Retirement Income Planning

The “10-Year Rule” Update You Need to Know About

Jeanette LoPiccolo Contributed by: Jeanette LoPiccolo, CFP®

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**The IRS has waived the 50% penalty for beneficiaries subject to the 10-year rule under the SECURE Act who have not taken 2021 or 2022 required minimum distributions (RMDs) from an inherited IRA. Learn more HERE.

We have discussed the SECURE Act of 2019 in several blogs, but one of the details of the SECURE Act that many of us call the “10-year rule” may be changing slightly.

This blog discusses the impact on some Beneficiary IRA accounts, also called Inherited IRA accounts. It does not include beneficiary Roth accounts. 

In Feb 2022, the IRS released new proposed regulations (REG-105954-20). One of the surprises in this document was new guidance regarding the “10-year rule” for beneficiary IRA owners. The IRS requires that once IRA required minimum distributions begin, they should not be stopped. What does that mean? If the original IRA owner was over 72, they were subject to annual required minimum distributions (RMDs). When the beneficiary inherits an IRA subject to RMDs, those RMDs will need to continue.   

You may think, “I was told that the 10-year rule applies now”. But this refers to the category of eligible designated beneficiaries who are required to withdraw the inherited IRA funds by Dec 31 of the 10th anniversary of the original owner’s death. The “RMD” was understood to be the final withdrawal in the 10th year. For example, if Jane died in 2020 at age 75 and named her son Joe, age 40, as the sole beneficiary, Joe would have to withdraw all of the funds by Dec 31, 2030. For some beneficiaries, RMDs will be due annually, and the entire account must be withdrawn by the end of the 10th year.

If you have read this far, you already understand that this topic is complicated. While the proposed legislation is not enacted until it becomes law, proposed regulations are effective now. Therefore, we will notify our impacted clients of the potential RMD amount for their accounts. We also suggest that our clients wait until November to take action. Why wait? We may receive further updates from the IRS later this year. 

We continuously monitor, discuss, and review these changes with clients and as a firm. If you have any questions about how the rule could affect you or your family, we are always here to help!

Jeanette LoPiccolo, CFP® is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She is a 2018 Raymond James Outstanding Branch Professional, one of three recognized nationwide.

The RJFS Outstanding Branch Professional Award is designed to recognize support professionals in RJFS branches who contribute to the success of their advisors and teams. Each year, three winners are selected and recognized during this year's National Conference for Professional Development. To be considered for this award, Branch Professionals must have been affiliated with Raymond James for at least one year and could not have won the award in the past.

The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Please note, changes in tax laws may occur at any time and could have a substantial impact upon each person's situation. While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, as Financial Advisors of RJFS, we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted. Additionally, each converted amount may be subject to its own five-year holding period. Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has tax implications. Investors should consult a tax advisor before deciding to do a conversion.

New Guidelines May Help Retirees Retain More Savings

Josh Bitel Contributed by: Josh Bitel, CFP®

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In late 2022, the treasury department quietly updated life expectancy tables, reflecting that Americans are living longer and should have a longer time horizon for full distribution of retirement accounts.

When retirement accounts came into law via the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, required minimum distributions (RMDs) were established. This is an amount mandated by the IRS that individuals must take out of their retirement account each year (for those aged 72 and above) to avoid paying a stiff penalty. Two components make up the size of the RMD – the account holder's age and the account value. Generally speaking, the older an account holder is, the larger their distribution must be in relation to their account size (for example – assuming a $1,000,000 account, someone 72 years of age must distribute $36,496 by year-end, while an 85-year-old must distribute $62,500). These figures are gathered by taking your account balance and dividing it by your life expectancy factor, as dictated by the IRS (table shown at the end of this blog).

New RMD tables now reflect longer life expectancies, which means a reduction in yearly required distributions. So if you're someone who only takes out the minimum distribution every year, in theory, you can retain more of your savings in tax-advantaged accounts.

Of course, satisfying annual RMDs doesn't always mean taking your distributions and putting them into your bank account for spending. There are strategies available to reinvest these funds, avoid taxes by sending them to charities, and fund college savings plans, among other things to help you achieve your financial goals.

RMDs are truly in place so that account owners aren't able to defer their taxes indefinitely. Like anything else in the world of finance, it's best to fully understand the rules before making decisions. For this reason, you may be best suited to consult with a financial advisor to avoid any pitfalls.

Josh Bitel, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He conducts financial planning analysis for clients and has a special interest in retirement income analysis.

The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete, it is not a statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision, and it does not constitute a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Josh Bitel, CFP® and not necessarily those of Raymond James. While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, as Financial Advisors of RJFS, we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Examples used are for illustrative purposes only.

Save Some Bucket List Items for Your Own

Sandy Adams Contributed by: Sandra Adams, CFP®

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As parents, it's not uncommon for us to want to give our children more than we had when we were growing up. Whether that be more or better extra-curricular experiences, the camps our parents couldn't afford to send us to, the Florida senior trip with a friend, or the international summer travel experience or internship in college that we missed out on when we were young. Kids now seem to have so many opportunities that weren't available to us when we were growing up. Not only because they may not have been offered back then, but also because we're willing to help pay for them to give our children those experiences now — but at what cost?

As a financial planner, I work with clients annually to determine if their goals to give their children these valuable experiences fit within their ongoing cash flow and don't impact their long-term financial goals. As you can imagine, the real risk is trying to provide every opportunity to your children that you may have missed out on (and maybe even those that you still wish you could do yourself) and potentially compromising your financial future. And besides the financial aspect, you also risk having bad feelings towards your children without realizing it. When they're doing the things you always wished you could do, you may run out of time or money to do those things in your own retirement. As one client said to me in a meeting, "One day, I thought in my head – "Hey, step off my bucket list!"

There's always a fine line between what we do for our children now and what we save for our own financial futures later. Our job is to give our children a good education, our love, and a solid financial start to their future. Our next biggest job is to make sure that we've saved enough to support ourselves so that we don't have to rely on our children at any point in time. If we've done both of those things, we've done our jobs as parents. And, if we've provided some enjoyment for our children and saved some bucket list items for ourselves to enjoy — even better!

Sandra Adams, CFP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® and holds a CeFT™ designation. She specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and serves as a trusted source for national publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine, and Journal of Financial Planning.

Any opinions are those of Sandra D. Adams, CFP® and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc.

Providing the Best for Your Pets

Kelsey Arvai Contributed by: Kelsey Arvai, MBA

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**Register for our upcoming volunteer event at The Ferndale Cat Café HERE!

Did you know that May is National Pet Month? This month celebrates the joy that pets bring into our lives. In honor of our pets, The Center will spend the month of May promoting the benefits of pet ownership and supporting local non-profits who offer shelter and pet adoption services.

There are many health benefits of owning a pet. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), pets can help manage loneliness and depression through companionship and decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels through regular walking and playing. If you have a pet already, you probably have already experienced some of these benefits. However, if you are in the market to adopt a new pet, it is crucial to do your research prior and consider the following question: Do I have the capacity in my life to give this pet the proper home it deserves? To name a few factors to consider before increasing your family in size, think about how much exercise the pet will need, the type of food it eats, the habitat it will need to thrive, the pet’s size, cost, and life expectancy. 

There are also some financial planning aspects to consider, such as pet insurance and estate planning for your pets. Pet insurance can help cover the cost of medical care for your animals. Typical policies can cost around $50 per month for dogs and $28 per month for cats. Premiums will vary depending on your pet’s age, breed, cost of services where you live, and the policy you choose. Pet insurance is not suitable for everyone, but it is important to obtain it before your pet has an expensive diagnosis and you are potentially looking at $5,000 or more in medical bills.

Planning for your animals can be a challenge that is often overlooked. It is estimated that more than 500,000 loved pets are euthanized annually because their pet parent passed away or became disabled. It is possible to craft a plan to protect your pets using your will or by establishing a trust. When planning for your pet, it is important to first determine if your pet has a unique circumstance (i.e., health issue) and who you would like your pet caregiver to be if you can no longer take care of it.

Once you have confirmed that your choice is willing, you will want to determine a few things. This can include where you want your pet to live, what financial resources you will provide to ensure your pet is adequately cared for, and who you want to be responsible for administering your assets left behind to care for your pet. Using these elements to create a plan will ensure your pets are properly cared for when you cannot do so yourself.

Each week, The Center will be hosting trivia on our Facebook to spotlight local non-profits dedicated to finding loving, forever homes for animals. Be sure to follow us for a chance to win a $50 gift card for your pet!

Kelsey Arvai, MBA is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She facilitates back office functions for clients.

This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Kelsey Arvai, MBA and not necessarily those of Raymond James.

The Secure Act 2.0 and Possible Changes Coming to Your Retirement Plan!

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The Secure Act, which stands for Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement, passed in late 2019. This legislation was designed to encourage retirement savings and make significant changes to how inherited retirement assets are distributed. We have written about the Secure Act a bit over the last two years or so (you can read some of our posts herehere, or here), and now, it seems Congress is considering some additional ways to encourage Americans to save for retirement. 

It is, of course, important to note that this is still being debated and reviewed by Congress. The House passed a version of The Secure Act 2.0 on March 29th, but the version that the Senate could pass is expected to differ and be revised before ultimately hitting President Biden’s desk. Some of the key changes that the House and Senate versions of the Bill include are highlighted below:

Automatic Retirement Plan Enrollment

  • The new Secure Act would require employers with more than ten employees who establish retirement plans to automatically enroll new employees in the plan with a pre-tax contribution level of 3% of the employee’s compensation. A 1% increase in contributions would be required each year until reaching at least 10% (but not more than 15%) of the employee’s pay. Employees can still override this automatic system and elect their own contribution rate.

Boosting Roth Contributions

Roth Catch-up Contributions

  • Catch-up contributions are available at age 50 and, as of now, can be either pre-tax or Roth, depending on what the employee elects. The Secure Act 2.0 could require that all catch-up contributions to retirement plans would be subject to Roth tax treatment. 

  • In addition to the current $6,500 catch-up contribution amount at age 50, they could also allow an extra $10,000 catch-up contribution for participants aged 62 to 64.  

Roth Matching Contributions

  •  There could be an option to elect that a portion (or all) of an employer’s matching contribution would be treated as a Roth contribution. These additional matches could be included as income to the employee.

Student Loan Matching

  • An additional area of employer matching flexibility is associated with employees paying off student loans. While employer matches have traditionally only been provided in conjunction with the employees’ plan contributions, this would allow employers to match retirement plan contributions based on employees’ student loan payments. This would give some relief to those missing retirement plan contributions because of the burden of student loan repayment schedules.

Further Delaying Required Minimum Distributions

  •  The original Secure Act pushed the Required Minimum Distribution age from 70 ½ to 72. The Secure Act 2.0 could continue to push that timeline back as far as age 75. The House’s version of the Secure Act would slowly increase the age in a graded schedule. In 2022, the new Required Minimum Distribution age could be 73, with the age increasing to 74 in 2029, and finally up to age 75 by 2032.

Another item on our watch list is related to the original Secure Act from 2019. The Secure Act limited those who could stretch an inherited IRA over their lifetime, and many became subject to a 10-year distribution ruling. The IRS is working to provide more specific guidance on the rules surrounding inherited IRA distribution schedules. Based on the proposed regulation, non-spouse beneficiaries who inherit a retirement account on or after the period when the original account owner was subject to Required Minimum Distributions would be subject to both annual Required Minimum Distributions and required to adhere to the 10-year distribution timeline.

If or when the Secure Act 2.0 is passed into law, we will be sure to provide additional information and guidance to clients, so be on the lookout for possible upcoming blogs and webinars related to this topic. We continuously monitor, discuss, and review these changes with clients and as a firm. If you have any questions about how the Secure Act 2.0 could affect you, your family, or your business, we are always here to help! 

Kali Hassinger, CFP®, CSRIC™ is a Financial Planning Manager and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She has more than a decade of financial planning and insurance industry experience.

The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Please note, changes in tax laws may occur at any time and could have a substantial impact upon each person's situation. While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, as Financial Advisors of RJFS, we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted. Additionally, each converted amount may be subject to its own five-year holding period. Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has tax implications. Investors should consult a tax advisor before deciding to do a conversion

Strategies for Retirees: Understanding Your Tax Bracket

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Over the last few years, most Americans have seen lower taxes due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act put into effect in January 2018. With the increase in the standard deduction and lower tax rates, taking income from your retirement accounts has cost you less in taxes than in previous years. This has allowed retirees to do some strategic income and tax planning in the early years of retirement before they have to start taking Required Minimum Distributions ("RMD") from their Qualified Retirement Accounts.

First, it is important to look at some significant tax changes that came with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The standard deduction for 2022 is $12,950 for single filers and $25,900 for married filing jointly. For married couples over the age of 65, there is an additional $1,300 deduction each. Add that all up, and joint filers who are both 65 or older will have a standard deduction of $28,500. That means that your first $28,500 of income will be federal tax-advantaged!

The current tax laws have reduced the 15% tax bracket rate to 12%. For married filing jointly, the top of the 12% tax bracket for 2022 is $83,550. That means that retirees aged 65 and older could potentially have up to $112,050 of adjusted gross income and remain in the lowest tax bracket. Understanding the tax laws and taking money from the proper accounts at the right time could help reduce your future taxes throughout retirement and reduce taxes significantly for your heirs.

Strategies for Retirees

1) Roth Conversions: If you are like most retirees, you do not have substantial assets in your Roth IRA, if you even have one at all. With income limits on Roth contributions and clients preferring to save in tax-deductible accounts first, many older taxpayers never opened Roth IRA's. The early part of retirement allows you to strategically take money from your IRA and convert it to a Roth IRA. There is no income limit or even minimum dollar amount requirements for Roth conversions. Still, you have to be aware that pulling money from your Traditional IRA and moving to your Roth IRA is taxable. By understanding your tax situation in retirement, you can move money into your Roth IRA and pay tax at lower rates than you potentially would later in retirement while building tax-advantaged assets and reducing your future RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions).

Common sense would tell you to try and take income and pay the least amount of taxes possible. This is prudent, but many retirees either forget about or do not truly understand their future RMDs and their impact on taxes in the future. With RMDs on Qualified Retirement Accounts at age 72, many retirees will be forced to withdraw more money from their Qualified Retirement accounts than they need and pay taxes on those distributions. You can take money strategically out of these qualified retirement accounts and convert the funds to Roth IRA accounts that do not have minimum distributions at 72. This, in turn, will reduce the values in your Qualified Retirement Accounts, reduce your future RMDs, and give you more tax-advantaged assets to use in retirement or to pass on to your heirs.

Investor Situation:

(This is a hypothetical example for illustration purposes only)

John and Cindy are now ready to retire at age 65 with a desired retirement income of $100,000. Typically it would be suggested that they take their Social Security at their full retirement age of 66 and use their taxable brokerage account for retirement income, delaying WD's from their IRAs till 70 1/2. In this scenario, their taxes could be as minimal as 85% or less of their Social Security. With a standard deduction of $28,500, their Federal Income Taxes would be only a couple thousand dollars or less depending on the capital gains they realized. What is not being considered is that with just a modest growth rate on their Qualified Retirement Accounts of 6%, when they reach 72, they could have an RMD of $85,000 - $90,000, giving them much more income than they need.

Suppose they were to delay taking Social Security to age 70 and do a Roth Conversion of $60,000 per year to top out their 12% tax bracket from ages 65 through 69. They could reduce their future RMDs to align with their retirement income needs, reduce their future taxes, and build a substantial tax-advantaged Roth IRA. In addition, they would also benefit from the delay in Social Security, giving them their maximum benefit assuming they have good longevity.

Base Scenario, no Roth conversions, SS at 66:

(Assumptions: Annual rate of return of 6.0% with a $100,000 per year income adjusted for inflation at 2.58% per year.  Social Security income uses a 1% COLA)

Utilizing Roth Conversion Strategy, $60,000 converted annually, SS at 70:

(Assumptions: Annual rate of return of 6.0% with a $100,000 per year income adjusted for inflation at 2.58% per year.  Social Security income uses a 1% COLA. This is a hypothetical example for illustration purposes only and does not represent an actual investment)

So let’s examine what happened here:

  • Over their lifetime, they took $533,000 less in required minimum distributions by doing the conversions, much of which would have been taxed at the 22% tax rate vs. 12% rate;

  • They are passing on $1,348,960 in Roth IRA assets to their children that can grow and never be taxed, if certain conditions are met;

  • They are passing on $761,306 less in IRA assets to their children, which will be taxed over time at whatever rate applies to the children as adults; and

  • In total, the heirs are getting an additional $164,000 than they would have had. The assets are also now positioned to be much more tax-efficient going forward.

2) Harvesting Tax Gains: For clients like above that have also been able to save not only in Qualified Retirement Accounts but also brokerage accounts, there may be an opportunity to harvest taxable gains in the first years of retirement as well. Another advantage of the 12% (formally 15%) tax bracket is that capital gains realized up to the top of the 12% bracket are not taxable to the account owner.

Brokerage accounts allow you to sell stocks or mutual funds that you have held for a long time with large gains in them. You can then use these highly appreciated funds for income in retirement or to rebalance your brokerage account to reduce risk and future taxes.

Combining the two strategies would create multiple advantages. Using your assets in your brokerage account for income in the first years while converting IRA assets to Roth IRA can potentially convert more money to a Roth while still staying in the 12% tax bracket. You will have to be aware of the amount of long-term capital gains, as the combination of those gains and your conversions could put some of your taxable income over the 12% tax bracket threshold.

Optimizing withdrawals in retirement is a complex process that requires a firm understanding of tax situations, financial goals, and how accounts are structured. However, the two simple strategies highlighted here could potentially help reduce the amount of tax due in retirement.

It is important to take the time to think about taxes and make a plan to manage withdrawals. Be sure to consult with a tax advisor and your financial planner to determine the course of action that makes sense for you.

Michael Brocavich, CFP®, MBA is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He has an extensive background in both personal and corporate finance.

The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete, it is not a statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision, and it does not constitute a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Michael Brocavich, CFP®, MBA and not necessarily those of Raymond James.

Please note, changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time and could substantially impact your situation. While familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, Raymond James financial advisors are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted. Additionally, each converted amount may be subject to its own five-year holding period. Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has tax implications. Investors should consult a tax advisor before deciding to do a conversion.

Examples used are for illustrative purposes only.

What’s the Social Security Spousal Benefit?

Lauren Adams Contributed by: Lauren Adams, CFA®, CFP®

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At The Center, having a Social Security filing strategy is an important part of the retirement planning process. For couples where one of the spouses did not work outside of the home, many are surprised to find out that their projected Social Security benefit is much larger than they would have expected. 

This is usually due to the Social Security Spousal Benefit – a benefit that an individual may be entitled to based on the earnings history of their spouse. Here is the high-level overview of this benefit:

Who: Available to those who have been married at least one year and are 62 years or older.

What: The benefit amount can be up to 50% of the working spouse’s Primary Insurance Amount at Full Retirement Age (FRA). The spousal benefit only kicks in if this benefit is higher than the receiving spouse’s own retirement benefit.

When: That depends! The working spouse needs to have filed for the spouse to claim this benefit. If the receiving spouse claims before their own FRA, then the spousal benefit is permanently reduced (just like the standard benefit). But unlike the standard benefit, there are no delayed retirement credits that increase the spousal benefit after the receiving spouse’s FRA. This complicates claiming decisions for couples and is why working with a financial advisor - who can take all the different factors related to each couple’s situation into account - is especially important.

Where: You can apply for benefits, including spousal benefits, online at

Why: The spousal benefit originated earlier in the 20th century when the typical family structure often saw only one individual working outside the home and aimed to provide some level of financial security for the non-working spouse. 

Note that the rules above are different if the spouse is caring for a qualifying child or has been divorced or widowed. Contact us to see how we can help maximize your retirement benefits based on your individual situation.

Lauren Adams, CFA®, CFP®, is a Partner, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, and Director of Operations at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She works with clients and their families to achieve their financial planning goals.

The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Any opinions are those of Lauren Adams, CFA®, CFP® and not necessarily those of Raymond James.

Tips for Investors During Times of Market Volatility

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When faced with volatility in the market, emotions can be triggered in investors that can impact their judgment and potentially affect returns. These pullbacks can make folks want to pull up stakes and run – a reaction that is often a mistake, especially for long‐term investors.

The likelihood that we will continue to see volatility this year is high. The Fed has slowed down its bond buying activities and is raising interest rates, the threat of a new COVID variant that could shut down the economy still exists, and there are supply chain and labor issues around the globe. To top it all off, we are gearing up for mid‐term elections in November.

Here are some tips to consider when we do face a volatile market. Having a plan during this time can help provide clarity, confidence, and even strategies to take advantage of the volatility.

  • First, we need to remember that market volatility is normal. As investors, when we experience long periods of upward markets with little volatility, we forget how regular market volatility really is. We need to remember that historically, the market will dip by 5% at least three times a year. Also, on average, the market will have a 10% correction once a year. Understanding that volatility is a natural process of investing and challenging to avoid can help curb some emotions triggered by these markets.

  • Make sure your employer retirement accounts are rebalanced appropriately. Over the last few years, money invested in stocks have severely outperformed the bond market. Now is a good time to revisit the allocations in your Employer‐Sponsored Retirement plans to make sure your allocation is still within your risk tolerance. You will want to make sure that your allocation to stock funds and bonds funds is appropriate for the amount of risk you want to take. If you are unsure of how you should

  • Increase Plan contributions when markets are down. For younger investors still in the accumulation stage, a volatile market is a great time to increase your contributions. Though it may seem scary to increase your contributions when markets are volatile, you are actually buying into the market when prices are on sale. Contributions added when the market is down 5‐10% from the previous high have much more earning power than contributions made when the market is up 5‐10% from its last high.

  • Have additional cash on hand to invest in dips and corrections. For investors who have been able to max out their Employer‐Sponsored plans and still have additional cash to invest, a volatile market can make for an excellent opportunity to do so. Consider talking with your advisor about moving extra cash to your investment accounts to invest on dips and corrections. Together, you can develop a strategy to get your cash invested over time or all at once, depending on market conditions.

Stumbling through bad times without a strategy makes a troubling situation even worse. If you do not have a retirement or investment plan, you will not accurately assess the damage when markets do take a dive. This could increase stress and cause investors to make bad decisions.

These periods of volatility are an opportunity to connect with your advisor, enabling them to act as a sounding board for your concerns. By talking about current events in light of your overall financial plan, your advisor can provide a reassuring perspective to help you stay the course or even invest extra cash during an opportune time.

Michael Brocavich, MBA is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He has an extensive background in both personal and corporate finance.

Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Past Performance does not guarantee future results.

How to Find the Right Retirement Income Figure for You

Sandy Adams Contributed by: Sandra Adams, CFP®

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A big part of the planning work that we do is planning for future retirement. Simply put, how much income will you need each year to support the expenses you will have in retirement, and what income sources and assets will you have once you get there to support those needs throughout your lifetime.

For many clients, they have an accurate calculation of the income they will need. This is based on what expenses they have pre-retirement adjusted by the expenses that will go away (like mortgages, employment-related expenses, etc.), and those that may increase (like travel, those related to additional hobbies, etc.). For other clients, coming up with a future retirement income need is truly a wild guess. They may not have a good handle on what they spend now, and knowing what they need in retirement is even more of a mystery to them. So, where should you start to develop your correct retirement income figure?

First, we suggest tracking expenses before retirement to determine your average monthly spending. We suggest using a budget tracking tool to track spending for two or three months at least a couple of times, during different times of the year, to catch irregular expenses and trends. Once you feel that you have a good handle on your average income needed monthly, you can estimate your annual need. This method also helps you understand WHERE you are spending and where that might change once you retire. You can also develop an annual expense need estimate by backing into it. For example, start with your gross salary and subtract what you pay in taxes and save to 401k or other savings vehicles. You can generally assume what is left is going towards spending. However, this method will not tell you where you are spending and how it will change. Now, we at least have a number to start with for our planning projections.

Next, I often suggest that clients very close to retirement try living on their future retirement income BEFORE they retire to see if it feels comfortable. For instance, I have had clients live on just one of a couple’s salary to see if they could do it without feeling like they were denying themselves. Trying to live on the amount you are planning on living on in future retirement, even for a few months, gives you a taste of your future reality. If it feels comfortable, you likely have the correct number. However, if you feel like you are denying yourself and completely changing how you live, perhaps you need to go back to the drawing board and plan for a different income goal to see if that is possible. Not planning for the retirement you want from the beginning will only set you up for years of retirement planning. Why not see if the retirement you want is possible by starting with the right retirement income number?

When it comes to retirement income, you do not want to guess the number. It is worth your time and effort to come up with the most accurate number for you to meet your ideal retirement goals. Retirement planning projections are only as good as the assumptions we use. If we are not using the right assumptions, especially the right number for your retirement income, the projections for your retirement success will not be as accurate as you want them to be.

Work with your financial planner to find the tools you need to come up with YOUR most accurate retirement income need, and then make sure your plan can support those needs. We want you to have the most successful retirement possible!

Sandra Adams, CFP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® and holds a CeFT™ designation. She specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and serves as a trusted source for national publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine, and Journal of Financial Planning.

This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Sandra D. Adams, CFP® and not necessarily those of Raymond James.

The Power of Compounding Interest

Kelsey Arvai Contributed by: Kelsey Arvai, MBA

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Saving for retirement can feel like flossing your teeth; we know we should, but sometimes it is easier to keep putting it off. If you are young and have yet to prioritize your retirement savings, you are not alone. According to Investment Executive, only 58% of Millennials are actively saving for retirement. While this might sound as scary as flossing your teeth, time is your greatest advantage.

When comparing a 25 and 35-year-old who have each saved $10,000 in their 401(k)’s, the 25-year-old could build a $200,000 retirement fund by the time they are 65 without adding any more money (assuming an 8% rate of return). In contrast, the 35-year-old could reach $100,000 of savings by age 65 without saving another dime (assuming an 8% rate of return). Both are able to grow their savings massively, thanks to compounding interest. The 25-year-old has had more time (10 years) for their interest to compound, hence the $100,000 advantage over the 35-year-old. The lesson here is that the sooner you start saving for retirement, the more time you will have to take advantage of compounding interest.

Compounding happens when your savings are reinvested to generate their own earnings, those earnings create more, and so on. This is the key to helping grow your savings, and getting started early pays off. With time on your side, saving becomes much more pleasant and accessible. If you have access to an employer-based retirement plan, it is a good idea to make the most of it. Most employers will also match some of your contribution, and it is in your best interest to contribute at least that match, so you are not leaving any money on the table. For example, if your employer matches up to 3%, it would be most beneficial to you to defer at least 3% of your paycheck (pretax) so that you retain the full 6% (3% of your deferral + 3% employer match) of your income going into your retirement savings.

Since the deductions are pretax, meaning the savings happen before the check hits your bank account, you will likely hardly notice your money being put away once you have created the habit. The longer you wait to plan for your retirement, the more you will need to invest later on. In your twenties and thirties, a longer time horizon before you retire affords you the ability to invest largely in stocks, where you will be able to handle market losses and benefit from market growth.

An early start is only the beginning for retirement savings. It is important to stay consistent with your commitment to your retirement savings. The sooner you start saving, the better - reach out to us if you have any questions on how to get started! 

Kelsey Arvai, MBA is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She facilitates back office functions for clients.

This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Kelsey Arvai, MBA and not necessarily those of Raymond James.