General Financial Planning

Top 3 Reasons Why You Need A Financial Planner

Josh Bitel Contributed by: Josh Bitel, CFP®

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Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

1) Financial planning is complicated, but taking advice from a professional is easy.

In the age of technology, where a vast array of resources are at our immediate fingertips, “do-it-yourself” has become a much more popular strategy among Americans. For most projects, DIY is great for cost savings, but in the world of finance, this is not always practical. In financial planning, daily monitoring of your investments is sometimes required. Consider the current pandemic, with market volatility all over the map, investment opportunities can come and go in the blink of an eye. If you aren’t keeping a close eye on your finances, these opportunities can be missed. Most DIY investors already have a full-time job, so they simply do not have the time capacity that a financial planner has. Not to be overshadowed by the technical aspects of financial planning, behavioral finance is arguably just as important. As a third party, a financial planner can help mitigate the emotions that go into investing.  As my colleague eloquently wrote, investing is a lot like being a sports fan, and your financial planner can help you stay the course when the going gets rough.

2) No matter how simple or complex your financial issues may seem, an advisor can help.

Many people I’ve spoken to seem to think that financial planning is only required when you have a complex financial picture. However, this is a misguided belief, most people seek out financial help far too late in life. Financial advisors, especially CFP® professionals, are trained to evaluate both simple and complex issues and map out various routes for the best financial future. Another common belief is that financial advice is only needed when you are about to retire, however some of the most productive conversations I have had with clients have been centered around about getting on the right path early and setting your finances on cruise control.

3) Financial planning is not “only for the rich”.

One response I frequently hear that makes me squirm in my seat is that “financial planning is only for the wealthy”. Financial planning can be useful in several life events, such as a change in marital status, a job change, a growing family, or even just simply feeling overwhelmed with your financial matters. The objective of financial planning is to set someone on a path to reach their financial goals. Regardless of where you start or how large your goals may be, accomplishing those goals is what matters. Whether it be saving for a home, understanding your retirement plan at work, or establishing a debt payoff plan, a financial planner can help you make sure all your bases are covered.

Josh Bitel, CFP® is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He conducts financial planning analysis for clients and has a special interest in retirement income analysis.

The Center Celebrates 35 Years In Business

Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

35 years…another milestone reached! We had big plans to host an outdoor client appreciation event, but due to the unexpected Covid 19, we were forced to adjust.

Plans shifted to holding our first-ever virtual event. Clients and friends were invited to enjoy a Detroit History Tour presentation. We chose to take a Detroit Zoos tour (out of several interesting options). While everyone knows and loves the zoo located in Royal Oak…the city wasn’t its first home. The journey began in 1895 on Belle Isle.

As many attendees have visited the zoo over the years, it was a wonderful opportunity to look back in time and feel nostalgic. We definitely learned a thing or two…like how a monkey could be purchased for just $6 and how the cost to feed the animals drove the Belle Isle zoo to bankruptcy.

The virtual experience was made possible by Detroit History Tours.

A Message From Our Managing Partner:

We are excited to celebrate 35 years and thank you all for your continued confidence and trust. Serving you is an awesome responsibility and privilege, so thank you for allowing us to be of service. I’d like to share just a few of the highlights of The Center’s journey.

The Center was founded in 1985. Many of our clients began their relationship working with one of our founders, Dan Boyce, Marilyn Gunther, and Estelle Wade.  Make no mistake, these three were financial planning pioneers. Now strategies, tactics, and yes people have changed since 1985 – but the foundation, values, and pillars such as focusing on the financial planning process, creating comprehensive plans that encompass every aspect of a client’s financial life and well-being, focusing on long term relationships, and placing clients interest first have remained the same.

One of my favorite quotes is by Vivian Greene, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”  At the risk of stating the obvious, 2020 has been quite a storm. The health and economic fallout of Covid 19 has been trying for all of us. There have been other challenging times in our 35-year history. While The Great Recession in 2008-2009 did not include a pandemic – it certainly had severe economic and financial instability; all portfolios were impacted, and it was the first time in The Center’s history in which revenues dropped significantly from the preceding year. Back then, like today, we avoided layoffs and kept our entire team intact to ensure clients were well taken care of. There will be other challenging times and fortunately, The Center has experience helping families survive and thrive during these moments. We have always placed people, clients, and team members, over profits and we will continue to do so in the years ahead.

Over the years, with proper planning, our clients prospered, we earned the right to attract new clients, and the firm continued to grow at a measured pace. This was a time when we spent considerable time planning out Marilyn and Dan’s retirement transition for 2014 and 2015. We were very intentional in crafting plans to ensure that clients would receive the same world-class service that our founders provided as many of you began working with new lead financial planners. This was also a time when we moved our office up the street to our current location – our new space reflects our values of teamwork & collaboration and real & down to earth.

Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

So here is what the firm looks like today. We are a team of 30 dedicated, driven, competitive, and highly credentialed professionals. We serve over 800 clients and are responsible for managing assets in excess of $1.2 Billion. 

Financial planning done right has the power to improve lives. And from the beginning, The Center has been committed to building a sustainable business based upon sound fiduciary practices. That is, what is in the best interests of you, our clients, drives our decision making and service offering. Saying that we follow a fiduciary standard or place clients first is not a tag line – it is at the core of who we are.  Thank you again for allowing us to serve you and thank you for being a part of our 35th anniversary!

Timothy Wyman, CFP®, JD

Managing Partner

Do You Know Why 2020 Is A Critical Year For Tax Planning?

Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning
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It’s been quite the year, hasn’t it? 2020 has certainly kicked off the decade in an interesting fashion. In addition to the coronavirus quarantine, it’s also a year that required a significant amount of tax planning and forward-thinking. Why is this year so unique as it relates to taxes? Great question, let's dive in!


The SECURE ACT was passed in late December 2019 and became effective in 2020. The most meaningful part of the SECURE Act was the elimination of the stretch IRA provision for most non-spouse IRA beneficiaries. Non-spouse beneficiaries now only have a 10-year window to deplete the account which will likely result in the beneficiary being thrust into a higher tax bracket. This update has made many retirees re-think their distribution planning strategy as well as reconsider who they are naming as beneficiaries on certain accounts, given the beneficiary’s current and future tax bracket. Click HERE to read more about this change. 


Fast forward to March, the CARES Act was passed. This critical stimulus bill provided direct payments to most Americans, extended and increased unemployment benefits, and outlined the parameters for the Paycheck Protection Program for small business relief. Also, another important aspect of the CARES Act was the suspension of Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) for 2020. This isn’t the first time this has occurred. Back in 2009, RMDs were suspended to provide relief for retirees given the “Great Recession” and financial crisis. However, the reality is that for most Americans who are over 70 1/2 and subject to RMDs (RMDs now begin at age 72 starting in 2020 due to the SECURE Act), actually need the distributions for cash flow purposes. That said, for those retirees who have other income sources (ex. Social Security, large pensions, etc.) and investment accounts to cover cash flow and don’t necessarily “need” their RMD for the year for cash flow, 2020 presents a unique planning opportunity. Not having the RMD from your IRA or 401k flow through to your tax return as income could reduce your overall income tax bracket and also lower your future Medicare premiums (Part B & D premiums are based on your Modified Adjusted Gross Income). We have seen plenty of cases, however, that still make the case for the client to take their RMD or at least a portion of it given their current and projected future tax bracket. There is certainly no “one size fits all” approach with this one and coordination with your financial planner and tax professional is ideal to ensure the best strategy is employed for you. 

Lower Income In 2020

Income for many Americans is lower this year for a myriad of reasons. For those clients still working, it could be due to a pay cut, furlough, or layoff. Unfortunately, we have received several dozen calls and e-mails from clients informing us that they have been affected by one of the aforementioned events. In anomaly years where income is much less than the norm, it presents an opportunity to accelerate income (typically though IRA distributions, Roth IRA conversions, or capital gain harvesting). Every situation is unique so you should chat with your planner about these strategies if you have unfortunately seen a meaningful reduction in pay. 

Thankfully, the market has seen an incredible recovery since mid-March and most diversified portfolios are very close to their January 1st starting balances. However, income generated in after-tax investment accounts through dividends and interest are down a bit given dividend cuts by large corporations and because of our historically low interest rate environment. We were also were very proactive in March and April with a strategy known as tax-loss harvesting, so your capital gain exposure may be muted this year. Many folks will even have losses to carry over into 2021 and beyond which can help offset other forms of income. For these reasons, accelerating income could also be something to consider. 

Higher Tax Rates In 2021, A Very Possible Scenario 

Given current polling numbers, a Democratic sweep seems like a plausible outcome. If this occurs, many analysts are predicting that current, historically low rates could expire effective January 1, 2021. We obviously won’t know how this plays out until November, but if tax rates are expected to see a meaningful increase from where there are now, accelerating income should be explored. Converting money from a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA or moving funds from a pre-tax, Traditional IRA to an after-tax investment account (assuming you are over the age of 59 1/2 to avoid a 10% early withdrawal penalty) eliminates the future uncertainty of the taxes on those dollars converted or distributed. Ever since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed in late 2017 and went into law in 2018, we have been taking a close look at these strategies for clients as the low tax rates are set to expire on January 1, 2026. However, if taxes have a very real chance of going back to higher levels as soon as 2021, a more aggressive income acceleration plan could be prudent. 

As you can see, there have been many moving parts and items to consider related to tax planning for 2020. While we spend a great deal of our time managing the investments within your portfolio, our team is also looking at how all of these new laws and ever-changing tax landscape can impact your wealth as well. In our opinion, good tax planning doesn’t mean getting your current year’s tax liability as low as humanly possible. It’s about looking at many different aspects of your plan, including your current income, philanthropy goals, future income, and tax considerations as well as considering the individuals or organizations that will one day inherit your wealth and helping you pay the least amount of tax over your entire lifetime.

Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick specializes in tax-efficient retirement income and distribution planning for clients and serves as a trusted source for local and national media publications, including WXYZ, PBS, CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine and

All investments are subject to risk. There is no assurance that any investment strategy will be successful. Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted. Additionally, each converted amount may be subject to its own five-year holding period. Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has tax implications. Investors should consult a tax advisor before deciding to do a conversion. Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

COVID-19 and Your Money: Know These 4 Easy Financial Tips

Sandy Adams Contributed by: Sandra Adams, CFP®

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Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

The coronavirus pandemic has taken us by storm. The virus has been devastating both financially and psychologically for many across the world. It has changed the way we will likely live our lives forever and forced us to slow down and think about things differently. Here are the top financial lessons that COVID-19 has helped us to see a little clearer...lessons that may be worth holding onto even after the pandemic is behind us.

  1. Stick To A Budget

    It is easy for budgeting to take a backseat when times are good. We may find ourselves spending money on unnecessary items because we aren’t paying attention. The pandemic forced many to take a hard look at their expenses due to loss of income and free time. Many cut back on those “extras” they didn’t need, didn’t want, or weren’t using. They found ways to be more frugal without impacting the quality of life. Also a major plus: family time at home didn’t cost anything.

  2. Have An Emergency Reserve Fund

    As in any financial crisis or economic slowdown, having emergency reserves can save you if hours are cut or a job is lost. While you can collect unemployment, there is often a gap in it getting paid out. Having emergency reserves, enough to get you through several months’ worth of expenses can be a lifesaver in these situations. The truth is, the majority of the U.S. population does not have this. If you do not have an emergency reserve fund…make this your goal before the next crisis!

  3. Update Your Estate Plan

    People of all ages suddenly realized it might not be too soon to make sure their estate planning documents are in order. Durable Powers of Attorney and Wills (and potentially a Trust if applicable) used to put off most younger folks until they started to have families or until they felt like they had accumulated “enough” in assets. The sudden threat of a virus that could take your life at any age suddenly made these documents more important. Even more so with anyone over the age of 18 needs to have their Durable Powers of Attorney as their parents are no longer able to make legal, financial, or medical decisions on their behalf. Many COVID-19 patients were taken to facilities alone and not allowed to have a family member accompany them.

  4. Get Life Insurance

    The pandemic caused a surge of folks to wonder if they were sufficiently covered from a life insurance standpoint. Many were younger families who had not yet accumulated sufficient assets to support their spouses and children long-term. While less common, COVID-19 deaths have appeared in the young adult group. If those families did not have sufficient life insurance, their surviving members were left in a devastating financial situation. It’s extremely important to make sure one always has sufficient life insurance coverage until they have the time to accumulate assets to support their families later in life. More young folks need to get life insurance; middle-age clients need it if asset accumulation is behind schedule. 

While COVID-19 has greatly impacted our lives, we can certainly learn from it. Consider implementing these 4 lessons. We are certain to learn more lessons from COVID-19, but this is a good place to start!

Sandra Adams, CFP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® and holds a CeFT™ designation. She specializes in Elder Care Financial Planning and serves as a trusted source for national publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Research Magazine, and Journal of Financial Planning.

What You Need to Know About the RMDs Deadline Extension

Robert Ingram Contributed by: Robert Ingram, CFP®

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To combat the economic impact of COVID-19, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act on March 27, 2020.  The more than 2 trillion dollar stimulus package contained numerous provisions including an expansion of unemployment benefits, tax credit direct payments to qualified individuals, financial support to small businesses/healthcare facilities/state and local governments, and some changes to retirement account rules.  One of the provisions affecting retirement accounts was to suspend Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) for 2020.  Individuals subject to RMDs for qualified retirement plans such as 401(k), 403(b) and IRA accounts are not required to take distributions this year (including beneficiaries owning inherited IRAs who were still subject to annual RMDs).

What does this suspension of RMDs mean for individuals who have already taken distributions prior to the CARES Act, but would not have if given the choice? If you have taken a distribution before March 27 is there a way to reverse or ‘undo’ the distribution?

Expanding The 60-Day Rollover Window For 2020

A retirement account owner that takes possession of a distribution from the account has 60 days from the date of withdrawal to complete a rollover into another eligible retirement account, for example, a rollover to an IRA.  Doing so excludes the distribution from income that could be subject to taxes and penalties.  This is referred to as the 60-day rollover rule; the IRS allows this one time per 12-month period. Please note that the one time per year rule does NOT apply to direct rollovers such a direct 401(k) rollover to an IRA.

Individuals who took a retirement account distribution prior to March 27 and were still within the 60 days since taking the distribution could have used the 60-day rollover rule to put their distribution back into their respective accounts, classifying it as a rollover.  However, this window was very limited.

In April, the IRS issued the first notice of guidance extending the 60-day rollover rule in 2020:

What qualified?

Distributions taken on or after February 1, 2020 could be rolled over into the retirement account.

When must the distribution be rolled over into the retirement account?

The later of

  1. 60 days after receiving the distribution

  2. July 15, 2020

This provided greater flexibility for individuals that had taken an RMD after January 31.  However, it still did not cover those that received an RMD in January.  Individuals that had already completed a once per year 60-day rollover within the last 12-months would also have been ineligible to use this rollover rule again to reverse their RMD.  In addition, this rollover window would not apply to non-spouse beneficiaries with inherited IRA accounts, since rollovers are not allowed for those accounts.

IRS Extends Rollover Deadline For All RMDs Made In 2020 To August 31st

In June, the IRS issued further guidance that essentially allows all RMDs that have been taken in 2020 to be repaid.  This IRS notice 2020-51 does the following:

  • Rollover deadline has been extended to August 31, 2020 and covers RMDs taken any time in 2020.  This allows those who have taken RMDs as early as January to put the funds back into their retirement accounts by rolling over the funds if it is completed by August 31st.

  • This rollover to reverse RMDs taken in 2020 does not count as part of the once per year 60-day rollover. This would allow individuals to use the rollover to prepay their RMDs regardless of whether they had already used a 60-day rollover within the last 12 months.

  • Provides an exception allowing non-spouse beneficiaries to return RMDs to their Inherited IRAs in 2020.

A couple of points of note when considering repaying your RMDs taken this year

  • The IRS notice 2020-51 only applies to distributions representing your Required Minimum Distribution amount.  Distributions other than your RMD amounts would be subject to the once per year 60-day rollover rule.

  • If you had federal or state taxes withheld when you took your required minimum distribution, these amounts cannot be reversed and returned from the federal or state treasuries.  You could return your total gross RMD back to your retirement account, but it would have to be made out-of-pocket.  Any excess withholding would be resolved next year when you file your 2020 tax returns.

While reversing this year’s required minimum distributions may provide some great benefits such as potentially lowering your taxable income in 2020 or allowing for a Roth IRA conversion as an alternative, everyone’s financial situation and tax planning needs are unique.  For some folks, it could make sense to take RMDs if they expect higher income in the future that could fall in a higher tax bracket, for example.

Having a good conversation with your advisors can help you decide what is right for you.  As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Robert Ingram, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® With more than 15 years of industry experience, he is a trusted source for local media outlets and frequent contributor to The Center’s “Money Centered” blog.

The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Raymond James does not provide tax or legal services. Please discuss these matters with the appropriate professional. Conversions from IRA to Roth may be subject to its own five-year holding period. Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½ or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals of contributions along with any earnings are permitted. Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has tax implications. Investors should consult a tax advisor before deciding to do a conversion.

Should I worry if my 401k savings are down?

Robert Ingram Contributed by: Robert Ingram, CFP®

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Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Retirement Planning

It can be scary when financial markets are volatile and selloffs happen. Understandably, many are concerned about how COVID-19 will impact the economy, our health, and our financial security. These fears and the volatile markets that follow can temp retirement savers to make drastic changes to their investment portfolios; some may even cease investing entirely. For example, if you watch your 401(k) continue to lose value, you may want to stop contributing. However, I’ll explain why you should stick with your current long-term savings and investment plan.

Why Its Beneficial to Keep Contributing

Contributing to a retirement plan like a 401(k) or 403(b) is still one of the best ways for most Americans to save and build wealth for retirement, particularly in times of economic uncertainty. 

  • Tax Benefits 

    Contributions to most 401(k) plans are made pre-tax, meaning these amounts are excluded from your taxable income in the year they are made. This reduces your current income taxes. It also allows those savings to grow tax-deferred year-after-year until they are withdrawn.

    Employer plans that offer a Roth designated account (i.e. a Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b)) can present a great opportunity for investing. Roth contributions are made after-tax, so those amounts do not reduce your taxable income like the 401(k) does. However, those savings grow tax-deferred. The withdrawals and earnings are tax-exempt, provided you are at least age 59 ½ and have held the account for at least 5 years. This tax-free growth can be a powerful tool, especially for individuals that may be in a higher income tax bracket in the future.

  • Opportunity To Buy Low

    For investors that are still contributing to their plans, a downturn in markets actually presents an opportunity to invest new savings into funds at lower prices. This allows the same amount of contributions to buy more shares. As markets and economic conditions rebound, you will have accumulated more shares of investments that could grow in value.

  • Matching Contributions

    Need another incentive to keep those contributions going? Don’t forget about opportunities to receive employer matching with retirement plans. If your employer offers a 401(k) match, you would receive additional savings on top of your own contributions. Let’s say your employer matches 50% on contributions you make up to 6% of your salary. By putting 6% of your income into your 401(k), your employer would contribute an extra 3%. That’s like earning a 50% return on your invested contributions immediately. Those extra contributions can then buy additional shares which can also compound over time. 

Should I Ever Consider Stopping Contributions?

Even in a booming economy and during the strongest bull market, it’s important to have a strong financial foundation in place before deciding to invest over the long-term. Having key elements of your day-day-finances as stable as possible is necessary as we navigate the incredible challenges created by COVID-19. A few examples include:

  • Control Over Your Cash Flow

    Do you know exactly how much money you earn and spend? Understanding where your income exceeds your expenses gives you the fuel to power your savings. How secure is your employment? Are you in an industry directly or indirectly impacted by the economic shutdowns due to COVID-19? What would happen to your cash flow if you had a reduced income? If there are other expenses you could cut in order to maintain your contributions, you should still try to contribute. However, if you need every dollar possible to pay your bills, you would have no choice but to suspend your 401(k) contributions.

  • Cash For Any Short-Term Needs

    Having cash reserves is a critical part of a sound financial plan. If an unexpected expense occurs or you had a loss of income, be sure to have cash savings to draw from rather than being forced to sell investments that may less valuable or to use credit cards with high-interest debt. If your savings is less than a month’s worth of normal expenses, you should consider focusing your efforts on reinforcing your cash reserve rather than on your retirement plan. Then, ideally, you should work towards building 3 to 6 months’ expenses for your emergency fund as you continue to save for retirement or other goals.

  • Tackling Your Debt

    If you have high-interest rate debt that you are working to pay off and are unable to find additional savings in your budget to increase your payment amounts, it could make sense to redirect your retirement plan contributions to pay the debt down first. On the other hand, if your employer offers a company match, you should still consider contributing at least enough to get the full amount of matching dollars (remember that free money could see a return of 50% or more). You could then redirect any amounts you are contributing above that maximum match percentage.

Your situation and needs are unique to you. It’s important to work closely with a financial advisor when making decisions, especially in these incredibly difficult times.

Robert Ingram, CFP®, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® With more than 15 years of industry experience, he is a trusted source for local media outlets and frequent contributor to The Center’s “Money Centered” blog.

Keep in mind that investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

COVID‐19 and Your Money: New Risks and Simple Solutions

COVID-19 and Money: New Risks and Simple Solutions Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®
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Should pre‐retirees (and their advisors) take a new look at retirement income? It’s no secret that COVID‐19 has greatly impacted the world, but let’s talk specifically about its impact on retirement planning. Partner and Senior Financial Planner Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP® provides valuable insight in this Q+A.

Q. Does the COVID‐19 crisis (market decline and job loss) mean retirement is more in peril than ever before? Some advisors tell clients to "work longer" to achieve their desired retirement outcome, but has that advice quickly become outdated due to job cuts?

A. Unfortunately, many retirement plans will be pushed out by the pandemic. Even in a diversified 60% stock and 40% bond portfolio, many clients were down just north of 20% around mid‐April. Thankfully, the market has recovered quite a bit since its lows in March. However, for those closely approaching retirement, this highlights the danger of the “sequence of returns risk”…aka having crummy market returns in the year or so leading up to retirement or shortly after transitioning into retirement. Working longer is still good advice, in my opinion, but what most advisors don’t communicate is that working longer doesn’t have to mean working full‐time longer. Over the past 5 years, I’ve seen an uptick with clients “phasing into retirement”, which essentially means working on a part‐time basis before stopping work completely. Most clients largely underestimate how big of a positive impact on working and earning even $15,000/yr for several years can have on the long term sustainability of their portfolio.

Q. Does the 4% withdrawal rule make sense?

A. Yes, I believe it does. Keep in mind, it’s still a very conservative distribution rate for those with a 30‐35 year retirement time horizon, especially if the client is comfortable dipping into principal. Right now, I think the biggest risk of the 4% rule is our low interest rate environment and the “sequence of returns risk” mentioned previously. However, they both can be greatly mitigated through prudent planning and investment choices in the “retirement risk zone” which I would define as 3 years leading up to retirement and 3 years post‐retirement.

Q. Should pre‐retirees be looking at guaranteed sources of income, such as annuities?

A. Annuities should be evaluated for almost all retirees. The keyword here is evaluated and not implemented. Annuities have a bad reputation by some very prominent faces you see in the media and rightfully so for a myriad of reasons. But the reality is simple, guaranteed income is proven to make human beings feel happier and more secure, especially in retirement and there are only a few ways to get it. Through the government (Social Security), pensions (which are becoming extinct), and annuities. When using annuities for clients I work with, it’s only for a portion of their overall spending goals, perhaps 10‐20% of their cash flow needs. That will not be the right fit for everyone, but it should be part of the due diligence process when evaluating the proper retirement income strategy for a client. In times like this, you won’t find too many clients who are upset that they transferred risk from their portfolio to an insurance company in the form of an annuity that offers guaranteed income.*

Q. Do you have an interesting story about a client who changed their strategy?

A. I work with a couple who recently faced a hard stop working full‐time for several reasons, one being health‐related. Their retirement income goals are a bit of a stretch considering their accumulated portfolio. Our plan was for husband and wife (both 62) to work part‐time starting this year to be eligible for health insurance and receive some income until at least 65. This would dramatically shrink their portfolio distribution rate in the early years of retirement where the “sequence of return risk” is very real. Unfortunately, both of their jobs were affected by the pandemic and the possibility of working part‐time for several years is now slim to none. The clients own their home free and clear and have no plans whatsoever to move in the future. This ultimately led them to explore a home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) which is a type of reverse mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration. Over the past decade, there have been dramatic improvements in how these loans are structured to protect borrowers and surviving spouses. It can be a phenomenal financial planning and retirement income tool as researched by well‐respected thought leaders in our profession such as Wade Pfau and Michael Kitces. The HECM is allowing the clients to fully retire right now and enjoy time with their grandkids. They can now step away from jobs that have been extremely stressful for them over the years. Helping them find such a solution to still achieve their goal in this environment has been extremely rewarding!

Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick specializes in tax-efficient retirement income and distribution planning for clients and serves as a trusted source for local and national media publications, including WXYZ, PBS, CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine and

*Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the insurance company. Every investor's situation is unique and you should consider your investment goals, risk tolerance and time horizon before making any investment. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Be sure to contact a qualified professional regarding your particular situation before making any investment or withdrawal decision. This material is provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. There is no guarantee that these statements, opinions or forecasts provided herein will prove to be correct. This information is not intended as a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any security referred to herein. Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. does not provide advice on mortgages.

Beware Of This COVID-19 Scam

Beware of this COVID-19 Scam Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

During times of uncertainty, it is common for adversaries to take advantage of global headlines in an attempt to get people to click malicious links, enter credentials on fraudulent websites, volunteer their personal information, download malicious software or fall for common interpersonal scams.  

Emerging Trend: Economic Impact Payment Scams

Congress recently passed a COVID-19 relief and stimulus package (click here to learn more about the “CARES Act”). As with other aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, fraudsters are exploiting the relief and stimulus efforts to victimize the public. The latest scams optimize on these stimulus relief initiatives like Economic Impact Payments to trick individuals into providing financial and other personal information.

If you receive calls, emails, or other communications claiming to be from the Treasury Department, the IRS or other government agency offering COVID-19 related grants or stimulus payments in exchange for personal financial information, an advance fee, or charge of any kind, including the purchase of gift cards; do not give out your personal information.

Economic Impact Payment Scam Red Flags

  • The use of words like "Stimulus Check" or "Stimulus Payment." The official term is Economic Impact Payment.

  • The caller or sender asking you to sign over your Economic Impact Payment check to them.

  • Asking by phone, email, text or social media for verification of personal and/or banking information, insisting that the information is needed to receive or speed up your Economic Impact Payment.

  • An offer to expedite a tax refund or Economic Impact Payment faster by working on the taxpayer's behalf. This scam could be conducted by social media or even in person.

  • Receiving a 'stimulus check' for an odd amount (especially one with cents), or a check that requires that you verify the check online or by calling a number.

Pandemic-Related Phishing Attempts

COVID-19-related email scams have become the largest collection of attacks united by a single theme. Adversaries continue to pose as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and now government agencies like the IRS to obtain information. General COVID-19 red flags include:

  • Urging people to click on links regarding “safety tips” to prevent sickness and to “view new cases around your city.”

  • Posing as the CDC, WHO or other well-known health organizations.

  • Posing as a medical professionals requesting personal information.

Protecting Senior Citizens

  • ·Under normal circumstances, seniors are more likely to fall victim to scams. Preying on fear and isolation, fraudsters have no reservations about trying to take advantage of this section of the population even in the most desperate times.

  • Additionally, as social distancing continues to be necessary, experts worry that social isolation will lead to depression, anxiety and ailing health for some seniors. These could lead to both cognitive decline and the desire to find social interaction online—easily leading senior and at-risk clients to fall victim to both COVID-19 scams and other common online, interpersonal or romance scams.

Security Recommendations

We recommend that you take the following actions if you receive a suspicious email or phone call:

  • If you believe an email could be suspicious, do not click any links, reply or provide any information.

  • Always confirm who you are receiving emails from. Thoroughly check the email sender and domain names to be sure that they are accurate before giving out any personal details or performing any requests.

  • Be aware of common red flags such as a sense of urgency, posing as a person of authority, or even uncommon language coming from a person you speak to every day.

Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick specializes in tax-efficient retirement income and distribution planning for clients and serves as a trusted source for local and national media publications, including WXYZ, PBS, CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine and

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What Is the Paycheck Protection Program?

Josh Bitel Contributed by: Josh Bitel, CFP®

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What is the paycheck protection program? Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. One major component of the CARES Act is the Paycheck Protection Program, a program intended to provide support to small businesses as they ride out the difficult economic times and encourage retaining employees, or rehiring those who have been laid off.

The Paycheck Protection Program will provide up to $349 billion in forgivable loans to small businesses to help pay their employees during this time. The terms of the loan will be the same for everyone who applies. These loans will be forgiven as long as the following conditions are met:

  • Loan proceeds are used to cover payroll costs, mortgage interest, rent, and utility costs over the 8 weeks for which the loan was made. (The term “payroll costs” are defined as compensation, capped at $100,000 on an annualized basis for any employee.)

  • Employees are maintained with the same compensation levels.

Who is eligible?

Any business with 500 or fewer employees, including nonprofits, sole proprietors, and independent contractors. Some businesses with more than 500 employees may be eligible, contact the SBA for more information.

How much can a small business get?

Loans can be for up to two months of your average monthly payroll costs from the last year plus an additional 25% of that amount. That amount is subject to a $10 million cap. The government has allocated $349 billion toward this program, which may not be sufficient to satisfy every business in need. While they could elect to increase this amount, it is best to apply for the loan as soon as possible. This loan is available until June 30, 2020.

When can you file?

  • Starting April 3rd, small businesses and sole proprietorships can apply for and receive loans to cover their payroll and other certain expenses through existing SBA lenders.

  • On April 10th, independent contractors and self-employed individuals may apply.

What are the loan terms?

Loans will have a fixed interest rate of 1%, and payments are deferred for 6 months. Interest will accrue over this 6 months period, however. The loan is due in 2 years, with the option to pay it back early, and does not require any form of collateral. The SBA has waived any additional fees typically associated with SBA loans.

Business owners may only apply for one loan. Proceeds may be used on payroll costs and benefits, interest on mortgage obligations that incurred prior to February 15th, 2020, rent under lease agreements incurred before February 15th, 2020, and utilities, for which service began before February 15th, 2020.

How will my loan be forgiven?

You will only owe money after two years when your loan is due if:

  • You use the loan amount for anything other than payroll costs, mortgage interest, rent, and utility payments over the 8 weeks after getting the loan.

  • Your loan forgiveness will be reduced if you decrease salaries or wages by more than 25% for any employee that made less than $100,000 in 2019.

  • Your loan forgiveness will also be reduced if you decrease the number of full-time employees during this time. o If you do make staff changes, you may re-hire these employees by June 30th, 2020 and restore salary levels for any changes made between February 15th and April 26th, 2020.

Applicants may apply through existing SBA lenders or other regulated lenders. Go to to view a list of SBA lenders. To apply, you must complete the Paycheck Protection Program application by June 30th. Supply is limited so we recommend applying as soon as possible. You can access the application here.

The world may seem out of sorts lately, but we are here to help and answer any questions you may have. We will continue to stay on top of any changes that may impact your financial plan.

Josh Bitel is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He conducts financial planning analysis for clients and has a special interest in retirement income analysis.

While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, as financial advisors of Raymond James, we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

If I Don’t Have To Take A Withdrawal From My IRA This Year, Can I Still Give To Charity?

Jeanette LoPiccolo Contributed by: Jeanette LoPiccolo, CRPC®

If I don't have to take a withdrawal from my IRA this year, can I still give to charity? Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®

With the recent passage of the CARES Act, IRA owners (over the age of 70 ½) are not required to make a minimum distribution in 2020. While some folks may wish to continue their IRA withdrawals for cash flow or tax planning reasons, others may wish to skip IRA withdrawals.

The good news: If you are over age 70 ½ and want to make donations to charity, Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) continue to be a great strategy for 2020. Simply contact your Client Service Associate to get the process started.

QCD Refresher

The QCD, which applies only if you’re at least 70 ½ years old, allows you to directly donate up to $100,000 per year to a charity. Normally, any distribution from an IRA is considered ordinary income from a tax perspective; however, when the dollars go directly to a charity or 501(c)3 organization, the distribution from the IRA is considered not taxable.

If you are not sure how much you can afford to give to charity this year, simply ask your financial planner to review your plan and make a recommendation.

Jeanette LoPiccolo, CFP® is an Associate Financial Planner at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® She is a 2018 Raymond James Outstanding Branch Professional, one of three recognized nationwide.

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