When we’re drawing funds from our accounts, we can just live off of the interest which should be at least 4% - 5%!”. Given historical dividend and bond yield averages and the fact that if we go back to the late 90s, an investor could purchase a 10 year US treasury bond yielding roughly 7% (essentially risk-free being that the debt was backed by the US government), I can absolutely see why those who lived through this time frame and likely saw their parents living off this level of interest would make these sort of comments. The sad reality is this – the good old days of living off portfolio interest and yield are pretty much dead right now (unless of course, you have a very low portfolio withdrawal rate) and it will likely remain this way for an extended period.

One way to look at this is that the average, historical “cost” to generate $1,000 of annual income from a 50% stock, 50% bond balanced portfolio has been approximately $25,000 (translates into an average yield of 4%). Today, an investor utilizing the same balanced portfolio must invest $80,000 to achieve the $1,000 annual income goal. This is a 320% increase in the “cost” of creating portfolio income!  

It’s worth noting that this is not an issue unique to the United States. The rising cost of portfolio income is a global conundrum as many countries are currently navigating negative interest rate environments (ex. Switzerland, Denmark and Japan). Click here to learn more about what this actually means and how negative interest rates affect investors. Below is a chart showing the history of the 10-year US government bond and US large cap equities from 1870 to 2020.

Source: Robert Shiller

Source: Robert Shiller

The chart is a powerful visual and highlights how yields on financial assets have taken a nosedive, especially since the 1980s. The average bond yield over 150 years has been 4.5% and the average dividend yield has been 4.1%. As of December 2020, bond yields were at 0.9% and dividend yields stood at 1.6% - quite the difference from the historical average!

So why this dramatic reduction in yields? It’s a phenomenon likely caused by several factors that we could spend several hours talking about. Some experts suggest that companies have increasingly used stock repurchases to return money to shareholders which coupled with high equity valuations have decreased dividend yields globally. Bond yields have plummeted, in part from a flight to safety following the onset of the pandemic as well as the Federal Reserve’s asset purchasing program and reduction of rates that has been a decade-long trend.

The good news is that a low-interest rate environment has been favorable for stocks as many investors (especially large institutional endowments and hedge funds) are realizing that bonds yields and returns will not satisfy the return requirements for their clients which has led to more capital flowing into the equity markets, therefore, creating a tailwind for equities.

Investors must be cautious when “stretching for yield”, especially retirees in distribution mode. Lower quality, high yield bonds offer the yields they do for a reason – they carry significantly more risk than government and high quality corporate and mortgage-backed bonds. In fact, many “junk bonds” that offer much higher yields, typically have a very similar correlation to stocks which means that these bonds will not offer anywhere near the downside protection that high quality bonds will during bear markets and times of volatility. In 2020, it was not uncommon to see many well-respected high yield bond mutual funds down close to 25% amid the brief bear market we experienced. That said, many of these positions ended the year in positive territory but the ride along the way was a very bumpy one, especially for a bond holding!

The reality is simple – investors who wish to generate historical average yields in their portfolio must take on significantly more risk to do so. It’s also important to note that higher yields do not necessarily translate into higher returns. US large cap value stocks are a perfect example of this. Value stocks, which historically have outperformed growth stocks dating back to the 1920s, have underperformed growth stocks in a meaningful way over the last 5 years. This underperformance is actually part of a longer trend that has extended nearly 20 years. Value companies (think Warren Buffet style of investing) will pay dividends, but if stock price appreciation is muted, the total return for the stock will suffer. Some would argue that the underperformance has been partially caused by investors seeking yield thus causing many dividend-paying value companies to become overbought. In many cases, the risk to reward of “stretching for yield” just isn’t there right now for investors, especially for those in the distribution phase. It simply would not be prudent to meaningfully increase the risk of a client’s allocation for a slight increase in income generated from the portfolio.

As we’ve had to do so much over the past year with COVID, it’s important for investors, especially retirees, to shift their expectations and mindset when it comes to portfolio income. Viewing one’s principal as untouchable and believing yield and income will be sufficient in most cases to support spending in retirement is a mistake, in my opinion. Maximizing total return (price appreciation and income) with an appropriate level of risk will be even more critical in our new normal of low rates that, unfortunately, has no sign of leaving anytime soon.

Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick specializes in tax-efficient retirement income and distribution planning for clients and serves as a trusted source for local and national media publications, including WXYZ, PBS, CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine and

Views expressed are not necessarily those of Raymond James and are subject to change without notice. Information provided is general in nature, and is not a complete statement of all information necessary for making an investment decision, and is not a recommendation or a solicitation to buy or sell any security. There is an inverse relationship between interest rate movements and bond prices. Generally, when interest rates rise, bond prices fall and when interest rates fall, bond prices generally rise. Past performance is not indicative of future results. There is no assurance these trends will continue or that forecasts mentioned will occur. Investing always involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss. No investment strategy can guarantee success.

The Key To Financial Planning Is Sticking to the Basics!

Sandy Adams Contributed by: Sandra Adams, CFP®

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A colleague of mine and I were recently presenting a session on Savings for Junior Achievement for a Detroit High School class as part of The Center’s Financial Literacy initiatives. As part of our presentation, we both shared personal stories about how the fundamentals of budgeting and savings had personally impacted us during our earlier years. Why am I sharing this with you?

First, it was a good reminder that our perspective about money certainly changes over time. Thinking back, I now realize that how I think about money now is certainly different than how I thought about money in my teens and twenties. This is important especially when we are talking to our children and grandchildren about handling money.

Second, it was a good reminder that our experience teaches us good lessons. The things we have been through over our lifetimes, especially with money, sticks in our minds either positively or negatively. Positive experiences and behaviors we will tend to repeat and negative experiences and behaviors we hopefully will learn from and NOT repeat. Although some people take longer to learn than others.

Third, and most importantly, I was reminded with my own story that sticking to the financial planning basics works.

The Basics Are:

  • Paying yourself first. (Building savings to yourself right into your budget!)

  • Living within your means (spending first for needs and then for wants; spending for wants only if there is money in the budget).

  • Building a savings reserve for emergencies.

  • Building savings in advance for short-term goals.

  • Not accumulating debt that is not needed and paying off any credit in the money that it is accumulated.

  • And once you can do all that, building long-term savings for long-term goals like buying a house and retirement.

At one point in my life, I was in a real financial hole, but by sticking to the basics and having a lot of patience, I slowly dug myself out. And I sit here today being able to say that by following the fundamentals, you can be financially successful.  Sticking to the basics works!

Sandra Adams, CFP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® and holds a CeFT™ designation. She specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and serves as a trusted source for national publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine, and Journal of Financial Planning.

Am I Spending Enough Or Saving Too Much?


No you didn’t read that title incorrectly.  After decades of consistent and focused saving, how do you change your mentality to feel comfortable spending what you’ve worked so hard to accumulate?  Good savers spend decades developing the discipline to save, plan, and minimize debt, all for the ultimate goal of reaching financial independence and freedom.  However, when it comes time to use those hard-earned funds to support your retirement lifestyle, it can be a difficult transition.

The Center defines financial planning as a coordinated and comprehensive approach to reaching your financial goals.  It necessitates an appropriate balance between spending now and investing for the future.  That is a difficult balance to maintain, and without truly understanding your current resources and future needs, it is easy to miss the mark.  Without professional analysis and review, many either spend too much now and jeopardize future goals or have save too aggressively and end up unnecessarily sacrificing current quality of life. 

In planning, we can quantify what it takes to meet future financial goals, and make sure that we are doing what is needed to help reach those objectives.  In some cases, that knowledge can provide the freedom to actually reduce savings.  Beyond just allowing increased spending, this can also provide the opportunity to pursue passions as opposed to income.

When finally reaching that retirement finish line, however, turning your savings into income can be a daunting task.  Pulling from a balance that you’ve worked years to accumulate and build up can be uncomfortable, especially if you don’t know how much you can safely withdrawal without jeopardizing your long term financial security.  If you’re like many of our clients, it isn’t uncommon to react to this discomfort by under-spending and unintentionally accumulating money throughout retirement. 

Life is all about balance.  In this example, it’s about protecting your financial future while also enjoying life now.  If you’re in the enviable position of having more than you need for retirement, making a meaningful plan for the excess can help to ease the reluctance to spend.  Whether it is gifting, creating a financial legacy, or granting yourself permission to indulge a bit, if it brings you joy, it is worth considering.  Of course we would not recommend spending money frivolously, but, the ultimate goal is to pursue areas of interest because they are meaningful and important to you - unconstrained by financial concerns.  Isn’t that true financial freedom?  

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Kali Hassinger, CFP®, CDFA®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She has more than a decade of financial planning and insurance industry experience.

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Raymond James. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investing involves risk and investors may incur a profit or a loss.

5 Social Security Rules to Know for Maximizing Your Benefits

Robert Ingram Contributed by: Robert Ingram, CFP®

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Retirement Planning

Social Security is still a key source of income for most retirees.  At the same time with the program’s many nuanced rules and options, just understanding your available benefits can be confusing enough, let alone figuring out how to make the most of those benefits throughout retirement.  Additionally, there are some strategies not as widely publicized and they can easily fly under the radar.

Here are five Social Security rules to keep in mind as you plan your Social Security filing strategy. 

1. Delaying Social Security Can Increase Your Benefit Amount

Under the Social Security retirement program, you can collect your full retirement benefit at the designated Full Retirement Age (FRA), determined by your birth year.  Individuals born from 1943 to 1954 reached FRA at age 66.  In each year from 1955 to 1959 the FRA increases by 2 months (e.g. 1955 = age 66 and 2 months, 1956 = age 66 and 4 months, and so on). Those born in 1960 or later reach their FRA at age 67.

Think of your full retirement age benefit as your baseline benefit.  You can begin collecting benefits as early as age 62.  However, your benefit amount would be reduced by a small percentage for each month that you collected early.  This can add up to a sizable reduction. For example, if your full retirement age is 67 and you begin collecting as early as possible at 62, you could see your benefit reduced by 30%.

Now, the opposite is also true if you begin collecting your benefits after your full retirement age.  For each month that you delay taking your benefits beyond your full retirement age until age 70, your benefit amount increases by 2/3 of 1%.  (Are you thinking that doesn’t sound like much?)  These delayed retirement credits would yield an 8% increase over 12 months.  For clients that are concerned about longevity in retirement (a.ka. living a long time needing retirement income), this can be an effective way to help protect themselves.

2. Delaying Social Security Can Impact Benefits To A Surviving Spouse

For married couples that are receiving their Social Security retirement benefits, when one spouse passes away, the surviving spouse will receive only one benefit going forward.  It is the larger of his or her benefit or the deceased spouse’s benefit. 

By delaying Social Security to increase your benefit amount while you are living, you are also locking in a higher benefit amount that could be available to your surviving spouse.   Conversely, taking benefits early at a reduced amount may leave a smaller benefit available to your surviving spouse.  These different possible scenarios present both unique challenges and planning opportunities for maximizing the value of your benefits over both spouses’ lifetimes.

3. Withdrawal of Social Security Application (The “Do-Over”)

Suppose you have started collecting your benefits and then you changed your mind.  Perhaps you had collected early at a reduced benefit.  Can you go back and reverse the decision to claim benefits?  Well, if you are within the first 12 months of claiming, you can.

You can withdraw your application for benefits and then reapply later.  This resets things as if you had never started benefit.  Keep in mind there are also some important requirements.

  • You must repay all of the benefits you and your family received from your original retirement application, including:

    • Benefit amounts your spouse collected based on your earnings record or benefits dependent children received

    • Any amounts withheld for Medicare premiums

    • Voluntary tax withholding

  • Anyone who receives benefits based on your application must provide written consent

  • You can only withdraw your application once in your lifetime.

4. Voluntary Suspension

Ok, you may be wondering if it has been longer than 12 months since you claimed your benefits and you change your mind, are you completely stuck?  Well, not exactly.  There is another way to increase your benefit amount.

Once you reach full retirement age, you can request a suspension of your benefit payments (regardless of when you started them).  By doing so, the benefit you were receiving earns those delayed retirement credits of 2/3 of 1% for each month that your benefits are suspended.  This results in a higher amount when you resume your benefits, no later than age 70.

This strategy of suspending benefits can be an effective tax planning tool for years in which you anticipate other outside income, like a pension that recently started or a lump sum from the sale of a business.

5. Benefits Based On An Ex-Spouse’s Earnings

If you are divorced, you may be able to collect benefits based on your ex-spouse’s Social Security record.  Similar to the benefits for married couples, you can receive up to one-half of your ex-spouse’s full retirement amount by waiting until your full retirement age to apply.  Collecting earlier than your full retirement age still results in a reduced benefit.

You can collect based on your ex-spouse’s record if you meet the following criteria:

  • You were married at least 10 years and you have been divorced for at least 2 years

  • You are unmarried

  • You are age 62 or older

  • The benefit you are entitled to on your Social Security earnings record is less than the benefit you would receive based on your ex-spouse’s record

If the amount you could receive based on your ex-spouse’s record is larger than the amount from your record, you have the opportunity to receive the higher benefit.

Decisions around when and how to collect Social Security benefits can be complicated and depend so heavily on your unique circumstances.  Your health, your retirement spending needs, your income sources, and financial assets are just a few that come to mind.  If you have questions about how Social Security fits within your overall retirement income plan, or if we can be a resource for you, please reach out to us!

Robert Ingram, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® With more than 15 years of industry experience, he is a trusted source for local media outlets and frequent contributor to The Center’s “Money Centered” blog.

This material is being provided for informational purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Prior to making a decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.

How Much Guaranteed Income Should You Have In Retirement?

Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning
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How much guaranteed income (we’re talking Social Security, pension, and annuity income) should you have in retirement? I am frequently asked this by clients who are nearing or entering retirement AND are seeking our guidance on how to create not only a tax-efficient but well-diversified retirement paycheck. 

“The 50% Rule”

Although every situation is unique, in most cases, we want to see roughly 50% or more of a retiree’s spending need satisfied by fixed income. For example, if your goal is to spend $140,000 before-tax (gross) in retirement, ideally, we’d want to see roughly $70,000 or more come from a combination of Social Security, pension, or an annuity income stream. Reason being, this generally means less reliance on the portfolio for your spending needs. Of course, the withdrawal rate on your portfolio will also come into play when determining if your spending goal would be sustainable throughout retirement. To learn more about our thoughts on the “4% rule” and sequence of return risk, click here.  

Below is an illustration we use frequently with clients to help show where their retirement paycheck will be coming from. The chart also displays the portfolio withdrawal rate to give clients an idea if their desired spending level is realistic or not over the long-term.

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Cash Targets

Once we have an idea of what is required to come from your actual portfolio to supplement your spending goal, we’ll typically leave 6 – 12 months (or more depending of course on someone’s risk tolerance) of cash on the “sidelines” to ensure the safety of your short-term cash needs. Believe it or not, since 1980, the average intra-year market decline for the S&P 500 has been 13.8%. Over those 40 years, however, 30 (75% of the time) have ended the year in positive territory:


Market declines are imminent and we want to plan ahead to help mitigate their potential impact. By having cash available at all times for your spending needs, it allows you to still receive income from your portfolio while giving it time to “heal” and recover – something that typically occurs within a 12-month time frame.

A real-world example of this is a client situation that occurred in late March 2020 when the market was going through its bottoming process due to COVID. I received a phone call from a couple who had an unforeseen long-term care event occur which required a one-time distribution that was close to 8% of their entire portfolio. At the time, the stock portion of their accounts was down north of 30% but thankfully, due to their 50% weighting in bonds, their total portfolio was down roughly 17% (still very painful considering the conservative allocation, however). We collectively decided to draw the income need entirely from several of the bond funds that were actually in positive territory at the time. While this did skew their overall allocation a bit and positioned them closer to 58% stock, 42% bond, we did not want to sell any of the equity funds that had been beaten up so badly. This proved to be a winning strategy as the equity funds we held off on selling ended the year up over 15%.  

As you begin the home stretch of your working career, it’s very important to begin dialing in on what you’re actually spending now, compared to what you’d like to spend in retirement.  Sometimes the numbers are very close and oftentimes, they are quite different.  As clients approach retirement, we work together to help determine this magic number and provide analysis on whether or not the spending goal is sustainable over the long-term.  From there, it’s our job to help re-create a retirement paycheck for you that meets your own unique goals.  Don’t hesitate to reach out if we can ever offer a first or second opinion on the best way to create your own retirement paycheck.

Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP® is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick specializes in tax-efficient retirement income and distribution planning for clients and serves as a trusted source for local and national media publications, including WXYZ, PBS, CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine and

Opinions expressed are those of the author but not necessarily those of Raymond James, and are subject to change without notice. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Charts in this article are for illustration purposes only.

Important Information for Tax Season 2020

Lauren Adams Contributed by: Lauren Adams, CFA®, CFP®

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As we prepare for tax season, we want to keep you apprised of when you can expect to receive your tax documentation from Raymond James.

2020 Form 1099 mailing schedule

  • January 31 – Mailing of Form 1099-Q and Retirement Tax Packages

  • February 15 – Mailing of original Form 1099s

  • February 28 – Begin mailing delayed and amended Form 1099s

  • March 15 – Final mailing of any remaining delayed original Form 1099s

Additional important information

Delayed Form 1099s

In an effort to capture delayed data on original Form 1099s, the IRS allows custodians (including Raymond James) to extend the mailing date until March 15, 2021, for clients who hold particular investments or who have had specific taxable events occur. Examples of delayed information include:

  • Income reallocation related to mutual funds, real estate investment, unit investment, grantor and royalty trusts, as well as holding company depositary receipts

  • Processing of original issue discount and mortgage-backed bonds

  • Expected cost basis adjustments including, but not limited to, accounts holding certain types of fixed income securities and options

If you do have a delayed Form 1099, we may be able to generate a preliminary statement for you for informational purposes only, as the form is subject to change.

Amended Form 1099s

Even after delaying your Form 1099, please be aware that adjustments to your Form 1099 are still possible. Raymond James is required by the IRS to produce an amended Form 1099 if notice of such an adjustment is received after the original Form 1099 has been produced. There is no cutoff or deadline for amended Form 1099 statements. The following are some examples of reasons for amended Form 1099s:

  • Income reallocation

  • Adjustments to cost basis (due to the Economic Stabilization Act of 2008)

  • Changes made by mutual fund companies related to foreign withholding

  • Tax-exempt payments subject to alternative minimum tax

  • Any portion of distributions derived from U.S. Treasury obligations

What can you do?

You should consider talking to your tax professional about whether it makes sense to file an extension with the IRS to give you additional time to file your tax return, particularly if you held any of the aforementioned securities during 2020.

If you receive an amended Form 1099 after you have already filed your tax return, you should consult with your tax professional about the requirements to re-file based on your individual tax circumstances.

You can find additional information here.

As you complete your taxes for this year, a copy of your tax return is one of the most powerful financial planning information tools we have. Whenever possible, we request that you send a copy of your return to your financial planner, associate financial planner, or client service associate upon filing. Thank you for your assistance in providing this information, which enhances our services to you.

We hope you find this additional information helpful. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming tax season.

Lauren Adams, CFA®, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and Director of Operations at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She works with clients and their families to achieve their financial planning goals and also leads the client service, marketing, finance, and human resources departments.

Please note, changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time and could substantially impact your situation. Raymond James financial advisors do not render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

9 Actionable Steps For The New Year To Help Your Finances

Josh Bitel Contributed by: Josh Bitel, CFP®

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Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

Yes, it’s time to turn the page on 2020 and start anew!  There’s nothing like a fresh calendar to begin making plans for your envisioned future.  We previously provided you with some tips for year-end tax planning in our annual year-end tax letter. Here, we provide you with some very specific and actionable steps you can take now. Ultimately, while no strategy can guarantee your goals will be met, these steps are a great start on improving your financial health in the New Year:

  1. Take score: review your net worth as compared to one year ago.

  2. Review your cash flow: how much came in last year and how much went out (hint: it is better to have less go out than came in).

  3. Be intentional with your 2021 spending: also known as the dreaded budget – so think “spending plan” instead.

  4. Review and update beneficiaries on IRA’s, 401k’s and life insurance: raise your hand if you want your ex-spouse to receive your 401k.

  5. Review the titling of your non retirement accounts: consider a “transfer on death” designation, living trust, or joint ownership to avoid probate.

  6. Revisit your portfolio’s asset allocation:

  7. Review your Social Security Statement: if not yet retired you will need to go online – everyone’s trying to save a buck on printing and mailing costs

  8. Check to see if your retirement plan is on track: plan your income need in retirement, review your expected sources of income, and plan for any shortfall.

  9. Set up a regular review schedule with your advisor: an objective third party is best – but at a minimum set aside time on your own, with your spouse, or trusted friend to plan on improving your financial health.

So, after you promise to exercise more and eat less, get started on tackling your financial checklist!

We wish you a wonderful New Year!

Josh Bitel, CFP® is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He conducts financial planning analysis for clients and has a special interest in retirement income analysis.

Gifting Considerations During The Holiday Season

Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

Giving is top of mind for many now that we are officially in the thick of the holiday season. Whether you’re shopping online or fighting crowds at the mall, there are other forms of gifting to consider – ones that would arguably have a much larger impact on your loved one's life.

Gift Tax Exclusion Refresher

The annual gift tax exclusion for 2020 is $15,000. This means you can give anyone a gift for up to $15,000 and avoid the hassle of filing a gift tax return. The gift, if made to a person and not a charitable organization, is not tax-deductible to the donor nor is it considered taxable income to the recipient of the gift. If you are single and wish to gift funds to your daughter and son-in-law, you can give up to $30,000, assuming the check issued is made out to both of them. Remember, the $15,000 limit is per person, not per household. For higher net worth clients looking to reduce their estate during their lifetime given estate tax rules, annual gifting to charity, friends, and family members can be a fantastic strategy. So what are some ways can this $15,000/person gift function? Does it have to be a gift of cash to a loved one’s checking or savings account? Absolutely not! Let’s look at the many options you have and should consider: 

1. Roth IRA funding 

If a loved one has enough earned income for the year, he or she could be eligible to fund a Roth IRA. What better gift to give someone than the gift of tax-free growth?! We help dozens of clients each year with gifting funds from their investment accounts to a child or grandchild’s Roth IRA up to the maximum contribution level of $6,000 ($7,000 if over the age of 50). Learn more about the power of a Roth IRA and why it could be such a beneficial retirement tool for younger folks. 

2. 529 Plan funding 

529 plans, also known as “education IRAs” are typically used to fund higher education costs. These accounts grow tax-deferred and if funds are used for qualified expenses, distributions are completely tax-free. Many states (including Michigan) offer a state tax deduction for funds contributed to the plan, however, there is no federal tax deduction on 529 contributions. Learn more about education planning and 529 accounts.

3. Gifting securities (individual stock, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, etc.)

Gifting shares of a stock to a loved one is another popular gifting strategy. In some cases, a client may gift a position to a child who is in a lower tax bracket than them. If the child turns around and sells the stock, he or she could avoid paying capital gains tax altogether. As always, be sure to discuss creative strategies like this with your tax professional to ensure this is a good move for both you and the recipient of the gift.  

4. Direct payment for tuition or health care expenses

Direct payments for certain medical and educational expenses are exempt from the $15,000 gift tax exclusion amount. For example, if a grandmother wishes to pay for her granddaughter’s college tuition bill of $10,000 but also wants to gift her $15,000 as a graduation gift to be used for the down payment of a home, she can pay the $10,000 tuition bill directly to the school and still preserve the $15,000 gift exclusion amount. This same rule applies to many medical costs. 

For those who are charitably inclined, gifting highly appreciated stock or securities directly to a 501(c)(3) or Donor Advised Fund is a great strategy to fulfill philanthropy goals in a very tax-efficient manner. For those over 70 ½, gifting funds through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) could also be a great fit. Gifting funds directly from one’s IRA can reduce taxable income flowing through to your return which will not only reduce your current year’s tax bill but could also lower help lower your Medicare Part B & D premiums, which are determined by your income each year.  

As you can see, there are numerous ways to gift funds to individuals and charitable organizations. There is no “one size fits all” strategy when it comes to giving – the proposed solution will have everything to do with your goals and the need of the person or organization receiving the gift. On behalf of the entire Center family, we wish you a very happy holiday season, please reach out to us if we can be of help in crafting your gifting plan for 2020!

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Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick specializes in tax-efficient retirement income and distribution planning for clients and serves as a trusted source for local and national media publications, including WXYZ, PBS, CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine and

This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Nick Defenthaler and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Please note, changes in tax laws may occur at any time and could have a substantial impact upon each person's situation. While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, as Financial Advisors of RJFS, we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals of earnings are permitted. Earnings withdrawn prior to 59 1/2 would be subject to income taxes and penalties. Contribution amounts are always distributed tax free and penalty free. As with other investments, there are generally fees and expenses associated with participation in a 529 plan. There is also a risk that these plans may lose money or not perform well enough to cover educational costs as anticipated. Most states offer their own 529 programs, which may provide advantages and benefits exclusively for their residents. The tax implications can vary significantly from state to state. Donors are urged to consult their attorneys, accountants or tax advisors with respect to questions relating to the deductibility of various types of contributions to a Donor-Advised Fund for federal and state tax purposes. To learn more about the potential risks and benefits of Donor Advised Funds, please contact us.

7 Ways The Planning Doesn't Stop When You Retire

Sandy Adams Contributed by: Sandra Adams, CFP®

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Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

Most materials related to retirement planning are focused on “preparing for retirement” to help clients set goals and retire successfully. Does that mean when goals are met, the planning is done? In my work, there is often a feeling that once clients cross the retirement “finish line” it should be smooth sailing from a planning standpoint. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. For many clients, post-retirement is likely when they’ll need the assistance of a planner the most!

Here are 7 planning post-retirement issues that might require the ongoing assistance of a financial advisor:

1. Retirement Income Planning 

An advisor can help you put together a year-by-year plan including income, resources, pensions, deferred compensation, Social Security, and investments.  The goal is to structure a tax-efficient strategy that is most beneficial to you.

2. Investments 

Once you are retired, a couple of things happen to make it even more important to keep an active eye on your investments: (1) You will probably begin withdrawing from investments and will likely need to manage the ongoing liquidity of at least a portion of your investment accounts and (2) You have an ongoing shorter time horizon and less tolerance for risk.

3. Social Security

It is likely that in pre-retirement planning you may have talked in generalities about what you might do with your Social Security and which strategy you might implement when you reached Social Security benefit age. However, once you reach retirement, the rubber hits the road and you need to navigate all of the available options and determine the best strategy for your situation – not necessarily something you want to do on your own without guidance.  

4. Health Insurance and Medicare

It’s a challenge for clients retiring before age 65 who have employers that don’t offer retiree healthcare. There’s often a significant expense surrounding retirement healthcare pre-Medicare.

For those under their employer healthcare, switching to Medicare is no small task – there are complications involved in “getting it right” by ensuring that clients are fully covered from an insurance standpoint once they get to retirement.  

5. Life Insurance and Long-Term Care Insurance

Life and long-term care insurances are items we hope to have in place pre-retirement. Especially since the cost and the ability to become insured becomes incredibly difficult the older one gets. However, maintaining these policies, understanding them, and having assistance once it comes time to draw on the benefits is quite another story.  

6. Estate and Multigenerational Planning

It makes sense for clients to manage their estate planning even after retirement and until the end of their lives. It’s the best way to ensure that their wealth is passed on to the next generation in the most efficient way possible. This is partly why we manage retirement income so close (account titling, beneficiaries, and estate documents). We also encourage families to document assets and have family conversations about their values and intentions for how they wish their wealth to be passed on. Many planners can help to structure and facilitate these kinds of conversations.

7. Planning for Aging

For many clients just entering retirement, one of their greatest challenges is how to help their now elderly parents manage the aging process. Like how to navigate the health care system? How to get the best care? How to determine the best place to live as they age? How best to pay for their care, especially if parents haven’t saved well enough for their retirement? How to avoid digging into your own retirement pockets to pay for your parents’ care? How to find the best resources in the community? And what questions to ask (since this is likely foreign territory for most)? 

Since humans are living longer lives, there will likely be an increased need and/or desire to plan. In an emergency, it could be difficult to make a decision uninformed. A planner can help you create a contingency plan for potential future health changes.

While it seems like the majority of materials, time, and energy of the financial planning world focuses on planning to reach retirement, there is so much still to do post-retirement. Perhaps as much OR MORE as there is pre-retirement. Having the help of a planner in post-retirement is likely something you might not realize you needed, but something you’ll certainly be glad you had.

Sandra Adams, CFP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® and holds a CeFT™ designation. She specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and serves as a trusted source for national publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine, and Journal of Financial Planning.