Tax Planning

After-Tax 401(k) – An Often Forgotten Strategy

Josh Bitel Contributed by: Josh Bitel, CFP®

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Roughly half of 401(k) plans today allow participants to make after-tax contributions. These accounts can be a vehicle for both setting aside more assets that have the ability to grow on a tax-deferred basis and as a way to accumulate assets that may be more tax-advantaged when distributed in retirement.

As you discuss after-tax contributions with your financial advisor, you might consider the idea of setting aside a portion of your salary over and above your pre-tax contributions ($19,500 for people under age 50 and $26,000 for those over 50). By making after-tax contributions to your 401(k) plan now, you could build a source of assets for a potentially tax-efficient Roth conversion.

What to consider:

Does your plan allow for after-tax contributions?

Not all plans do. If an after-tax contribution option is available, details of the option should be included in the summary plan description (SPD) for your plan. If you don’t have a copy of your plan’s SPD, ask your human resources department for a copy or find it on your company’s benefits website. You can also talk to your financial advisor about other ways to obtain plan information, such as by requesting a copy of the complete plan document.

What does “after-tax” mean?

After-tax means you instruct your employer to take a portion of your pay — without lowering your taxable wages for federal income tax purposes — and deposit the amount to a separate after-tax account within your 401(k) plan. The money then has the ability to grow tax-deferred. This process differs from your pre-tax option in which your employer takes a portion of your pay and reduces your reported federal taxable wages by the number of your salary deferrals and deposits the funds to your pre-tax deferral account within the plan.

Are there restrictions?

Even if your plan has an after-tax contribution option, there are limits to the amount of your salary that you can set aside on an after-tax basis. Your after-tax contributions combined with your employee salary deferrals and employer contributions for the year 2021, in total, cannot exceed $58,000 (or $64,500 if you are age 50 or over and making catch-up contributions). Your after-tax contributions could be further limited by the plan document and/or meet certain nondiscrimination testing requirements.

Okay, but how does this help me build Roth assets?

When you are eligible to withdraw your 401(k) after-tax account — which could even be while you are still employed — you can rollover or “convert” it to a Roth IRA or a qualified Roth account in your plan, if available. The contributions you made after-tax may be able to be rolled into a Roth IRA each year, even while you are still employed!

If your plan allows for after-tax contributions and you think they may be right for you, it may be time to chat with your financial advisor.

Josh Bitel, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He conducts financial planning analysis for clients and has a special interest in retirement income analysis.

This material is provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. Any opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

The Benefits Of Working With An ‘Ensemble Practice’

Josh Bitel Contributed by: Josh Bitel, CFP®

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financial planning

Financial planning practices come in all shapes and sizes, but perhaps the two most common arrangements are solo practices and ensemble practices. Solo practices are normally led by a single advisor who calls the shots, while ensemble practices are team-oriented firms, all working toward a common goal. The Center identifies with the latter.

An ensemble practice is structured with multiple advisors under the same roof. This allows for constant sharing of ideas, best practices, strategies, and even sharing of resources. The Center has a 2 hour meeting every Monday for just this purpose. Our planners at The Center, all with unique expertise, get together to eat lunch and share client cases, tough questions, interesting reading pieces, and maybe a few jokes here and there. This is all possible because we are all working collaboratively toward a shared vision, as outlined in the Vision 2030 document our entire team had a hand in creating.

The Center, as with many ensemble practices, leverages the power of teams. We have team members who are specialists in such areas as insurance, divorce planning, tax planning, retirement planning, and many more. So if an advisor is met with a tough client case involving long-term care, for example, he or she can seek out help from a team member with expertise in this area instantly.

An often overlooked advantage for clients choosing to work with an ensemble practice such as The Center is the foundation for internal succession planning. It is often said that as an advisor ages, so do their clients. This begs the questions who will take care of me when my advisor retires? And from the advisors end, who will take care of my legacy once I’ve moved on? With a practice like ours, there is an internal succession plan in place for many years before a planner decides to retire. Often, clients are transitioned to an advisor who has been working under the tutelage of the retiring advisor.

As with anything, you must weigh the pros and cons of working with an advisor under their practice’s arrangement. In the end, it is all about finding the right person to help you reach your goals and feel comfortable along the way. At The Center, we have found that working in a team-based environment toward a shared vision helps us serve our clients the best way we can.

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 – What You Need to Know

Robert Ingram Contributed by: Robert Ingram, CFP®

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American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law by President Biden last Thursday.  This $1.9 trillion package, intended to provide relief and recovery from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, contains a wide range of provisions.  These span from funding Covid-19 testing, contact tracing, and vaccination efforts, providing grants for school to improve their capabilities to operate amidst the pandemic, funding support to state and local governments to offset lost tax revenues, small business grants, to tax credit and other relief measures for individuals. 

Here are some of the notable provisions that may impact your finances this year and your overall financial plan.

Direct Payments (“Stimulus Checks”)

The American Rescue Plan Act, much like the CARES Act (enacted in March of 2020) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act (enacted last December 2020) before it, provides a refundable tax credit made as a direct payment to individual and families.  These 2021 Recovery Rebate payments have started to go to recipients.

How much could I receive?

  • The full credit amount is $1,400 per eligible individual

  • Eligible individuals include not only the taxpayers but also the taxpayers’ dependents

This is a key difference from the criteria determining the eligible number of individuals for the 2020 Recovery Rebates in the CARES Act and Consolidated Appropriations Act, which included only the taxpayers and the taxpayers’ children under age 17.

A married couple, for example, filing a joint return with a 21-year-old daughter in college, a 17-year-old son, and an 85-year-old mother living with them whom they claim as a dependent, could receive up to $1,400 x 5 = $7,000 for their 2021 Recovery Rebate.

Who is eligible?

Generally, U.S. citizens or U.S. Resident Aliens with a valid Social Security number, who are not dependents of another taxpayer, and who fall within certain income thresholds are eligible.

Your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) determines your income eligibility, with the amount of tax credit phasing out to $0 over the following ranges by tax filing status.

  • Married Filing Jointly: $150,000 to $160,000

  • Head of Household: $112,500 to $120,000

  • Single and all other filers: $75,000 to $80,000

For example, if you are married filing jointly and your AGI is an amount up to the initial threshold of $150,000, you would be eligible for the full credit.  If instead, your income falls between $150,000 and $160,000, your eligible credit is reduced proportionally as your income approaches the $160,000 ceiling.  If your income is at the $160,000 level or above, you are no longer eligible.

Determining Eligibility

There are a few different measuring points used to determine your income eligibility for receiving the rebate benefit. 

1. For the direct payments that are already starting to be disbursed now

The IRS uses available information, that is, your most recently filed tax return.  Since we are still within the tax-filing period for 2020, you may or may not have already filed your 2020 return.

If you had already filed your 2020 tax return, the IRS will use your 2020 tax return to determine your Adjusted Gross Income for eligibility.

If you have not filed your 2020 tax return, the IRS will use your 2019 tax return to determine your income eligibility.

Folks that would be eligible for the direct payment based on 2019 income but whose 2020 income might result in a reduced payment (or could make them ineligible) may benefit from not having filed their 2020 returns.

For those whose income was within the phase-out range or was above the eligibility phase-out based on the 2019 tax returns, there are other opportunities to benefit from these rebates (particularly if your income had fallen in 2020 due to the pandemic or other factors).

 2. The “Additional Determination Date”

Taxpayers who have not yet filed their 2020 returns but do file them before an Additional Payment Determination Date will have their rebate payment recalculated based on their 2020 AGI.  If the recalculated rebate payment is higher than the amount determined from the 2019 taxes, the IRS will send out another “stimulus check” to make up the difference.

The Rescue Act sets this Additional Payment Determination Date as the earlier of

  • 90 days after the 2020 tax year filing deadline (still April 15th as of this writing) or

  • September 1st

Keep in mind that If you anticipate filing an extension for 2020 and the extended filing deadline is October 15, you would still need to file your return much sooner to have your potential rebate recalculated using 2020 income.

3. Filing your 2021 Tax Return

Remember that the Recovery Rebate is a 2021 tax credit, so even if the advanced direct payments of the credit are determined using the 2019/2020 tax returns for income eligibility, filing your tax return for 2021 is the 3rd way to be eligible for this benefit.

If your 2021 AGI is lower than the 2019/2019 AGIs used to determine the advanced payment, and it is low enough to result in an eligible credit or a larger credit than was already paid out, this difference is applied as a tax credit on your 2021 tax return.

Increased Child Tax Credit (CTC) for 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act also makes some temporary enhancements to the normal Child Tax Credit for 2021.

  • The Child Tax Credit is raised to $3,000 from $2,000 for children over age 6 and to $3,600 for children under age 6

  • Eligible children can be up to 17 years old rather than just under age 17.

  • The enhanced CTC is also a fully refundable tax credit this year. (i.e. it can become a tax refund if the credit makes the tax liability negative)

  • A provision also has the IRS paying out 50% of the estimated 2021 tax credit over equal installments starting in July 2021, all based on your most recently filed tax return.

*If, however, at the end of 2021 you were eligible for a smaller amount than was paid out to you, that difference is “clawed back” by adding it to your tax liability on your 2021 tax return.

Because tax credits reduce tax liability dollar for dollar, this credit overall can have a significant impact on a family’s tax situation, particularly for a family with young children.  As a hypothetical example, a married couple with 3 kids (ages 3, 5, and 8) filing jointly with $100,000 of income in 2021 (assuming all ordinary income) and taking the standard deduction ($25,100) would have tax liability of $8,590.  After subtracting the CTC for the kids ($3,600 + $3,600 + $3,000 = $10,200), the couple’s tax liability would be negative $1,610 ($8,590 - $10,200) meaning a refund of $1,610!

With these enhanced credits, the credit amounts do begin to phase-out at the following Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) levels:

Married Filing Jointly: $150,000

Head of Household: $112,500

Single and all other filers: $75,000

Being ineligible for the 2021 enhanced child tax credit does not exclude you from using the normal child tax credit of up to $2,000 per child. You can still qualify for that credit up to these higher-income phase-out thresholds:

Married Filing Jointly: $400,000

Single and all other filers: $200,000

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Increased for 2021

The Rescue Act also makes changes to the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit for this year that essentially raises the maximum possible credit from $1,050 to $4,000 for a single qualifying dependent and from $2,100 to $8,000 for two or more dependents.

  • First, the maximum amount of eligible expenses (such as daycare) used to calculate the tax credit increases from $3,000 to $8,000 for a single dependent and from $6,000 to $16,000 for multiple dependents.

  • There is also a percentage number applied to the taxpayer’s eligible expenses to calculate the actual credit amount (this is known as the ‘Applicable Percentage). For 2021, the Applicable Percentage increases to 50% from the previous maximum of 35%.

  • The income threshold for reducing that percentage is expanded to an AGI of $125,000 (regardless of tax filing status).

Before this change under the Rescue Act, the 35% applicable percentage reduced down to 20% at a much lower income range.  Starting at $15,000 the percentage decreased 1% point for every $2,000 that your AGI exceeded that threshold down to a minimum floor of 20% (actually reached at an AGI of $45,000).  This meant the credit amount was more limited for most taxpayers.

For 2021 the same reduction applies, but it does not start until an AGI of $125,000.  As a result, when AGI hits $185,000, the applicable percentage is capped at 20%.  The combination of these changes allows more people to be eligible for higher potential tax credits.

  • One downside for higher-income earners of $400,000 or more is that the Rescue Act adds a phase-out from the 20% minimum Applicable Percentage.  Starting at a $400,000 AGI, the 20% Applicable Percentage is reduced 1% point for every $2,000 your income exceeds that threshold.  This effectively makes you ineligible for any credit amount once your AGI exceeds $440,000.

Other Provisions of Note:

Federal unemployment support

Certain unemployment compensation benefits have been extended, including

  • The federal unemployment insurance (UI) supplement is set at $300 per week through Sept. 6.k.

  • The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program providing benefits to individuals such as those self-employed is extended to September 6th

The Rescue Act also makes the first $10,200 in federal unemployment insurance assistance nontaxable for incomes under $150,000.  This would be $20,400 for two spouses.

*A key point is the $150,000 AGI threshold includes the unemployment benefits received)

Health Insurance Support

  • Provides COBRA subsidies in 2021 for individuals that were involuntarily terminated.  Individuals can maintain their coverage at $0 cost from April through September.

  • Expands the Premium Assistance Tax Credits for health insurance plans purchased through the state exchanges.

Small Business Support

Additionally, there is $15 billion in new funding for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) as grants. The bill designates $7 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to nonprofits and news services. An additional $1 billion funds a grant program for independent live venues, theaters and cultural institutions. EIDL grants are exempt from inclusion in recipients’ gross income for tax purposes.

As you may have noticed, many of these provisions in the new legislation are nuanced and how they apply to your specific situation depends on several factors.  Continue to have conversations with your financial planner, and as always please reach out if you have questions.

Robert Ingram, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® With more than 15 years of industry experience, he is a trusted source for local media outlets and frequent contributor to The Center’s “Money Centered” blog.

A Better Way To Pass Down Wealth To The Next Generation

financial planning

You may have heard the saying, “Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.”  In a family, it refers to the phenomenon of a generation building wealth, passing it down to the second generation, but going broke by the third. Whether you are passing down investment assets or a family business, many parents have the hope that their money will enrich the lives of their children, grandchildren, and future generations for years to come. However, successful transitions do not just happen when assets are distributed.  Like most challenges in life, transitions require planning, communication, and coordination.

When planning for generational wealth transfers, opening the lines of communication is often the first and most difficult hurdle to overcome. Parents may be reluctant to share information on wealth and money for many different reasons. Our society as a whole often treats money as a taboo subject that is rarely discussed in personal terms. Other concerns could be stifling an heir’s initiative or the threat of a child’s future divorce. Simply avoiding these conversations, however, can lead to unintended confusion, irresponsibility, or resentment.

Family meetings devoted to discussing wealth can help heirs better understand their parents’ plan and any possible role they may play in the future. Family meetings also give participants the opportunity to express their views, accept responsibility, or acknowledge where they may need additional help in the future. There are many ways these meetings can be conducted, but they all center on the same objectives of trust, communication, and understanding.

A meeting with the family’s advisors, financial planner, attorney, and CPA should take place at some point as well. This will help the family to gain both comfort with the advisors and a greater understanding of the level of assets in question. With the passing of the SECURE Act eliminating the stretch IRA in many situations, retirement assets that are transitioning to the next generation may require more detailed tax strategies. The Estate tax limit has also fluctuated drastically throughout the last few decades, and that will most likely be the case going forward.  It’s important that those who will ultimately gain control of assets understand why plans were put into place and how they will function going forward. While no amount of planning can ultimately guarantee success, when the lines of communication are open between owners, heirs, and advisors, a family is able to develop the best strategy for all involved.

Successful family meetings are intended to engage family members, not be a set of rules handed from one generation to the next. Healthy communication builds trust, and trust builds understanding. We often encourage clients to involve children in their Annual Review meetings when they're comfortable. If full disclosure of all information seems too invasive initially, have a conversation with your planner prior to the meeting. We are happy to tailor the meeting as necessary and can review only the portions of your plan that you are comfortable sharing!

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Important Information for Tax Season 2020

Lauren Adams Contributed by: Lauren Adams, CFA®, CFP®

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As we prepare for tax season, we want to keep you apprised of when you can expect to receive your tax documentation from Raymond James.

2020 Form 1099 mailing schedule

  • January 31 – Mailing of Form 1099-Q and Retirement Tax Packages

  • February 15 – Mailing of original Form 1099s

  • February 28 – Begin mailing delayed and amended Form 1099s

  • March 15 – Final mailing of any remaining delayed original Form 1099s

Additional important information

Delayed Form 1099s

In an effort to capture delayed data on original Form 1099s, the IRS allows custodians (including Raymond James) to extend the mailing date until March 15, 2021, for clients who hold particular investments or who have had specific taxable events occur. Examples of delayed information include:

  • Income reallocation related to mutual funds, real estate investment, unit investment, grantor and royalty trusts, as well as holding company depositary receipts

  • Processing of original issue discount and mortgage-backed bonds

  • Expected cost basis adjustments including, but not limited to, accounts holding certain types of fixed income securities and options

If you do have a delayed Form 1099, we may be able to generate a preliminary statement for you for informational purposes only, as the form is subject to change.

Amended Form 1099s

Even after delaying your Form 1099, please be aware that adjustments to your Form 1099 are still possible. Raymond James is required by the IRS to produce an amended Form 1099 if notice of such an adjustment is received after the original Form 1099 has been produced. There is no cutoff or deadline for amended Form 1099 statements. The following are some examples of reasons for amended Form 1099s:

  • Income reallocation

  • Adjustments to cost basis (due to the Economic Stabilization Act of 2008)

  • Changes made by mutual fund companies related to foreign withholding

  • Tax-exempt payments subject to alternative minimum tax

  • Any portion of distributions derived from U.S. Treasury obligations

What can you do?

You should consider talking to your tax professional about whether it makes sense to file an extension with the IRS to give you additional time to file your tax return, particularly if you held any of the aforementioned securities during 2020.

If you receive an amended Form 1099 after you have already filed your tax return, you should consult with your tax professional about the requirements to re-file based on your individual tax circumstances.

You can find additional information here.

As you complete your taxes for this year, a copy of your tax return is one of the most powerful financial planning information tools we have. Whenever possible, we request that you send a copy of your return to your financial planner, associate financial planner, or client service associate upon filing. Thank you for your assistance in providing this information, which enhances our services to you.

We hope you find this additional information helpful. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming tax season.

Lauren Adams, CFA®, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and Director of Operations at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She works with clients and their families to achieve their financial planning goals and also leads the client service, marketing, finance, and human resources departments.

Please note, changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time and could substantially impact your situation. Raymond James financial advisors do not render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

Helping You Set Your Financial Goals For The New Year!

Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

New beginnings provide the opportunity to reflect.  What choices or experiences got you to where you are today, and where do you want to go from here?  Whether you’re motivated by the New Year or adjusting your course due to circumstances outside of your control, goals provide the opportunity to set your intentions and determine an action plan.

Budgeting, saving, retirement, paying off debt, and investing are all common, and often reoccurring, resolutions and goals. Why reoccurring?  Because, as is human nature, it is too easy to set a goal but lose focus along the way.  That is why it’s so important to set sustainable goals and find a way to remain accountable.

Working with an outside party, like a financial planner, can help you define these attainable goals and, most importantly, keep you accountable.  When we make commitments to ourselves and share them with others, we are more likely to follow through.

When goals are written down and incorporated in a holistic financial plan, it becomes easier to track progress and remain committed throughout the year.  The financial planning process, when executed correctly, integrates and coordinates your resources (assets and income) with your goals and objectives. As you go through this process, you will feel more organized, focused, and motivated. Your financial plan should incorporate the following (when applicable):

  • Goal identification and clarification (you’re here now!)

  • Developing your Net Worth Statement

  • Preparing cash flow estimates

  • Comprehensive investment management and ongoing monitoring of investments

  • Financial independence and retirement income analysis

  • Analysis of income tax returns and strategies designed to help decrease tax liability

  • Review of risk management areas such as life insurance, disability, long term care, and property & casualty insurance

  • College funding goals for children or grandchildren

  • Estate and charitable giving strategies

As you reach one goal, new ones can emerge, and working with a financial planner can help you navigate life’s many financial stages. When you’re setting and working toward your objectives, don’t hesitate to reach out and share them with your trusted financial planner!  If you aren’t working with anyone yet, it’s never too late to start!  

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Kali Hassinger, CFP®, CDFA®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She has more than a decade of financial planning and insurance industry experience.

Consolidated Appropriations Act Of 2021: More Stimulus On The Way

Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning
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After months of deliberation, Congress passed a bill providing a second round of Coronavirus relief, and it was signed by the president on December 27th.  This will provide direct payments to citizens, extend unemployment benefits, and reopen the Paycheck Protection Program to provide loans to small businesses.  This Act, totaling $2.3 trillion dollars, earmarks $900 Billion for stimulus relief with the remaining $1.4 trillion for the 2021 federal fiscal year.   

The direct stimulus rules are largely similar to the CARES Act from March 2020, with a few changes, most notably, of course, the amounts provided.

Direct Payments

Based on income and family makeup, some Americans can expect to receive a refundable tax credit as a direct payment from the government.

  • Who is eligible? Eligibility is based on Adjusted Gross Income with benefits phasing out at the following levels:

    • Married Filing Jointly: $150,000

    • Head of Household: $112,500

    • All other Filers (Single): $75,000

If income is above the AGI limits shown above, the credit received will reduced by $5 for each $100 of additional income.

  • How much can I expect to receive?

    • Married Filing Jointly: $1,200

    • All other Filers: $600

    • Additional credit of up to $600 for each child under the age of 17

The rebates are dispersed based on your 2019 tax return, but, like the CARES Act, is a 2020 tax credit.  This means that if your income in 2019 phased you out of eligibility, but your 2020 income is lower and puts you below the phase out, you won’t receive the rebate payment until filing your 2020 taxes.  The good news is that those who do receive a rebate payment based 2019 income, and, when filing 2020 taxes, find that their income actually exceeds the AGI thresholds, taxpayers won’t be required to repay the benefit.

  • When will I receive my benefit? As soon as possible, though delays similar to the CARES Act payments should be expected. 

  • Where will my money be sent?  Payment to be sent to the same account where recipients have Social Security benefits deposited or where their most recent tax refund was deposited. Others will have a payment sent to the last known address on file.

Charitable Giving Tax Benefits

  • The charitable deduction limit on cash gifted to charities will remain at 100% of Adjusted Gross Income for 2021.  This was increased from 60% to 100% for 2020 with the CARES Act.  If someone gifts greater than 100% of their AGI, they can carry forward the charitable deduction for up to 5 years.  This does not apply to Donor Advised Fund contributions.

  • This Act also extends the above-the-line tax deduction for charitable donations up to $300 that was authorized by the CARES Act, but it increases this deduction to $600 for married couples ($300 per person)

Support For Small Businesses

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) will allow businesses affected to COVID-19 to apply for loans. Those who did not receive a loan through the CARES Act once again have the chance, and those who successfully applied for a loan previously, may have the opportunity to obtain another loan. If applying for a second loan, however, the previous loan funds must already have been received and spent.

Some of the Paycheck Protection Program provisions are more stringent and other provide more clarity:

  • The business must have experienced a 25% or larger drop in revenue for any quarter in 2020

  • The loan is limited to a 2.5 times the average monthly payroll costs or 3.5 times for businesses categorized as “Accommodation and Food Services.”  The total amount received is capped at $2 million.

  • Expenses paid of forgiven Paycheck Protection Program funds are deductible

    • The IRS tried to withdrawal the deductibility of items funded with PPP, but this Act states that expenses paid with both forgiven and new PPP loans shall remain deductible.

  • Loans are limited to businesses that have no more than 300 employees with the exception, again, for businesses categorized as “Accommodation and Food Services.”

Expanded Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment benefits were set to expire for many Americans, but the Consolidated Appropriations Act extends the benefit for an additional eleven weeks.  Additional relief will also be provided at $300 per week until Mid-march when the extension expires.

Individual Healthcare & Tax Planning

  • Individuals are able to deduct medical expenses if they exceed 7.5% of their Adjusted Gross Income.  This hurdle was previously 10% of AGI.

  • FSA funds that haven’t been used in 2020 can be rolled into 2021 if the employer permits this extension. 

Higher Education Deduction With Increased Phase-out

The Lifetime Learning credit provides a credit of 20% of the first $10,000 spent on higher education expenses (so $2,000 if you spend $10,000). The income phase-out limit has been increased to match the American Opportunity tax credit at $80,000 to $90,000 for single filers and $160,000 to $180,000 for joint filers. Although the American Opportunity tax credit is more lucrative for the amount spent (100% credit up to $2,000 in education expenses with an additional 25% credit on the next $2,000 of expenses.  So a total credit of $2,500 on $4,000 spent), you can only claim this credit for 4 years.  As the name Lifetime Learning credit implies, you can claim this credit throughout your lifetime!

Earned Income Tax Credit Changes

The Earned income Tax Credit and additional Child tax credit are determined by an individual’s earned employment income.  Because so many Americans have faced periods of unemployment in 2020, this Act will allow individuals to use their 2019 earned income to calculate the amount they will receive for 2020.

Student Loan Repayments

The ability for an employer to pay up to $5,250 of an employee’s qualified student loan debt is extended through 2025. The employee receives this benefit tax free.  

The period of time between the passing of the CARES Act and the passing of a 2nd round of relief throughout the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 was much longer than many anticipated.  Thankfully the majority of the legislation did not provide short term deadlines for the end of 2020!

Kali Hassinger, CFP®, CDFA®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She has more than a decade of financial planning and insurance industry experience.

The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

How to Finish Financially Strong in 2020

No one could have predicted what 2020 had to offer. The stock market saw wild swings that hadn’t occurred since the 2008 recession. Concerns over Iranian tensions and an oil war quickly took a backseat as Covid 19 spread across the world. Many other notable things happened this year, but let’s discuss how you can end the year financially strong.

Here are the top 8 tips from our financial advisors.

Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

1. Consider rebalancing your portfolio.

The stock market’s major recovery since March may have left your portfolio overweight in some areas or underweight in others. Be sure that you’re taking on the correct amount of risk by rebalancing your long-term asset allocation.

2. Assess your financial goals.

Starting now, assess where you are with the financial goals you’ve set for yourself. Take the necessary steps to help meet your goals before year-end so that you can begin 2021 with a clean slate.

3. Know the estate tax rules.

For those with estates over $5M, be sure to review your potential estate tax exposure under both a Republican and Democrat administration.

4. Review your employer benefits package and retirement plan.

Open enrollment runs from Nov. 1 through Dec. 15. Review your open enrollment benefit package and your employer retirement plan. Don’t gloss over areas such as Group Life and Disability Elections as most Americans are vastly underinsured. Many 401k plans now offer an “auto increase” feature which can increase your contribution 1% each year until the contribution level hits 15%, for example.  

5. Take advantage of tax planning opportunities.

Such as tax-loss harvesting in after-tax investment accounts or Roth IRA conversions. Many folks have a lower income in 2020 which could present an opportunity to move some money from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA while in a slightly lower tax bracket.

6. Boost your cash reserves.

It’s so important to have cash savings to cover unexpected expenses or income loss. Having a solid emergency fund can prevent you from having to sell investments in a down market or from taking on high-interest debt. Ideally, families with two working spouses should have enough cash to cover at least 3 months of expenses. While single income households should have cash to cover six months. Take the opportunity to review your budget and challenge yourself to find additional savings each week through year-end.

7. Contribute more to your retirement plan.

Increase your retirement account contributions for long-term savings, great tax benefits, and free money (aka an employer match).

Contributions you make to an employer pre-tax 401k or 403b are excluded from your taxable income and can grow tax-deferred. Roth account contributions are made after-tax but can grow tax-free.

If your employer plan and financial situation allow for it, you can accelerate your savings from now until the end of the year by setting your contribution level to a high percentage of your income.  Many employers allow you to contribute up to 100% of your pay.

8. Give to charity.

Is there a charity you would like to support? Make a charitable donation! Salvation Army and Toys for Tots are popular around this time.

This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Any opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Rebalancing a non-retirement account could be a taxable event that may increase your tax liability. Conversions from IRA to Roth may be subject to its own five-year holding period. Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals of contributions along with any earnings are permitted. Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has tax implications. Investors should consult a tax advisor before deciding to do a conversion. Matching contributions from your employer may be subject to a vesting schedule. Please consult with your financial advisor for more information. 401(k) plans are long-term retirement savings vehicles. Withdrawal of pre-tax contributions and/or earnings will be subject to ordinary income tax and, if taken prior to age 59 1/2, may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. Contributions to a Roth 401(k) are never tax deductible, but if certain conditions are met, distributions will be completely income tax free. Unlike Roth IRAs, Roth 401(k) participants are subject to required minimum distributions at age 72.

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What Are The Hidden Costs Of Buying A Home?

Robert Ingram Contributed by: Robert Ingram, CFP®

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Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

Today’s historically low-interest rates can mean a more affordable mortgage payment. However, when buying a home within your budget, it’s important to consider the costs beyond the mortgage.

Let’s begin with the costs to purchase a home.

Even while carrying a mortgage, you will need to make a down payment. While there are low down payment loans, try to put down at least 20% of the purchase price. Otherwise, your loan may have a higher interest rate and you could face additional monthly costs such as mortgage insurance.

You will have closing costs, which can include things such as loan origination fees for processing and underwriting the mortgage, appraisal costs, inspection fee, title insurance, pre-paid property taxes, and first year’s homeowner’s insurance. Generally, you should expect to pay between 3-5% of the mortgage amount.

Now, you will have ongoing costs to live in your home.

Annual property taxes average about 1% of the home value nationwide, but the tax rates can vary widely depending on the city or town. Keep property taxes top of mind when you are looking at different communities.

Homeowner’s insurance is another annual cost that not only depends on the value of the home and the contents within it you are covering, but also on the state and local community. This cost generally ranges between $500-1,500 per year, sometimes more.

If your home is a condominium or a single family home, you should expect annual or monthly homeowner’s association fees that cover the care of common areas, the grounds, clubhouses, or pools. Depending on the number of amenities and of course the location, average fees range from $200-400 per month.

While you may be used to paying some utilities as a renter, the size of your new home could significantly increase your utility rates. Going from an 800 square-foot apartment to a 2,500 square-foot house could double or triple the costs to heat it, cool it, and to keep the lights on. Add your local area water and sewer fees and your utilities could easily reach $500 per month or more.

Going from renting to homeownership also means having to maintain the new home (both inside and out). Things can be regular ongoing maintenance like lawn care and landscaping, or larger projects like painting, roof repair, furnace, and appliance replacement. Consider the tools and equipment you would need to buy or the services you would hire to do the work.

Finally, there is another hidden cost that can put a dent in your budget, filling up the house.  A home with more rooms can mean more spaces that “need” furniture and other decorative touches. The costs of furnishings can be several thousands of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Without proper planning, it can be all too easy to rack up those credit card bills and have a mountain of debt as you move into your new home.

Robert Ingram, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® With more than 15 years of industry experience, he is a trusted source for local media outlets and frequent contributor to The Center’s “Money Centered” blog.

This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Bob Ingram, and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. does not provide advice on mortgages. Raymond James and its financial advisors do not solicit or offer residential mortgage products and are unable to accept any residential mortgage loan applications or to offer or negotiate terms of any such loan. You will be referred to a qualified professional for your residential mortgage lending needs.