General Financial Planning

Ballin' on a Budget

Contributed by: Josh Bitel Josh Bitel


When I was fresh out of college, one of the most important things for me to learn was how to budget properly. Considering I was taking on my first job with level, predictable income, I knew that it was critical for me to understand where my money goes each month. If I didn’t identify opportunities for savings, I knew I would blow through my money quickly, but I wasn’t sure where to start!

Identifying Financial Goals

Before I could create a budget, I had to identify some goals in order to give my budget a sense of direction. My goals were more short term in nature (pay down student loans, save for vacation, etc.), but long term goals are just as important. If you aim to retire someday, or a child’s education expenses are a concern, budgeting with these goals in mind is certainly a good idea. Once you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve with your budget, it can become much easier to accomplish these goals.

Understanding Monthly Income and Expenses

One of the more difficult, but most important, components of a budget is identifying monthly income and expenses. There is software available that you can leverage, or you can use the old school method and take pen to paper. Regardless of how you come to a conclusion, it is imperative to cover all the bases.

When considering income (outside of the obvious salary or wages), be sure to include any dividends or interest received. Alimony or child support expenses may also come into play depending on your situation. Expenses may be divided into two categories: fixed and discretionary. Fixed expenses are generally easier to document --  these will be your recurring bills or debt payments (Food and transportation can also be captured here). Discretionary expenses are generally more difficult to record (Entertainment expenses, or hobbies and miscellaneous shopping trips are common line items here). It’s also important to keep in mind any out of pattern expenses, like seasonal or holiday gifts, or car and home maintenance. Remember to always keep your goals in mind when crafting your budget!

Once you’ve gotten grasp on your monthly income and expenses, compare the two totals. If you are spending less than you earn, you’re on the right track and can explore ways to use the extra income (save!). Conversely, if you find that you are earning less than you spend, use your budget to identify ways to cut back your discretionary spending. With a little bit of discipline you can start finding capacity to save in no time!

Monitor your Budget & Stay on Track.

Be sure you keep an eye on your budget and make changes when necessary. This doesn’t mean you have to track every nickel you spend; you can be flexible and still be comfortable! It is important to stay disciplined with your budget however, and be aware that unexpected expenses may pop up. With proper cash management, these unexpected events can feel less crippling. To help stay on track, you may find a budgeting software that you like to use, do your research and find one that is suitable for you. A vital takeaway, and something that can go a long way to help increase savings, is being able to identify a need vs. a want. If you can limit your “want” spending, you may be surprised how quickly you can save!

Josh Bitel is a Client Service Associate at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any opinions are those of Josh Bitel and not necessarily those of Raymond James.

Finding the Right Professional Partner: A Personal Story


I suffer from migraine headaches. Soon after I graduated from college, I began to get these debilitating headaches more and more often (up to 3 or 4 times a week), sometimes lasting entire days at a time.  I have spent years working with numerous medical doctors, as well as tracking the headaches -- what I eat and drink, how I sleep and various other life habits in an attempt to find a way to stop them from occurring.  The traditional medical doctors I’ve seen have prescribed numerous medications (and subsequently increased dosages of those medications) in an attempt to treat the headaches – but with no results. Until recently, when I took a different approach…

I found a different professional partner to consult with about my headaches – a doctor who consults on the whole body/body systems and does not try to treat just one symptom. 

By working with a doctor who was looking at how my entire body was functioning, I found out that there were some underlying problems that existed with how my body was handling stress and by adjusting a few small things with my diet and sleep, I have all but eliminated by migraine headaches over the last several months.

What, you might ask, does this have to do with financial planning? 

Choosing the right professional partner, no matter what facet of your life, is extremely important.  Just as it made a world of difference for me to find the right medical partner, it is important for clients to find the right financial partner.  A partner who only focuses on investments or just on insurance may not be the right partner for you if you truly need someone to look at your entire financial “body” to make sure everything is working together in perfect harmony.  If you have not yet found the right professional financial partner and are looking for someone to look at your entire financial lives, contact our Center Team – we are here to help!

Sandra Adams, CFP® , CeFT™ is a Partner and Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Sandy specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and is a frequent speaker on related topics. In addition to her frequent contributions to Money Centered, she is regularly quoted in national media publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine and Journal of Financial Planning.

The Potential Impacts of Student Loans on your Credit Score

Contributed by: Josh Bitel Josh Bitel

For those of us lucky enough to have entered the work force in the past few years, student loan repayment can cause a significant impact, either positive or negative, on your credit score.

Getting Started

Beginning to repay these loans after the precious six to nine month grace period has expired can affect your ability to obtain other credit if not handled properly. One way to find out how you’re being affected is to pull a copy of your credit report. There are three major credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union) and you should get a copy of your credit report from each one (click here to read our blog on how to get your free annual credit report. Student loan institutions aren’t required to report information to all three bureaus, although many do, which is important to keep in mind. If you're repaying your student loans on time, these disciplined repayments will actually help your credit score. Conversely, if you are delinquent on payments or worse, default on your loans, your credit report can take a beating, potentially crippling your chances of obtaining other credit.

Credit Score Factors

Many different factors are used to determine your credit score. Some of these factors are more crucial than others. Among these critical factors are:

  • Your payment history. Meaning the consistency and punctuality of payments and how long your payment history is.

  • Your outstanding debt and amounts you owe on these accounts. How close your account balances are to your defined limits is also taken into consideration.

  • How long you've had credit. How long specific accounts have been open, and how long it has been since you've used each account

  • New credit and new inquiries. This means outstanding applications for new credit as well as additional inquiries for your credit reports, whether by institutions or yourself, can impact your credit score.

  • For a deeper look at your credit score composition, check out our blog from last year.

How Student Loans Can Affect your Credit Score

If you consistently make your student loan payments on time, your credit score should not be negatively affected. A nice tip to ensure consistency is to set up an auto-pay from a bank account. Most loan institutions will allow you to set up an automatic withdraw from your bank account, eliminating the need to remember to pay each month. As an added bonus, some institutions may even offer an interest rate discount for setting this up!

Prospective creditors may look at other factors when analyzing your debt, and student loans can make this tricky. One example of this may be if you are in a lower-paying job, this makes your debt-to-income ratio unfavorable for some creditors. Another example may be your principal balances being largely unchanged in the early stages of repayment, which is common with long term repayment schedules, and some lenders may view this as a lack of paying down debt.

It is important to monitor your credit history from all three bureaus regularly. If you find that your repayment history is not being reported correctly, contact your lender to make this correction.

Suggestions to Help Reduce the Burden

Being overburdened with debt can feel suffocating, here are some suggestions to take some weight off your shoulders:

  • Pay off your student loan debt as fast as possible. Doing so will help reduce your debt-to-income ratio, even if your income doesn't increase, which can make your credit score more favorable to lenders.

  • If you're struggling to repay your student loans and are considering asking for forbearance, ask your lender about any other options you may have. Interest-only payments are a cheaper alternative, although they may not reduce principal.

  • Ask your lender about a graduated repayment option. This means making smaller payments in the early years of the loan, with larger payments coming in the later years.

  • If you're really strapped, you can explore longer term options. Much like a home, when a longer repayment term is selected, you will likely be paying more in interest over the life of the loan, but the monthly payment can be significantly reduced.

  • If all else fails, don’t ignore your student loans. Generally these loans won’t be discharged even in a bankruptcy situation. Talk to your lender about the options available for you, this can be crucial to maintaining a favorable credit history.

If you have any questions about refinancing your student loans or improving your credit score, please contact your Financial Planner here at The Center, we’re always happy to help!

Josh Bitel is a Client Service Associate at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

Dealing with the Loss of a Spouse

Whether you have time to prepare for it or it is sudden, the loss of a spouse is one of life’s most traumatic events. For most, it means the loss of one’s soul mate and life partner, one with whom so many past memories and future goals and dreams are woven.  If you have recently lost a spouse or know someone who has, it is an understatement to say that there is an initial feeling of being overwhelmed – there is so much to do at a time when you feel the least capable (and the one with whom you’ve always shared the decision making duties in the past is no longer there to help you). There seem to be lots of people around but you are feeling numb, lost, and alone. 

To make things a little easier to handle at this time, you can break things down into things you really need to do now, things that need to be done soon, and things that can be done later. 

There are very few things that need to be done immediately/now (see my previous blog: Dealing with Death: A Financial Guide). We often encourage clients at this time to do only what is absolutely necessary and leave any bigger decisions for much later when you find yourself in a better place where you can think more clearly and confidently. This space we provide is called the Decision Free Zone – it gives you permission for yourself (and others) to not make any big decisions until you are comfortable moving forward in this time of transition.

Starting soon, it’s important to make sure you are taking care of yourself; eating well, trying to get enough rest, exercising, and trying to stay social. Support groups and counselors can be extremely helpful during this time. You will also need to meet with your professional advisors to make sure needed details and changes are taken care of on financial accounts, legal documents, etc. You will work with your financial planner to determine your income and budget needs for yourself going forward during this transition period, determine how cash will flow, etc. Decisions during this time can take months to years to refine and complete.

Later (and depending on the person this can be a few months or a few years since your spouse’s death), you will be able to look forward and visualize your new life and future. You will be able to work with your advisor to create a Bliss List that will include new goals and a plan for your “new normal.” You will determine: how you want to live your life going forward; what makes you feel joyful and fulfilled; and what is on your bucket list that is left undone? 

The devastation that you feel with a loss of a spouse seems insurmountable. With time, self-care, and the help of your financial planner who can hold your hand through the painful transition, for as long as it takes, you will be able to get through this! If you or someone you know has suffered the loss of a spouse and could use our guidance, please contact us at

Sandra Adams, CFP® , CeFT™ is a Partner and Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Sandy specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and is a frequent speaker on related topics. In addition to her frequent contributions to Money Centered, she is regularly quoted in national media publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine and Journal of Financial Planning.

Opinions expressed are those of Sandra Adams and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. Raymond James Financial Services and its advisors do not provide advice on tax or legal issues, these matters should be discussed with the appropriate professional.

Full Service Network: Coordinating with Multiple Advisors

Contributed by: Josh Bitel Josh Bitel

Here at The Center, we believe financial planning requires working as a team. Given the opportunity to work with you, we want you to have a quality relationship with not only you, but also other professionals you’ve hired to work with you to assure that you have the most efficient financial plan tailored specifically for you. This is why we believe that the best long-term relationships typically occur when each team member is working to serve you and your family.

In coordinating with other professionals, The Center can be more efficient and help your plan be as accurate as possible. One example that we run into frequently is the constant open communication with CPAs near tax deadlines; this allows us to make critical decisions and take advantage of opportunities before that mid-April cutoff date sneaks up! This type of communication also helps us to get a better view of your total financial picture. We currently have nine CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certificate holders here at The Center, each with a wide variety of knowledge in many topics to allow us to leverage other advisors with specific expertise, such as attorneys or insurance agents.  This helps us uncover opportunities to better plan for your future. The availability of these additional resources is another way for us to make sure nothing slips through the cracks!

Another example where this coordination comes in handy is titling of assets. We can leverage estate planning attorneys to make sure assets are in the right hands even when a client may not be around to call the shots! This is especially important when adding beneficiaries to accounts and funding trusts.

Providing referrals to other professionals for clients is an often overlooked part of financial planning that The Center takes pride in offering to clients. Often times when attorneys, CPAs, or other professionals are needed for client cases, and they may not have worked with a professional in the past, this provides us with an opportunity to refer our clients to a professional we already have experience in working with.  In coordination with this, we are able to network with other professionals who have a hand in assisting clients with all aspects of their financial lives.

Coordinating with and leveraging other professionals is one of the many ways we make sure your plan is as personal and detailed as possible, which is what we strive for at The Center.

Josh Bitel is a Client Service Associate at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

5 Steps for When You're in the Retirement Home Stretch

It’s the home stretch! Important retirement decisions during the five to ten years before you leave the workforce can easily create more questions than answers. Dropping to the bottom line, one way to describe retirement readiness is getting in step with financial and lifestyle matters before you stop working. 

What to do? Start with the big picture and think about what the ideal retirement looks like for you. Maybe you have already dropped to the bottom line and have a preferred timeframe in your sights. Either way, below are five steps to help.

Five Fundamental Steps to Help Guide Decisions Leading Up to Your Retirement Day:

  1. See When You Can Realistically Retire
    It’s not a simple decision. Start with getting a general idea about out how much money you’re likely to spend each year. Some expenses drop off like payroll taxes, retirement savings, and potentially mortgage debt. Additional expenses may surface like extended travel, bucket list items, or higher than average health care costs.

  2. Make a Plan to Pay Off Your Debt
    While you are still working, review all outstanding debt. Personal loans, student loans, and credit cards tend to have higher interest rates. Make a plan to pay these off before you retire. Now is also the time to find the balance between putting “extra” on the mortgage and funding retirement accounts. Your financial planner and CPA can help with these decisions.

  3. Run the Numbers to Understand Where You Stand Today
    This is your opportunity to see how close you are to your potential retirement goal and what changes you might need to make. An annual review with your financial planner will help chart progress, identify gaps, and create solutions.

  4. See How Retirement Age Affects Social Security Benefits
    Some people are inclined to begin receiving Social Security as soon as possible, even if it means reduced payouts. For planning purposes the best decision depends on many variables including health, wealth, tax situation, and life expectancy. Understanding the impact to your retirement plan is a big part of making the decision when to draw those benefits.

  5. Keep Your Plan on Track
    Now that you are hitting the final stretch it is time to give your retirement savings all that you can.  Ramping up for the next ten years will make a big difference. 

You are almost there! Candidly thinking through your options and taking your plan to the next level is sure to help you hit your retirement mark in good stride. But if you need help along the way, please reach out to us or your Financial Planner for guidance.

Laurie Renchik, CFP®, MBA is a Partner and Senior Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® In addition to working with women who are in the midst of a transition (career change, receiving an inheritance, losing a life partner, divorce or remarriage), Laurie works with clients who are planning for retirement. Laurie is a member of the Leadership Oakland Alumni Association and is a frequent contributor to Money Centered.

Opinions expressed are those of Laurie Renchik and are not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James. Every individual's situation is unique; please consult with a financial professional before making any investment decision.

The Flexibility of a Roth IRA

Contributed by: Kali Hassinger, CFP® Kali Hassinger

Whether it’s a 401(k) or 403(b), many employers provide employees with the option to defer their income and help save toward retirement. Although these are essential savings tools, it’s important to be aware of and understand other retirement savings options as well.  With a Roth IRA, your money is given the same opportunity to be invested and grow over time without taxation, with the additional benefit of being tax free at withdrawal! With a Roth IRA, however, the funds invested are already taxed, so there is no immediate tax benefit. Roth IRAs do provide additional advantages and flexibility, which can make them very attractive additions to your retirement savings.

Use of Contributions

Because you’ve already paid tax on the funds invested, Roth IRAs can allow you to take out 100% of your contributions at any point, with no taxes or penalties. Generally, contributions are assumed to be withdrawn first. Earnings, on the other hand, are subject to penalty if withdrawn prior to age 59 1/2.

First Time Homebuyers

Roth IRAs can be beneficial to young investors thanks to an exception which allows the account holder to withdraw funds prior to age 59 ½ without paying the 10% penalty tax.  After the Roth IRA has been established for 5 years, the account holder is able to withdrawal up to $10,000 if the funds are used toward his or her first home purchase. This means that a couple, if they both have established Roth IRAs, could use up to $20,000 toward their first home purchase.

Required Minimum Distributions

Roth IRAs do not have required minimum distributions (RMDs) during the lifetime of the owner, unlike other tax-deferred savings (like traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s) which require the owner to begin taking distributions at age 70 ½.  An inherited Roth IRA will, however, require the beneficiary to take annual distributions, but these withdrawals are still tax fee.


Since Roth IRAs can be beneficial for long term tax planning, the IRA has placed income limits on who can make contributions. If your income is above this threshold, however, you may be able to work around those limitations by completing a back-door Roth conversion. This process is essentially opening and funding a traditional IRA with a non-deductible contribution, but then immediately converting the funds from that account into a Roth IRA. 

Whether you’re just starting out or getting close to retirement, a Roth IRA could be a beneficial addition to your retirement savings. By simply understanding all of your options, you can be more equipped to help achieve your long term financial goals. Please contact us if you have questions about this type of retirement account and how it could benefit your financial plan, we’re here to help!

Kali Hassinger, CFP® is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

The information contained in this blog does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any opinions are those of Kali Hassinger and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Expressions of opinion are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. There is no guarantee that these statements, opinions or forecasts provided herein will prove to be correct. This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. Investments mentioned may not be suitable for all investors. Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted. Like Traditional IRAs, contribution limits apply to Roth IRAs. In addition, with a Roth IRA, your allowable contribution may be reduced or eliminated if your annual income exceeds certain limits. Contributions to a Roth IRA are never tax deductible, but if certain conditions are met, distributions will be completely income tax free. Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted. Additionally, each converted amount may be subject to its own five-year holding period. Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has tax implications. Investors should consult a tax advisor before deciding to do a conversion. Every investor's situation is unique and you should consider your investment goals, risk tolerance and time horizon before making any investment. Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.

Year-End Financial Checklist: Tips to End the Year on a High Note (UPDATED)

Contributed by: Jaclyn Jackson Jaclyn Jackson

This post was written in December 2015 as a helpful reminder of things you can do to strengthen your finances and get things in order for the upcoming year. Many of the tips are still useful, but I’ve updated to reflect potential policy changes in 2017.   

  1. Harvest your losses – Tax-loss harvesting generates losses that can be used to reduce current taxes while maintaining your asset allocation. Take advantage of this method by selling the investments that are trading at a significant loss and replacing it with a similar investment. In light of potential 2017 tax cuts, it is also important to consider whether you may land in a lower tax bracket. If that is the case, postpone realizing capital gains and losses until next year.

  2. Taking Advantage of Deductions – If marginal tax rates decrease significantly in 2017, now is a great time to get the most “bang for your buck” from deductions. In other words, consider paying medical expenses, real property taxes, fourth quarter state income taxes, or your January mortgage this month instead.

  3. Max out contributions – While you have until you file your tax return, it may be easier to take some of your end-of-year bonus to max out your annual retirement contribution.  Traditional and Roth IRAs allow you to contribute $5,500 each year (with an additional $1,000 for people over age 50). You can contribute up to $18,000 for 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and 457 plans.

  4. Take RMDs – Don’t forget to take the required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA.  The penalty for not taking your RMD on time is a 50% tax on what should have been distributed. RMDs should be taken annually starting the year following the year you reach 70 ½ years of age.

  5. Rebalance your portfolio – It is important to rebalance your portfolio periodically to make sure you are not overweight an asset class that has outperformed over the course of the year. This helps maintain the investment objective best suited for you.

  6. Use up FSA money - If you haven’t depleted the money in your flexible spending account (FSA) for healthcare expenses, now is the time to squeeze in those annual check-ups. Some plan sponsors allow employees to roll over up to $500 of unused amounts, but that is not always the case (check with your employer to see if that option is available to you).

  7. Donate to a charity – Instead of cash, consider donating highly appreciated securities to avoid paying capital gains tax. Typically, there is no tax to you once the security is transferred and there is no tax to the charity once they sell the security. If you’re not sure where you want to donate, a Donor Advised Fund is a great option. By gifting to a Donor Advised Fund, you could get a tax deduction this year and distribute the funds to a charity later. Again, considering the possibility of decreased marginal tax rates in 2017, you may be better off moving your 2017 contributions into 2016.

  8. Review your credit score – With all of the money transactions done during the holiday season, it makes sense to review your credit score at the end of the year. You can go to to request a free credit report from the three nationwide credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Requesting one of the reports every four months will help you keep a pulse on your credit status throughout the year.

Bonus:  If there have been changes to your family (new baby, marriage, divorce, or death), consider these bonus tips:

  • Adjust your tax withholds

  • Review insurance coverage

  • Update financial goals, emergency funds, and budget

  • Review beneficiaries on estate planning documents, retirement accounts, and insurance policies.

  • Start a 529 plan

Jaclyn Jackson is a Portfolio Administrator and Financial Associate at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any opinions are those of Jaclyn Jackson and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. RMD's are generally subject to federal income tax and may be subject to state taxes. Consult your tax advisor to assess your situation. Links are being provided for information purposes only. Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse, authorize or sponsor any of the listed websites or their respective sponsors. Raymond James is not responsible for the content of any website or the collection or use of information regarding any website's users and/or members. Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Rebalancing a non-retirement account could be a taxable event that may increase your tax liability.

How Much of My Income Should I Be Saving?

Contributed by: Nick Defenthaler, CFP® Nick Defenthaler

This is a common and logical question to ask, right?  Unfortunately, there are too many unknown factors to give a precise answer.  If you’re 45, you have at least 15-20 years before you retire.  A lot can change in life during this time frame! What you think you may want retirement to look like might drastically change over the course of nearly two decades. How much you save obviously can have a big impact on your retirement goals. The simple answer I often hear in regards to this question is, “save at least what your company match is.” Meaning, if your employer offers a 4% match, you should contribute at least 4% to be eligible for the free money your employer is offering by incentivizing you to save for the future. Time to get blunt. Saving 4% isn’t enough. If you’re in your mid to late twenties, this is an acceptable savings rate to get in the habit of saving for retirement, in conjunction with paying down student loans, saving for a house, wedding or having children. When you’re 20 or fewer years away from retirement, however, that number simply needs to be more than the company match – probably closer to 15% - 20%. 

Thirty or forty years ago, saving 4% often times could in-fact create a successful retirement. So what’s changed? The extinction of the company pension plan.  Do you know that it would take a $615,000 retirement account to re-create a $40,000 income stream for 30 years, assuming a 5% distribution rate? In addition, most retirees who do receive a pension don’t just spend their pension income, they withdraw from their portfolio as well -- meaning far more than the $615,000 in my example would have to be accumulated prior to retirement to supplement spending for a 25+ year time horizon. 

So, if you’re not saving in the teens or twenties for retirement, how do you get there? I recommend implementing what I call the “one per year” strategy.  Meaning, you commit to increasing your 401k savings percentage by at least 1% each and every year until you get where you need to be in regards to your retirement saving goals. This is typically very doable for most; we just simply don’t make the change online or with our Human Resources department. As the New Year quickly approaches, now is the perfect time to evaluate your current savings level and check in with your planner to see if you need to be doing more. Many 401k plans now actually offer a great feature that automatically increases your contribution level each and every year, typically in January. Studies have shown that when things are automated, such as savings, they actually get done!  Ask your HR manager or 401k administrator if the plan allows for this and if so, seriously consider taking advantage of it.  

By increasing savings gradually, it will help make retirement savings far more manageable and realistic for many.

Think about it, if you’re trying to lose 100 pounds and you become fixated on that large number, chances are you’ll become overwhelmed and give up on your weight loss goal. Those who have the most success are the ones who focus on small victories. Losing a few pounds per month until that goal is met– the same goes for retirement savings.  

Keep it simple and be consistent – good things usually happen when we do just that!

Nick Defenthaler, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick is a member of The Center’s financial planning department and also works closely with Center clients. In addition, Nick is a frequent contributor to the firm’s blogs.

The information contained in this blog does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any opinions are those of Nick Defenthaler, CFP® and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Expressions of opinion are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. There is no guarantee that these statements, opinions or forecasts provided herein will prove to be correct. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. 401(k) plans are long term retirement savings vehicles. Withdrawal of pre-tax contributions and/or earnings will be subject to ordinary income tax and, if taken prior to age 59 1/2, may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. Matching contributions from your employer may be subject to a vesting schedule. Please consult with your financial advisor for more information.

Should I Accelerate My Mortgage Payoff?

Contributed by: Matt Trujillo, CFP® Matt Trujillo

Most homeowners make their regular mortgage payments every month for the duration of the loan term, and never think of doing otherwise. But by prepaying your mortgage, you could reduce the amount of interest you'll pay over time.

How Prepayment Affects a Mortgage

By prepaying your mortgage, you could reduce the amount of interest you'll pay over the life of the loan, regardless of the type of mortgage. Prepayment, however, affects fixed rate mortgages and adjustable rate mortgages in different ways.

If you prepay a fixed rate mortgage, you'll pay your loan off early. By reducing the term of your mortgage, you'll pay less interest over the life of the loan, and you'll own your home free and clear in less time.

If you prepay an adjustable rate mortgage, the term of your mortgage generally won't change. Your total loan balance will be reduced faster than scheduled, so you'll pay less interest over the life of the loan. Every time your interest rate is recalculated, your monthly payments may go down as well, since they'll be calculated against a smaller principal balance. If your interest rate goes up substantially, however, your monthly payments could increase, even though your principal balance has decreased.

Should I Prepay My Mortgage?

A common predicament is what to do with extra cash. Should you invest it or use it to prepay your mortgage? You'll need to consider many factors when making your decision. For instance, do you have an investment alternative that will give you a greater yield after taxes than prepaying your mortgage would offer in savings? Perhaps you'd be better off putting your money in a tax-deferred investment vehicle (particularly one where your contributions are matched, as in some employer-sponsored 401(k) plans). Remember, though, that the interest savings you'll obtain by prepaying your mortgage is a certainty; by comparison, the return on an alternative investment may not be a sure thing.

Other factors may also influence your decision. The best time to consider making prepayments on your mortgage would be when:

  • You can afford to contribute money on a regular basis

  • You have no better investment alternatives of comparable certainty

  • You cannot refinance your mortgage to obtain a lower interest rate

  • You have no outstanding consumer debts that are charging you high interest that isn't deductible for income tax purposes (e.g., credit card balances)

  • You are in the early years of your mortgage, when, given the amortization schedule, the interest charges are highest

  • You have sufficient liquid savings (three to six months' worth of living expenses) to cover your needs in the event of an emergency

  • You won't need the funds you'll use for mortgage prepayment in the near future for some other purpose, such as paying for college or caring for an aging parent

  • You intend to remain in your home for at least the next few years

Particularly against a fixed rate mortgage, regular contributions toward prepayment can dramatically shorten the life of the loan and result in savings on the total interest you're charged. As always, consult your financial planner before make any large financial moves. We’re here to look at the big picture and help make the best decisions for you particular situations.

Matthew Trujillo, CFP®, is a Certified Financial Planner™ at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Matt currently assists Center planners and clients, and is a contributor to Money Centered.

Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. and your Raymond James Financial Advisor do not solicit or offer residential mortgage products and are unable to accept any residential mortgage loan applications or to offer or negotiate terms of any such loan. You will be referred to a qualified Raymond James Bank employee for your residential mortgage lending needs.